How to Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money: Step-by-Step Guide

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Do you want to earn money from home, but don’t know where to begin? Or do you want to start your own online business, but are too afraid to take the risk? Then Affiliate marketing is what you need! Affiliate marketing helps you to make money by promoting other people’s products and services. It’s the future of online business, and it’s one of the easiest ways to earn passive income.

Affiliate marketing is probably the only way you can make a significant amount of money while you sleep. Or at least it’s one of the easiest ways to do that. In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to start affiliate marketing with no money.

So, if you’ve been considering how to start affiliate marketing for free, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is promoting other people’s products and services, in exchange for a small fee, reward, or free product. It is one of the easiest ways to make money online, and it’s a great way to generate an income.

Affiliate marketing is the future of online business. The internet is a new way that people do business, and it’s proven to be a more effective means than traditional advertising.  Affiliate marketing is simple to start, easy to learn, and doesn’t require much knowledge or experience.  It allows you to make money from home, even if you have a full-time job.

Really! You only need to promote your affiliate products for a few hours each day and then let them sit for the rest of the day. The goal is to send traffic to your affiliate site and earn a small commission from each sales transaction. Affiliate marketing is a great method to earn passive income and it’s easier than ever before. No matter your experience level, you can start a successful affiliate marketing business with the right strategy, tools, and training.

How does affiliate marketing work?

Consider it as a type of performance-based marketing in which entrepreneurs earn commission by promoting someone else's products. The person advertising the product pays the affiliate a percentage of any revenue generated from items sold after following their link or advertisement, as opposed to paying for ad space with traditional media (e.g., newspaper, magazine) where they would be charged at cost per thousand impressions (CPM).

Affiliates work in a variety of methods, some more successful than others. Some will place links on their site that will earn them a commission for every lead or sale they drive to the advertiser's site (lead generation). Others may use social media, blogs, or other marketing efforts with the hopes of directing traffic to the advertiser's landing page (sales generation). Some affiliates are essentially resellers—they might take a manufacturer's wares and resell them on Amazon/eBay or sell them through their own eCommerce store.

There are many variations of affiliate programs, but they all follow the same basic structure. Affiliates identify a product; drool over it and make sure everyone else knows how great it is; then drive sales by getting people to click through to purchase products directly from an advertiser's site. You can find affiliate programs for just about everything you can imagine including food, physical goods, online services, entertainment, and much more.

Affiliate marketing is an expanding field. The Internet has made it easier for the average person to start affiliate marketing for free. It has widened the scope of who can become an affiliate marketer as well as the range of products and services available. These opportunities exist in nearly every industry sector now—with online retailers being a prime example. This makes it possible for you to choose from a wide variety of affiliate-marketing networks, join the one that best fits your interests and start working with them immediately!

The Affiliate Marketing Business Model

The affiliate marketing business model is simple and effective. A business provides a product (or service) to its audience, and the affiliate marketer provides a product (or service) that complements it. Let us walk you through the process of an affiliate sale:

An affiliate marketer decides to work with a brand by signing up with their business on the platform of their choice. Once they have completed the registration process, they are provided with a range of tools and services to get started promoting your products or services immediately. This usually includes banners, text links, and landing pages that complement the design of their website.

The marketer establishes a relationship with their audience by creating useful, quality content that brings value to all readers. To promote their articles, they place links and banners on their website or social media accounts wherever relevant, to refer readers back to the brand's website or eCommerce store. They could also place banner ads on their website hosted specifically for this purpose. Or they can send targeted email campaigns to their mailing list using email marketing services.

The affiliate marketer may also place banners or text links in the content they share on social media, such as Twitter or Facebook. For this purpose, they typically use a service like bitly to shorten any URLs they share on social media so that your brand is always visible.

Since the affiliate marketer’s audience is engaged with their content, they are more likely to click on the links and banners they share (and sometimes even make sales!) using the brand's products and services. The affiliate marketer earns a commission for each sale related to one of their articles or videos shared on their website or social media platforms. Typically this works out to about 3-15% of the sale depending on how much effort the affiliate marketer puts into promoting the brand's products or services.

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Starting Affiliate Marketing with No Money

Now that we’ve covered the basics of affiliate marketing, let’s look at how to start affiliate marketing with no money. If you’re looking for a quick way to start affiliate marketing, this guide is for you.

