How to Build an AI Chatbot like ChatGPT? A Guide to Building Your Own Chatbot (No Code)

Table of contents

Whether running a large-scale or one-person business, you will likely spend a ton of time and resources improving customer experience, be it answering queries or personalizing the buyer journey.

Now imagine if you can do that at a fraction of the cost. Yes, we are talking about integrating AI chatbots like ChatGPT into your business. With a custom chatbot, you will save money and time and change how customers interact with your platform or application.

But how can I create a bot like ChatGPT? You might ask.

You can create your bot, like ChatGPT, using the same GPT-4 language model to train your custom data. You can leverage the API of the model and avoid building the infrastructure yourself.

In this blog, we will cover:

  • What is ChatGPT
  • Benefits of using Chatbots in your business
  • What goes into building ChatGPT-like chatbots
  • How you can build chatbots without coding

Let’s dive in!

Table Of Contents

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a multimodal conversational AI chatbot by OpenAI built on the latest transformer model GPT-4. It can process text and images, unlocking a new dimension in AI-human interaction. ChatGPT is also more advanced than other chatbots, with more extended context memory and advanced reasoning.

The GPT-4 model even introduced fine-tuning of AI behavior to ChatGPT. This means you can create a personality for your chatbot, and it will stay consistent throughout the conversation. These new functionalities brought by GPT-4 made ChatGPT a powerful tool, resulting in enterprises like Stripe and Morgan Stanley exploring business use cases.

In brief, ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI that has remarkable abilities to synthesize information and generate human-like responses that can be applied in many real-world use cases.

custom AI chatbot

Benefits of Using AI Chatbots like ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a superpower. You can use it beyond daily life use cases. You can integrate it into your application or website to improve user interactions and reduce time spent on repetitive tasks.

As a result, your business could see an uptick in conversion rates, open up new product offerings, and streamline internal operations. Let's dive into each of these benefits to understand in detail the upside of using AI chatbots like ChatGPT in your business.

1. Drives More Conversions

A low conversion rate usually results from poor user experience when a customer lands on your platform. You either lose due to unresponsiveness or lack of personalization. With ChatGPT at your disposal, you can overcome these issues instantly.

You can use ChatGPT to improve your customer support. Instead of having an executive answer queries, you can feed your data to ChatGPT and let the bot handle all queries. As it's a conversational AI with the know-how of your business, it will keep customers engaged and give them actionable insights.

Furthermore, ChatGPT can help simplify the buying experience for customers by being a personal AI guide. For example, let's say you're running a D2C clothing store. Without an AI guide, discovery is time-taking for customers. They might even miss out on key information like discounts and sales. With an AI guide, they can state what they're looking for, and the bot provides product recommendations.

2. Streamlines Internal Operations

When you're operating at scale, you likely face friction in certain internal operations like onboarding, schedule-making, and billing. With ChatGPT, you no longer need human assistance to cater to these tasks.

For example, let's say you recently hired a developer. Normally, the developer has to review all the documentation to understand how everything works in the organization. Still, he/she may be confused. But when you use ChatGPT, which has all developer documentation, he/she can easily find answers and get onboarded in a smooth fashion.

3. Boosts Product Offerings

The AI era is upon us. So it won't be enough to level up in terms of user experience alone, but you also have to level up your product offerings to have a competitive edge.

For example, if you're building a game, try to incorporate AI to make each player's experience unique. This could mean making interactions with non-playable characters (NPCs) more personalized based on player behavior.

You can also apply ChatGPT to educational platforms. Instead of simply providing answers, you can use ChatGPT to become a personal tutor for students. Duolingo and Khan Academy are among the companies using ChatGPT this way.

What Goes Into Building an AI Chatbot Like ChatGPT?

So you understand the benefits of chatbots for your business and want to build one. But do you know what the process actually looks like? And what kind of resources would you need to build an application like ChatGPT? Let's find out!

