How to use AI in Customer Service? - Top 8 Ways!

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Ever been left hanging on a customer service call that felt like an eternity? Well, with the introduction of AI in customer service, those days are ending!

As some study says, by 2025, 95% of all customer interactions will happen without a human at the helm, thanks to AI! But is it enough to have an AI customer service chatbot for all your customer interactions?

Not really! Today, with impeccable AI advancements taking place, AI customer service means more than just AI chatbots.

This blog will explore AI's different roles in improving customer service. We'll talk about the benefits of using AI in customer service while discussing some surefire ways to leverage AI customer service.

Let's get started!

What is AI customer service?

AI in Customer Service refers to using advanced technologies to streamline and enhance the customer experience. These technologies range from chatbots that respond instantly to common customer queries to sophisticated systems that analyze customer behavior and provide personalized product recommendations.
However, among all of them, AI-powered chatbots are the most common phenomenon. But the possibilities of AI customer service do not end there! Besides the problems that AI chatbots can solve, there's much more to it.

One of the most groundbreaking advancements in AI is the emergence of generative AI. Generative AI, unlike traditional AI models, has the potential to autonomously generate content, produce human-like replies, and even draft knowledge base articles based on customer conversations.

Apart from that, AI enables businesses to analyze vast volumes of data to derive customer insights, predict their needs, and provide more personalized, proactive support.
In simpler terms, AI customer service isn't just about replacing live support reps with chatbots. Instead, it's about empowering your support agents with more intelligence and resources to support your customers better.

What are the benefits of AI in customer service?

From ensuring round-the-clock support to offering personalized experiences to your customers, introducing AI in customer service can change the whole customer experience for your business.

Here are some of the top benefits of using AI in customer service:

1. Handle large volumes of data with ease

The beauty of AI lies in its mighty data processing power. Think of the piles of customer data that your business deals with every day. Skimming through that sea can be daunting for your human agents - but not for AI!

From enhancing data preparation to visualizing and predictive modeling, AI can handle big data like a seasoned pro analyst. As Forbes says, a recent study indicates that combining AI and big data can automate about 80% of physical work, 70% of data processing, and 64% of data collection.

For example, you can think of Amazon's recommendation system. Almost every time we log in to their website or app, we find personalized product recommendations.  What happens here is Amazon uses AI to siphon through our browsing data and past purchase history to suggest the perfect product that we want to purchase.

2. Offer proactive support

According to statistics published by Statista, 70% of customers have a favorable or positive view of brands that offer or contact with proactive customer service. Proactive customer support refers to predicting and addressing potential customer issues before they arise.

Instead of waiting for customers to come forward with problems or concerns, you can adopt a proactive support strategy. All it takes is reaching out to customers and offering solutions, information, or assistance in advance. This approach aims to enhance the customer experience, build trust, and reduce the number of reactive support requests.

3. Improve customer handling time

The customer service industry is fast-paced, and every second counts here. As customers expect instant help, you can offer it to them. With AI's unparalleled speed and efficiency, your business can meet and even exceed these expectations. AI tools, especially chatbots, can address multiple customer queries simultaneously, ensuring no customer is left waiting.

Moreover, AI's ability to quickly retrieve relevant information means that solutions are provided in record time. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also boosts the efficiency of your customer service team.

4. Offer personalized solutions

Customers crave personalization, and AI in customer service doesn't disappoint. A study by Epsilon found that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences.

AI can craft tailor-made solutions and offers by analyzing a customer's interaction history, preferences, and even social media activity.

Consider Spotify's personalized playlists or Netflix's movie recommendations. Both use AI to analyze user behavior and preferences, ensuring that every recommendation feels personal and relevant.

5. Reduce customer service costs

Investing in AI customer service might seem like a significant upfront cost, but the long-term savings are undeniable. According to a report by IBM, businesses can save up to 30% in customer support costs by implementing AI-powered solutions. AI can efficiently handle routine and repetitive tasks, reducing the need for extensive customer service teams.

Furthermore, with AI's precision, the number of follow-up interactions decreases, leading to further savings. Over time, the ROI on AI in customer service becomes evident, making it a wise investment for forward-thinking businesses.

6. Reduce burnout

While AI handles the routine, it frees up human agents to tackle more complex and emotionally nuanced conversations. That means when customers need empathy and understanding, they're met with a human touch that's now more available thanks to AI taking care of the repetitive tasks.

This increases efficiency, improves job satisfaction, and reduces employee burnout.

How to use AI in customer service? - Top 8 ways!

1. Use AI chatbots

Chatbots have become the face of AI in customer service. They can handle a myriad of tasks, from answering frequently asked questions to guiding users through complex processes.

With advancements in natural language processing, modern NLP chatbots like Botsonic can understand and respond to user queries with human-like precision. For example, Sephora and H&M use chatbots to assist customers in product selection, enhancing the shopping experience.