Step 1: Find a niche

When you start affiliate marketing, the first step is to determine what niche you are going to be promoting products in. The niche also called an area of interest, will be determined by what you know about and like.

Secondly, you need to find products that are connected with your niche so the best way is to research it online or ask a friend in the same industry for their opinion on which companies they recommend.

You could start out promoting affiliate marketing products without any experience but nowadays some people prefer starting off as a customer before becoming an affiliate marketer themselves because this helps them learn more about different niches and hopefully develop connections with brands in those niches too. You can try to find premium reseller hosting services as a niche for your affiliate marketing efforts.

Step 2: Do research on affiliate programs and opportunities

Researching the market for available opportunities in affiliate marketing that aligns with the niche you've chosen is the best way you can proceed. This is because it would be advantageous for you to investigate the market before taking any action and committing yourself. It's good practice in affiliate marketing to study various aspects of the industry – both online and offline, as well as its trends. This way, a lot can be learned about how other people are doing things; this information could then inform decisions on one's own niche or strategy.

Step 3: Select an affiliate marketing Program

When you're done with your research, try to at least select one affiliate marketing program to start with. You can also get registered on the Amazon Affiliate Program.

One option is to join an affiliate program marketplace or network where you can browse thousands of programs and sign up for them through the marketplace. Choose the affiliate marketing program that you like best and where you will be able to earn the most. Some programs might offer higher payouts for signing up or placing a certain number of sales, while others may have better commission rates once you make your first sale with them. It is important to research what each program has before choosing one so that you can find something that best suits your needs as an affiliate marketer like maximizing revenue potential in order to maintain financial stability.

Step 4: Identify your unique angle as a content creator

It's true that affiliate marketing is quite competitive. The product you are planning to promote is already being promoted by many other affiliate marketers. To stand out, try to create a unique angle while creating content. What can you bring to the table that others cannot? This could be your experience with the product, or it could be something else entirely. It's up to you. This will set you apart from others, creating a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) for you going forward.

Step 5: Select a platform

In affiliate marketing, many people use niche websites to promote their products. However, you don't need a website in order to do this. You can also use social media platforms that suit you and the type of content you want to create. The latter is a viable option for those who don't want to invest in creating their own website. You can simply use social media platforms that suit your purpose and interests, such as Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Other people might prefer blogging sites like Tumblr, Squarespace, or WordPress where they won't be limited by the site's interface and functionality but will have more freedom over the content they post. The sky is really the limit when it comes to choosing what type of website building platform you decide on using!

How to do affiliate marketing without a website

If you don't have a website or if you don't want to invest in one, consider using your social media presence. The five best social media accounts to build your affiliate business on for free are:

Facebook - It has over 2.91 billion active users and is the most popular social media platform on the planet. It allows you to create a fan page or business page, allowing you to post pictures, text, and links. This is a great way to build an audience of potential customers who are interested in your niche.

Twitter - Twitter is another great social media platform for affiliate marketing because its users’ interests are quite diverse! Users can retweet your tweets across their followers, which can increase your number of followers. This is a good way to establish yourself as an expert in your niche market.

Instagram - This is also one of the most popular social media platforms today. It allows you to post 1-minute reels or photos and write short captions or quotes. You can also hashtag these posts so that they can be found by others using the same hashtags. Instagram has over 1.386 billion active users and its user base continues to grow at a rapid pace as well! This gives you a huge audience of potential customers who are interested in your niche market.

Pinterest - It allows users to pin images and videos to their boards and share them with others. This is an amazing way to show potential customers what you are selling through pictures and videos!

YouTube - A social media platform that allows users to post videos containing tutorials, images, or links to other sites. If you'd like to post long videos then this is the perfect platform for you. It allows you to create credibility as an expert in your niche market as well!

Step 6: Create a plan, and set goals.

Once you've settled on an affiliate program and a product to promote, it's time to plan out your strategy. The best way to do this is to create an outline of your plan. This way, you can follow through with what you've already decided for each step. This will also keep you focused on your goals; it's easy to get distracted when it comes time to start contacting affiliates and writing articles. If you have set the goal of making $100 over the next month from affiliate sales, then make sure that every decision is contributing towards that goal in some way.

Moreover, you also need to create a content strategy for your affiliate marketing business or if you aim to start a business.

You can do this by creating a list of articles, social media posts, and videos you're going to create over the next month. Some of these may be for your existing blogs or websites, but others will require you to start some fresh content from scratch. Make sure you have a calendar that keeps track of everything, so if you know you have 5 posts coming up, it's much easier to schedule some time for research, creating, and publishing.