1. Data Collection

The first step to building an AI chatbot like ChatGPT is determining what data you want to feed to your machine-learning model. The key here is to find legitimate sources of data. If you are searching for general data available on the web, you can try using trained data of existing language models.  

When it comes to data related to your business, you have to be ultra-specific and detailed. This is because your chatbot will only be reliable when it has all the information to answer a user query. The dataset can include your company policies, FAQs, text documents, etc. More importantly, you also need to ensure proprietary and personal data is off limits because an AI chatbot is not always predictable.

2. Data Pre-Processing

Before training your model, you must clean or pre-process your data. This involves tokenizing and encoding input data into unique fixed-length integer sequences. The time for pre-processing also varies based on the size of your dataset.

3. Training Loop

Once the data model is pre-processed, you can start your training loop to fine-tune the model to your requirements. Fine-tuning would make your machine learning model adapt to new tasks without needing to train from scratch. For example, you train your model on product recommendation tasks, but it can also perform product description tasks.

The main thing to consider while training is computational costs. You must buy many high-quality GPUs that can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to do a single training run. So the cost of training can quickly eat into your capital. But owning your AI infrastructure, in the long run, is always good.

4. Building App Interface

After fine-tuning and testing your model, you must build an app interface with your branding that users can interact with to enter inputs and view outputs. In the case of ChatGPT, the website you use is an interface that allows you to tap into the powers of OpenAI's GPT-4 language model.

Main takeaway: Building AI infrastructure is expensive and time-consuming. And you may not even need it on day 1. So you can build your own AI chatbots like ChatGPT by using its underlying language model GPT-4 through an API.

Introducing Chatsonic's GPT-4 Enabled API

Chatsonic is a GPT-4 powered AI chatbot. It is one of the best ChatGPT alternatives that are more reliable and accurate. Chatsonic is a true multimodal AI chatbot that can generate images and text.

Like ChatGPT, Chatsonic also has an API that can be used to build custom chatbots for different use cases. In this section, let's dive into what Chatsonic's API offers and how you can access it.

custom AI chatbot

Why Choose Chatsonic’s API Over ChatGPT API

While Chatsonic and ChatGPT use the same GPT-4 language model, Chatsonic provides a more all-around API that is more reliable to build real-world use-cases. Here’s why:

1. Provides Real-Time Insights

ChatGPT has gotten an upgrade with GPT-4. It helped with reasoning abilities and context memory. But what didn’t change is the training data. ChatGPT’s training data is only till 2021, so it cannot provide real-time insights.

In contrast, Chatsonic can provide hyper-relevant insights into any topic on any day as it’s integrated with Google search. From a business standpoint, a chatbot that can extract information in real-time is useful because customers can use your AI bot for real-time search and proceed on their buying journey.

custom AI chatbot

2. Image generation is possible

GPT-4 made ChatGPT multimodal. But it’s only for the input setting, meaning you insert images as input and generate text as output. So you still can’t generate images using ChatGPT.

With Chatsonic API, you can generate stunning images created using Stable Diffusion or DALL-E. This can be a great addition to many photo editor applications as it can drive more creativity and collaboration among artists.

custom AI chatbot

3. Voice command is enabled

AI chatbots are changing online search as we know it. And do you know what medium consumers prefer when searching online? Voice!

According to voice search statistics from Think with Google, 27% of the global online population uses voice search on mobile devices. So your chatbot must enable voice command and tap into every audience possible. It will also make your platform or mobile app more user-friendly because users avoid typing.

custom AI chatbot

4. Building Personalities is easier  

When you want to build a character framework on ChatGPT, you must give the system a clear and detailed prompt. ChatGPT may not stay consistent and go off-topic if the character or personality you're trying to create is not described accurately. This doesn’t happen with Chatsonic.

