How content plays a big role in social media marketing

“Content is a king” - this is not a myth. That's the reason many businesses invest part of their amount into content marketing. But how do you know what will resonate with your audience? And what about all those different platforms — how can you create content that works well on each platform?

Don't worry! You're at the right place. This blog post covers everything you're looking for. Let's dive deep into the importance of social media and how it can help you to achieve your goals.

But first, let's understand the types of social media content.

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Types Of Social Media Content

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing, but it can be challenging to know where to start.  With so many different types of content, it might get overwhelming to figure out which one is suitable for your business. So, to make sure you get the most out of your social media efforts, here's a quick rundown.

1. Engaging Content

You want your social media posts to build relationships with your followers and potential customers, so they feel like they're part of something bigger than just a brand — they're part of a community.

You can build community on social media by creating content that engages your audience and makes them feel like they're part of something bigger than just a brand. Popular tools like Jasper, smartwriter can help to create faster and better content.

One way to do this is by asking questions that get people talking. For example, ask what your followers think about the newest product launch if you want to know! Or, if there's a topic in the news relevant to your business, ask them how they feel about it.

2. Informational Content

If someone comes across your content on social media, they should immediately understand what the post is about, who it's for, and how they can benefit from it.

Let’s say you're a business that sells vitamin supplements. And, you want to post about your new product without sounding salesy.

You might write something like: "Want to stay young forever? Take our vitamin supplements."

Such an amazing way of telling the audience to buy vitamin supplements without being too promotional, right? So, make sure your content is clear and concise, with no fluff or jargon.

3. Encouraging Content

Quality over quantity matters here. Be unique and create engaging and user-encouraging content which helps to build your unique brand.

For example, if you're writing a blog about plants and gardening, you could write an article about how to grow strawberries in pots. You could include an image of a pot full of strawberries and instructions on how to grow them this way. Then at the bottom of your post, you could have a link to your store where people can buy potted strawberry plants for themselves.

4. Entertaining Content

People come to social media sites like Facebook and Instagram because they want entertainment — whether it's in the form of memes or videos of cute animals doing things. So if you can provide your customers with helpful information about your business and entertain them, they'll be more likely to listen to what you're saying.

For example, if you're a clothing brand, you might post a video where a model walks down the runway wearing one of your pieces. Of course, because this is entertaining, people will want to watch it. But then, when the video ends, you can remind people that they can buy that piece on your website. This way, they'll be entertained while watching your content and reminded of how they can purchase the product later!

How To Improve Your Social Media Content Strategy

The key to a successful social media content strategy is knowing what type of content you want to create, when and how often you wish to post, how you'll repurpose content from other channels, which channel is best for your brand, and how you can improve your strategy as you go.

Let’s take a closer look at these strategies to understand them better.

1. Schedule your Social Media Posts.

Here we can talk about creating and posting content consistently. Maybe because of time or writer's block you might not be able to create content regularly. Using social media management tools, like Hootsuite or its alternatives, can help streamline this process. So, it is better to schedule in advance. Also, scheduling helps to post at the right time - manually there are chances that you may skip.

2. Repurpose content from other channels.

One approach is to repurpose content from other channels. For example, if you have an old blog post that has been shared by a number of people and received some excellent feedback, consider turning it into a video or a podcast episode for your social media channels. Or, if you have an email marketing newsletter that did well with subscribers, why not turn it into a blog post?

Another option is to repurpose existing content into different formats. For example, if you have an infographic that performed well on Pinterest but didn't get much traction elsewhere, consider turning it into a YouTube video full of animations and sound effects!

3. Choose the right social media channel.

Choose the social media platform that is best for you. You can't just choose any platform and expect it to work for you — You need to define your audience too. So there are various factors like where your audience is, type of content, and more.

If your customers are young people who use Instagram and TikTok, these are probably the best places to post your content. If they're older people who use Facebook, then it is probably better.