This step should also help with your goals as well. If your goal is $100 per month in affiliate sales over the next month, then the goals for each piece of content should be contributing toward that total sum. By planning out every stage of your affiliate marketing business in this way it becomes easier to keep focused.

Step 7: Start creating content

Now it's time for some action. Begin by creating content that adds value to build trust and grow your audience. Don't always keep promoting your chosen affiliate products. Instead try to create content based on tutorials, how-to, reviews, QnA, Tips, and tricks-basically anything that your target audience can implement in their lives or can benefit from it. It is necessary to create such value-driven posts while you're starting.

The content you'll create will later act as a magnet to generate leads for you in your affiliate marketing business. To earn affiliate sales and brand deals, it is important to build a highly engaged audience. First off, you need to publish high-quality content that teaches your audience something valuable. You should not focus on yourself; instead, always keep the value in mind when publishing or producing content!

As an affiliate marketer, you will need to create and publish content on a regular basis in order to drive traffic to your social media account, website, or landing page. With regards to publishing content, it's good practice to include affiliate links within the body of your text whenever possible. This way, if anyone clicks on a link and makes a purchase that results in you earning a commission, the reader will still remain on your site – but they will also have purchased something that they were interested in.

Step 9: Engage with your audience

Building a trusted brand is not easy. It takes time, patience, and hard work to create a following that will appreciate your efforts in the long run. There are many ways you can do this—posting alone isn't enough!

Building trust involves personalization with interactions like replying to followers' emails or comments, sending them casual emails, and chatting with them on social media platforms. Email marketing hacks like creating better subject lines and using storytelling can help a lot in converting your audiences. The key is making these people feel as though there's an actual person behind it all—a friend who shares their interests at heart. This process is called community building, and it's as much about being interested in your followers as it is about them being interested in you.

Step 10: Track your results

You’ve made it to the last step! Now all you have to do is track your results. You can track the sales of each affiliate network that your campaign sends traffic to. You can also track the number of visitors to each affiliate network and the time they spend on each website. You can use these results to optimize your affiliate networks and optimize your affiliate campaigns. After tracking your results you may want to start over and run multiple campaigns with different strategies. This will help you get the best results from your affiliate marketing strategies.

How to do affiliate marketing without a following?

Social media is one of the many options for affiliate marketing. It's not like you absolutely have to use it. There are a lot of other ways, such as using referral links in blogs and reviews; resource pages, forums, etc.

You can also create an online course or a downloadable product. Or, just use a free blogging platform to write blogs & reviews about your affiliate product.

Another way is by utilizing the power of influencers or bloggers with an audience that aligns with your niche and offers them something in return for their help promoting your products/services. This technique might not be as quick and easy as other methods but it will work if executed correctly.

Start your Affiliate marketing business now with zero investment

Now when you know all about the best way to start affiliate marketing, how about we introduce you to a bunch of tools that can make your life much easier?! These tools can help you create content for your posts so you can focus more on how to get started in affiliate marketing. We're talking about Writesonic's AI writing assistants like the AI Article Writer 3.0 that can generate a 1000+ word blog for you in seconds.

What's more? If you'd like to start straightway with an affiliate program that is easy to register, simple to promote, and guarantees high lifetime earnings, we've got the perfect one for you. With Writesonic's Affiliate Marketing Program you can earn a 30% commission for a lifetime without investing any money. All you have to do is:

  1. Register for the program here.
  2. Read the terms and sign up.
  3. Start promoting our writing tools once you get your affiliate link.
  4. We'll take care of everything else!

Curious to know how much other affiliate marketers are earning with us? Recently one of our affiliate marketers made $5,000 and the number is still growing speedily.

Bottom line

If you want to start an affiliate marketing business, then you need to make sure that you have everything that you need, and that you have it set up correctly. Affiliate networks are great, but they’re only as good as their members. If you want to make money with affiliate marketing, you need to promote a network that is trustworthy, reliable, and offers high-quality membership. That said, starting an affiliate marketing business with no money isn’t impossible if you follow the steps outlined in this blog.

PS. And as mentioned above, you can join Writesonic's affiliate marketing program anytime, for free. All you have to do is click here.

Shrutika Joshi

Senior Content & Growth Marketer @ Writesonic

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