Chatsonic provides you with 16 pre-defined personalities to choose from. For example, if you want to learn a concept and need your chatbot to become a personal tutor, you can select the tutor from the personality menu and start learning. It is that simple to steer personalities with Chatsonic API.

custom AI chatbot

How to Get Access to Chatsonic API

To start building your custom AI chatbot using Chatsonic API, follow the steps given below:

1. Create a Writesonic account: If you don’t have one, head over to and create one.

2. Subscribe to a paid plan: API access is unavailable in the free plan. So you must opt-in for the 'Pro' paid monthly subscription starting at $19. You also must consider the quality of outputs as it largely determines the pricing.

custom AI chatbot
Chatsonic pricing

3. Go to API dashboard: Now that you have API access, it’s time to activate it. To do that, first, go to the API dashboard.

custom AI chatbot
Writesonic dashboard

4. Reveal your API key: Once you’re on the API dashboard, you will see an option, “Reveal API Key.” Click on it and copy the key. Now you can integrate the key into your code and start making API calls.

custom AI chatbot
Chatsonic API

After getting API access, you must start training the chatbot on your custom data. This involves creating a software environment, writing code, adding API keys, and processing data in the Terminal or Command Prompt.

Sounds complicated? We gotcha! Not everyone has the coding knowledge and experience to navigate through API keys and code editors.

That’s why we created Botsonic — a custom AI chatbot builder that allows you to create custom ChatGPT chatbots without writing a single line of code.

How to build your own custom AI chatbot (no-code) that is ChatGPT trained?

Botsonic is a no-code custom AI chatbot builder by Writesonic that aims to empower any user or business to build an AI chatbot based on their data. It abstracts away the complexities of training data and building a chatbot interface, allowing you to boost customer engagement and experience.

You can now create hyper-intelligent, conversational AI experiences for your website visitors in minutes. This groundbreaking ChatGPT-like chatbot enables users to leverage the power of GPT-4 and natural language processing to craft custom AI chatbots that address diverse use cases without technical expertise.

Check out more about how NLP chatbots can help in elevating the customer experience. Also see 4 different types of chatbot and select the one best for your business.

Botsonic features at a glance

A custom AI chatbot that is no-code and works like super-personalized ChatGPT...sounds too good to be true?! Let's have a look at some of its features:

Train ChatGPT on your data

Botsonic effectively learns from the information you provide, enabling it to assist your website visitors naturally and intelligently. Create a tailored ChatGPT chatbot for your business by supplying Botsonic with data in two ways:

  • Documents - Upload relevant documents such as help guides, company policies, return procedures, or delivery rules in formats like PDF, PPT, PPTX, DOC, and DOCX.
  • URLs - Alternatively, share your website links for Botsonic to extract information from your Root Domain, Subdomain, or specific web pages (URL).

Personalize ChatGPT with your branding

Create a unified and consistent brand experience with Botsonic by fully customizing your AI chatbot to match your brand's visual identity. Botsonic offers a range of options to make your ChatGPT truly unique:

  • Name your chatbot - Enter your business name under "Company Name" in the customization section.
  • Select brand colors - Choose your brand's distinctive colors from the Chatbot color option or insert the color code to maintain brand identity.
  • Add a catchy tagline - Create an engaging tagline that encourages users to interact (e.g., "Let's talk" or "Up for a quick chat?").
  • Greet visitors with a warm welcome - Set up a friendly welcome message for your website visitors.
  • Incorporate your logo and chatbot image - Upload your brand logo and an appealing chatbot picture for your widget.
  • Pick a stylish icon - Choose from various button styles to find the perfect match for your website.
  • Share contact information - Include your email, enabling visitors to contact you for additional support.
  • Offer suggested queries - Enhance user experience by providing examples of frequently asked questions.

