How to use Chatsonic on Opera? A step-by-step guide

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Chatsonic on Opera!

You think that sounds innovative? Wait until you discover the endless possibilities with this AI browsing…

If you're like most people, you spend a lot of time online. You use your computer to do everything from shopping to working to catching up with friends.

But even with all the advances in technology, browsing the web can still feel like a tedious task. You have to type in your search queries and scroll through pages of results to try to find the information you need.

But what if you could do more than just browse the web in a traditional way? What if you could have an intelligent conversation with your browser?

That's where Chatsonic on Opera can help!

Get ready for an exciting journey into the fascinating world of ChatSonic on Opera. We'll explore how to use this powerful combination like an expert and reveal some helpful tips that will make you feel like a tech-savvy master!

So, shall we begin?

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What is Chatsonic?

Chatsonic is a remarkably potent conversational AI by Writesonic designed to tackle the restrictions of ChatGPT by OpenAI. It can simulate human conversations and provide users with personalized assistance.

Utilizing the cutting-edge GPT-4 model, this advanced AI chatbot harnesses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques to streamline the generation of text and images effectively.

Chatsonic's ChatGPT-like features you can’t miss:

  1. Stay informed with accurate and current data - Put your worries about finding reliable and current information to rest! Thanks to Chatsonic's Google Knowledge graph integration which can provide you with fact-based content comprising real-time data. With this smart AI chatbot, you can keep up with worldwide happenings and stay well-informed with the latest intel.
  2. No more tiresome typing; hello voice commands - Tapping into the power of NLP, this cutting-edge ChatGPT alternative comprehends your spoken instructions as effortlessly as Siri or Google Assistant would. Gone are the days of struggling to find the right words or phrases for generating content. Instead, just speak your queries and get voice responses too.
  3. Bring your visions to life with AI art - With a click, you can effortlessly craft captivating digital masterpieces of all styles - whether abstract or lifelike and bypass the intricacies of digital art creation. Simply input your desired image concept, and let Chatsonic's dynamic duo of AI models - DALL-E and Stable Diffusion - handle the magic.
  4. Create any kind of content in seconds - Powered by GPT-4, Chatsonic creates creative and unique content for almost any platform. You can write long and conversational blog posts, persuasive Ad copy, engaging social media posts, detailed product descriptions, and more.
Chatsonic on Opera

What is Chatsonic on Opera?

Opera and Chatsonic have recently joined hands to create a high-tech browsing experience for Opera browser and Opera GX users.

This integration allows you to interact with your browser and get accurate results faster without scouring the internet.

With Chatsonic on Opera, you can simply ask your Opera browser to perform tasks (like content creation), summarize texts, find relevant information, or even create AI art, among other things.  

Isn't that interesting?! Let's get into the details...

Chatsonic on Opera
Chatsonic on Opera

Why use Chatsonic within Opera?

Once you are all set with Chatsonic inside Opera, using it is extremely simple. But before we get into how to use Chatsonic on Opera, shouldn't we have a look at how Chatsonic can help you enhance your Opera browsing experience?

Here's why Chatsonic + Opera is a sweet deal for you:

  1. Quick access to related information

With Chatsonic, users can get quick assistance without leaving the Opera browser. Chatsonic offers personalized assistance based on the user's queries, making the experience more efficient.

All you need to do is, reach out for the AI PROMPTS option available at the top bar on the right-hand side of the screen and select "Find related content."

This will directly open the Chatsonic window on the Opera sidebar, and you'll get your results in seconds.

2. AI art generation on Opera browser and Opera GX

Ask Chatsonic to generate any kind of AI art for you while on Opera browser or Opera GX. Alternatively, you can also use the Photosonic AI art generator (which is a part of Writesonic, like Chatsonic) to create more personalized and unique AI images.

Chatsonic on Opera
Photosonic AI art generator on Opera

3. Improved search experience

Chatsonic offers a conversational interface, making it easy for users to communicate with Opera GX and Opera Browser. The conversational interface offers a more human-like experience, making it more engaging for the users.

4. Increased productivity with on-the-go content generation

With Chatsonic within Opera browser, you can easily create any kind of content just by giving simple instructions. Chat with the AI and let it create unique 2000+ words articles/blogs, personalized emails, newsletters, whitepapers, and more.