The best way to find out what works is by trying out different channels and seeing which gets the most engagement from your audience. Each social media platform has its unique analytics dashboard to leverage the data,and in case you find it insufficient, there are many social media analytic tools available to give you in-depth analysis.

4. Stick to your niche and target audience.

If you're running a business, it's important to remember that the best way to get new customers is to keep the ones you already have.

If your company already has a customer base, you can use that information to target your marketing efforts. For example, if most of your customers are men, you might focus on advertising in men's magazines or websites geared toward men. On the other hand, if most of your customers are younger women, then you should probably focus on social media and other platforms that reach that demographic.

The more specific your target audience is the better your chance of getting them to notice and act on your ads.

5. Discover best performing content.

Social media is about connecting with people — so before creating the perfect strategy, it's important to know what kind of content resonates with your audience.

There are many ways to get data on this:

  1. Look at the analytics for your posts and comments
  2. Perform A/B tests on different types of content
  3. Ask followers what kind of things they'd like to see more
  4. Read what customers said in reviews about your products. The possibilities are endless!

Once you've collected all this data and analyzed it thoroughly, we recommend using it as a starting point for creating an editorial calendar.

6. Measure results and improve your strategy.

Your social media strategy needs to be constantly measured and improved. You should be measuring the success of each piece of content you post on social media, whether it's an image, video, or text-based post. The content should be unique and resonate with the trends. For eg, you can use an Instagram caption generator that creates trending and catchy captions which can help you get more engagement.

This will help you determine what kind of content works best for your audience and what kind of content gets shared most often.

For example, if you generate Instagram caption

Instagram, make sure  

If you notice that one type of post is doing better than another, you can use this data to inform future decisions about what types of posts to create.

7. Use tools to identify and make changes in your strategy.

Social media analytics can be a valuable tool in your content strategy. The first step is to use the tools available to you to identify areas for improvement. Then, make changes and track how they affect your audience's engagement with your content.

How to make your social media content appealing

When creating content, remember to keep the following in mind:

  • Use a catchy title. The title is what will be displayed on the page, so make sure it resonates with your audience and makes them want to click on it.
  • Use an image that's attractive or relevant to your title. This can be as simple as using a stock photo or drawing your own illustration for the image using tools like Procreate along with a free glitter brush for Procreate.
  • Put as much effort into writing an enticing description as you put into creating the other parts of your piece of content — the description should match what people expect from reading both the title and image together.
  • Use relevant hashtags to reach new audiences who might not otherwise find you based on their search terms alone. However, don't go overboard with hashtags or try too hard — you want people looking at actual content when they see something related instead of just seeing a list without any substance behind it!

Importance of tracking results

Results tracking can help you understand how well your strategy works for each platform, who is engaging with your content and why, and whether or not people are taking action after seeing it. This will help you make adjustments along the way so that you can continue improving performance over time. It's also important to measure results because it helps validate all of the work and resources being put into creating content for each channel.

In general, there are three main types of analysis you can perform:

1. Content performance: This includes data on how many people have viewed or engaged with a piece of content, as well as data on what they did after viewing/engaging.

2. Social engagement: This includes data on how much social engagement a piece of content received (for example, likes/comments/shares).

3. Conversion rates: This includes data on how many people took action after seeing your content (for example, buying something or subscribing to a newsletter).


Social media marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience. Content plays a huge role in social media marketing because it helps establish trust and authority with your followers or customers who may not have heard of your brand before.

Creating quality content is the best way to implement social media marketing — by making sure your audience will want to share and engage with it, you'll be building a community around your brand that people know when they’re looking for something new.

This is a guest blog post by Bhargav Bavarva.

Bhargav Bavarva is a digital marketing consultant, founder & growth architect at NextPinnacle and reviews the best SaaS software to run an online business. He helps local business & SaaS brands to get more Traffic, Conversions and Sales to grow businesses faster.