How to use AI customer service chatbot:
Step 1: Identify the most common queries your customer service receives.
Step 2: Choose a chatbot platform or service that aligns with your needs.
Step 3: Train the chatbot with your business data and use historical customer interactions to improve its accuracy.
Step 4: Integrate the chatbot on your website, app, or social media platforms.
Step 5: Continuously monitor and refine the chatbot's responses based on customer feedback.

➡️There are different types of chatbots available, but nothing can beat the efficiency of an AI chatbot. When it comes to building your own AI-enabled customized customer service chatbot, we can take the example of Botsonic.

The no-code AI chatbot builder is very easy to start with. You need to upload your website URLs, sitemaps, or any other knowledge base. Once done, simply click on the Upload and Train button, and the AI chatbot will be trained on your business data.

AI customer service
Build AI customer service chatbot
Learn how to make chatbot that's too AI powered and trained on your own data.

2. Sentiment analysis

Understanding customer sentiment is crucial for any business. With AI-powered sentiment analysis, companies can gauge customer emotions from their interactions, be it reviews, chats, or social media posts.

This insight allows businesses to address concerns proactively and tailor their services to suit customer moods and preferences better.

How to use AI for customer sentiment analysis:
Step 1: Gather customer interactions, including reviews, chats, and social media mentions.
Step 2: Use an AI-powered tool that specializes in sentiment analysis.
Step 3: Analyze the data to gauge overall sentiment (positive, negative, neutral).
Step 4: Address areas of concern and capitalize on positive feedback.
Step 5: Adjust business strategies based on insights gained.

3. Omni-channel customer support

Customers interact with businesses across various platforms - emails, social media, phone calls, and more. AI can integrate data from all these channels, providing a unified view of the customer. This ensures consistent and personalized support, irrespective of the platform the customer chooses.

How to use AI for customer support:
✅Step 1: Identify all customer touchpoints (email, social media, phone, etc.).
Step 2: Implement an AI-driven CRM that integrates data from all channels.
Step 3: Use the integrated data to provide consistent and personalized support to your customers.
Step 4: Monitor customer interactions across channels and refine strategies accordingly.

N.B.: Botsonic can offer easy integrations with all messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, etc. You can use the chatbot and automate your customer support no matter what communication channel they are on.

Learn how to build a WhatsApp chatbot.

4. Offer multilingual support

In today's globalized world, businesses cater to a diverse clientele. AI can break language barriers by offering real-time translation, ensuring that customers worldwide receive support in their preferred language. Companies like Skype use AI-driven translation to facilitate cross-language conversations.

How to offer multilingual support:
Step 1: Identify the primary languages of your customer base.
Step 2: Implement an AI-driven chatbot tool with NLP capabilities.
Step 3: Train the system with industry-specific jargon for better accuracy.
Step 4: Offer real-time translation for customer interactions, ensuring clarity and understanding.

Botsonic can be your perfect partner for serving across different geo-locations with multi-lingual support. While creating your customized chatbot, you need to press the Toggle button under Multilingual Support, and your AI-powered bot will be enabled to assist your customers in multiple languages.

AI customer service
AI customer service tool 

5. Analyze customer voicemail

Voice mails often contain valuable feedback. AI can transcribe and analyze these voice mails, extracting key insights and sentiments. This not only ensures that no feedback is overlooked but also helps in improving products and services based on direct customer input.

How to use AI for analyzing customer voice mails:
Step 1: Collect and store voice mail in a centralized system.
Step 2: Use AI tools to transcribe these voice mails into text.
Step 3: Analyze the transcriptions for feedback, concerns, or patterns.
Step 4: Address any issues raised and use feedback for continuous improvement.

6. Ensure round-the-clock support

AI doesn't need breaks or vacations. By integrating AI solutions, businesses can offer 24/7 customer support, ensuring that customer queries are addressed promptly, irrespective of the time zone or hour.

How to offer round-the-clock assistance:
Step 1: Implement AI tools like chatbots or automated response systems.
Step 2: Train these systems to handle a wide range of queries.
Step 3: Monitor interactions to ensure quality and accuracy.
Step 4: Refine and update the AI tools based on changing customer needs.

7. Offer personalized service

Beyond product recommendations, AI can personalize the entire customer journey. From personalized greetings to tailor-made offers, AI analyzes customer data to provide a unique and memorable experience for each user.

How to offer personalized service:
Step 1: Gather customer preferences, interactions, and purchase history data.
Step 2: Use AI algorithms to analyze this data for patterns.
Step 3: Implement changes on your platforms to offer personalized greetings, offers, or content.
Step 4: Continuously update the personalization parameters based on new data.

8. Get predictive insights

AI can predict future trends based on historical data. For customer service, this means anticipating potential issues or demands and preparing in advance. This proactive approach can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to get predictive insights:
Step 1: Collect historical data on customer interactions, sales, and feedback.
Step 2: Use AI-driven analytics tools to predict future trends or issues.
Step 3: Adjust business strategies based on these predictions.
Step 4: Monitor the accuracy of predictions and refine the AI models accordingly.

Top challenges integrating AI in customer service

As you start the transforming journey with AI customer service, you will recognize that it comes with its own set of challenges. Navigating these challenges is essential to ensure a seamless transition and optimal results.