Chatsonic on Opera
AIGC on Opera browser

5. Summarization of lengthy texts

If you encounter a long paragraph that you don't want to read, simply select the text, and Chatsonic will provide a concise summary for you in a matter of seconds.

6. Rephrase text for a personal touch

If you like a particular sentence or paragraph but want to rephrase it in your own words, just select the text and choose the rephrase option from the AI pop-up.

7. Expand short phrases, sentences, or paragraphs

Extend text to make it more detailed and understandable. Make huge paragraphs out of small phrases with Chatsonic on Opera.

Chatsonic on Opera
Expand any text with Chatsonic on Opera

8. Access to 100+ AI writing features on Writesonic

Along with Chatsonic on Opera GX and Opera browser, you also get access to Writesonic's 100+ AI writing tools which will transform your content creation process and make it easier.

Chatsonic on Opera
100+ AI writing features

9. Discover impressive AI prompts without searching

With Chatsonic free AI prompt marketplace available on the sidebar of your Opera browser, you can directly experiment with different prompts submitted by other users without scouring the internet.

How to use Chatsonic on Opera: A step-by-step guide to help you

So, how do you begin this journey of seamless integration between Chatsonic and Opera? Just follow these easy steps:

Step 1 - Install the Opera browser

If you haven’t installed the Opera browser for your laptop or desktop yet, head over to the Opera browser download page and download and install it as per your system requirements (Windows or iOS).

Chatsonic on Opera
Download Opera browser

Step 2 - Turn on AI Prompts from the menu

Navigate to the three horizontal lines available at the top right corner of your Opera browser. Click on that, and a side menu will appear on the right-hand side of your screen. Scroll down to find the AI Prompts (Early Access) option. Just switch it on.

Chatsonic on Opera
Enable Chatsonic on Opera

Step 3 - Sign up for Chatsonic through Opera

Once you enable the AI Prompts access, you will be able to see the Chatsonic icon on the left-hand side of your screen (in the sidebar). Click on the icon, and you’ll be greeted by the entire Writesonic app on Opera. Now simply sign up by clicking on “Getting started.”

Chatsonic on Opera
Sign up/sign in to your Writesonic account from the sidebar

Step 4 - Start using Chatsonic on Opera

Initiating a conversation with Chatsonic is as simple as typing your question or command in the chat window. Let's say you want to find the best pizza places in your city. Just ask, "Where can I find the best pizza in [your city]?" and watch ChatSonic's lightning-fast response.

Guiding you through an AI chat, Chatsonic will answer questions, find information, and even help you organize your browsing experience.

Into the Chatsonic-verse: This is how people are using Chatsonic on the Opera browser

Let's take a look at some real-life success stories of people who've embraced the power of Chatsonic and Opera.

  1. Wow! What an introductory tweet...

2. The new AI Prompts feature.

3. The world is talking about it.

The future of Chatsonic and Opera: What's next in the world of conversational AI and browsing?

Both Chatsonic and Opera are committed to the continuous evolution and improvement of the user experience. As ChatSonic's AI technology advances, users can expect even smarter interactions, better predictions, and more personalized content.

Opera, too, plans to enhance the user experience with AI, integrating more features that will make browsing more intuitive and delightful. Stay tuned to experience the magic of conversational AI and browsing in the near future.

Now, take the plunge into the world of Chatsonic on Opera and experience how conversational AI can take your browsing to new heights. Share your thoughts, experiences, and tips, and let's continue to explore the endless possibilities of conversational AI on Opera.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which AIGC tools have Opera browser and Opera GX integrated?

Opera has recently added Chatsonic and ChatGPT on their web browser to make the browsing experience smoother. Although both conversational AI tools are good, Chatsonic can generate AI images, accepts voice command, gives voice responses, and when ChatGPT is down, you can easily rely on it.

How can I use ChatSonic on the Opera browser?

To use Chatsonic within Opera browser or Opera GX, make sure you have a Writesonic account. You can access Chatsonic, Photosonic (AI art generator), and 100+ AI writing tools on Opera with just this one account.

What is Opera AI?

Chatsonic, the conversational AI by Writesonic, has been integrated into the Opera browser, making browsing more efficient and enjoyable. Opera AI is popularly referred to as this integration of Opera browser with AI.

Shrutika Joshi

Senior Content & Growth Marketer @ Writesonic

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