Seamless Integration with a No-Code Approach

Effortlessly establish Botsonic without needing any coding expertise! After creating your ChatGPT AI chatbot, Botsonic delivers:

  • Embeddable code (accessible during the free trial)
  • API Key option (exclusive to pro plans)

7 Ways you can use Botsonic for customer engagement on your website

Botsonic is not merely an average customer support chatbot; it offers multiple functionalities beyond the usual support tasks. Here are some exciting ways you can utilize Botsonic:

  1. Enhance your website's customer experience - Let AI chatbots quickly provide visitors with relevant information, helping them understand your business and improving their overall experience.
  2. Boost lead generation with an AI Advisor - Seamlessly integrate an AI advisor into your website to guide users through searches and book calls with you.
  3. Keep customers engaged - Engage users by offering interesting facts and information related to their interests, encouraging them to spend more time on your website.
  4. Handle accounting and finance tasks - Employ Botsonic for complex calculations, tax estimates, investment returns, and more. With upcoming features like XLS and CSV uploads, it can also manage specific accounting tasks.
  5. Retain attention with AI-driven exit intent popups - Use Botsonic to capture user attention with popups when they're about to leave your site, encouraging them to sign up or continue browsing.
  6. Improve internal employee experience - Incorporate Botsonic into your HR department by training it with company policies and allowing it to serve as a resource for your employees.
  7. Ecommerce product recommendations - Use your custom AI chatbot to recommend products to your visitors on your e-commerce store.

How do you build a no-code custom AI chatbot using botsonic?

Creating and integrating a no-code custom AI chatbot is super easy and quick with Botsonic. Here's a step-by-step process for you:

Learn How To Train ChatGPT On Your Own Data

Step 1: Upload Your Data

As mentioned earlier, data collection is the first step in building AI chatbots. So drag and drop all the necessary documents, files, and links that can help the chatbot be more reliable.

You must think of multiple scenarios from a customer perspective regarding what questions they may ask. You can use old customer tickets or queries to understand the pattern of questions and reverse engineer your way in uploading the right set of data.

Then, your chatbot will get trained on the desired data.

Step 2: Customize With Your Branding

Your 80% of the work is done after uploading data. The next step is adding your branding to the chatbot. This involves brand colors, brand logos, and contact information. You can further personalize the chatbot by giving it a name and adding example queries.

  • Customize the bot with a “Bot Name”, “Company Name” and “Description”
  • Customize the logos in this section
  • Add a logo for the company and for the bot avatar
  • The uploaded logos will reflect in the section
  • Customize the sections of “Subheadings”, “Welcome Messages,” and “Placeholder” content.
  • Choose the bot template, language and response length and other additional details
  • Add support email, tone suggestions
  • Set up “Starter Questions” in the Settings tab as shown below

Step 3: Integrate Widget Into Your Website

As you add your branding, Botsonic automatically customizes the widget, giving a feel of what your chatbot will look like. You can integrate this widget by copying the embedded code given by Botsonic and pasting it into your website’s code.

In the “Share” tab, you will find information about the different options available to integrate Botsonic into your website.

  1. Embed HTML code

2. Embed iframe

3. Get the REST API

4. Integrations with apps like Calendly, Messenger and Whatsapp

That’s it! You now have a custom ChatGPT chatbot to answer queries and improve customer experience. Additionally, you can increase your brand's presence by integrating the chatbot across apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Telegram.  

Closing Thoughts

Chatbots are not something new to be used in businesses. They have existed for years now for customer support. But what happened with the advent of generative AI is these chatbots have now become more conversational with advanced reasoning capabilities, enabling an array of use cases.

As a result, you leverage a chatbot in a completely new way. Instead of using it as only a bot answering basic questions, you can think of it as a personal assistant who is excellent at doing multiple jobs of customer engagement given the right training.

Furthermore, creating AI chatbots like ChatGPT is getting more streamlined with tools like Botsonic. Soon we may see every business integrate custom AI chatbots in some capacity, making it the industry standard.

Samanyou Garg

Samanyou is the founder of Writesonic. He is passionate about using AI to solve complex real-world problems, and he also won the 2019 Global Undergraduate Awards (nicknamed the junior Nobel Prize).

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