Here are some key hurdles you may have to face:

Integration and optimization

One of the initial challenges is the integration of AI technologies into existing customer service frameworks. This includes not only the technical aspects of deploying new systems but also the ongoing task of optimizing AI programs to ensure they are efficient and effective.

The process requires a keen understanding of how to manage and route high-value customer conversations to maintain a balance between automated and human interactions.

Balancing automation with human touch

While AI can handle many tasks, there remains an irreplaceable value in human empathy and understanding. Striking the right balance between automation and human intervention is crucial.

Overcoming customer trust issues and ensuring that AI complements rather than replaces the human element is a significant challenge. This delicate balance is paramount for businesses aiming to implement customer service AI without compromising the quality of human interactions.

Ethical and privacy considerations

As AI becomes more ingrained in customer service, ethical considerations and privacy concerns become more prominent. Ensuring the responsible use of AI, addressing legal questions, and keeping customer data safe are all challenges that require careful attention.

Businesses must not only customize their AI model to specific business needs but also ensure that there is human supervision and regular audits to maintain ethical standards and data security.

While tackling these challenges, you can pave the way for a more innovative and customer-centric future for your businesses. The integration of AI in customer service has the potential to transform customer experiences, but it is the careful and considered implementation that will ultimately determine its success.

Examples of AI in customer service

Talking about improving customer experience through AI, there are thousands of AI chatbot examples we can consider. However, here we will analyze the AI use cases for better customer experience from two iconic businesses of the 21st century.

  1. Bank of America - uses an AI-powered chatbot to work as a financial assistant for its customers.
  2. Netflix - uses an AI-enabled recommendation engine to suggest personalized content with thumbnails.
  3. Netcash - (a leading payment solution provider) uses an AI-powered chatbot built on Botsonic. The chatbot is integrated into their various communication channel and promptly responds to customer queries.

Similarly, companies like Zara and Starbucks use AI to personalize customer experiences, from product recommendations to personalized discounts.

Final thoughts: Future of AI's in customer service

So, what's the big takeaway? AI isn't just the future—it's the now of customer service. It's like having a super-smart assistant that knows your customers inside out, ready to jump in 24/7. And while chatbots and sentiment analysis are making waves today, who knows what next-gen AI tools we'll be raving about tomorrow?

One thing's for sure: businesses diving into the AI game are setting themselves up for some serious customer love. As we ride this exciting wave of tech innovation, let's remember it's all about making our customers' lives easier, happier, and just plain better. Here's to the AI-powered future of top-tier customer care!


1. Will AI replace humans in the customer service industry?

While AI is making significant strides in automating many aspects of customer service, it's unlikely to replace humans completely. AI excels at handling routine queries, analyzing vast amounts of data quickly, and providing instant responses.

However, complex issues, emotional intelligence, and the need for a personal touch in certain situations will always require human intervention. Instead of replacing humans, AI will complement human agents, handling repetitive tasks and allowing them to focus on more intricate issues.

2. What companies are using AI to improve customer service?

Many leading companies across industries are leveraging AI to enhance their customer care experience. This includes tech giants like Amazon and Apple, streaming services like Netflix and Spotify, financial institutions like Bank of America, and retailers like Sephora. These companies use AI-driven chatbots, recommendation systems, and predictive analytics tools to offer personalized and efficient customer experiences.

3. How does AI in customer service reduce costs?

AI-driven tools can handle multiple queries simultaneously, reducing the need for large customer service teams. They can also operate 24/7 without breaks, leading to increased efficiency. By automating routine tasks, AI reduces the workload on human agents, leading to faster resolution times and fewer errors. All these factors contribute to significant cost savings for businesses.

4. What is the return on investment in AI in customer service?

The ROI from integrating AI into customer service can be substantial. Companies can benefit from reduced operational costs, increased customer satisfaction due to faster response times, and enhanced personalization, leading to higher customer retention. Additionally, the insights gained from AI analytics can help businesses refine their strategies, leading to increased sales and growth.

5. How does AI in customer service benefit customers?

Customers benefit from quicker response times, 24/7 availability, and personalized interactions. AI-driven systems can provide instant answers to common queries, recommend products or services based on individual preferences, and even predict and address issues before they arise. This leads to a more seamless and efficient customer experience.

6. How does the use of AI in customer service benefit marketing?

AI in customer service provides valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. Marketers can use this data to tailor their campaigns, segment their audience more effectively, and predict future trends. By understanding customer interactions better, marketing strategies can be refined to be more targeted and effective.

7. How much does it cost to develop AI customer service?

The cost of developing AI for customer service varies based on the system's complexity, the features required, and the scale of deployment. Basic chatbots can be relatively inexpensive, while advanced systems with natural language processing, predictive analytics, and integration with other business tools can be more costly. However, the long-term benefits in terms of efficiency, customer satisfaction, and cost savings often justify the initial investment.

Satwick Ghosh

Satwick Ghosh, Staff writer @ Writesonic. An SEO content marketing expert skilled in AI marketing tools. Crafting content, and busting myths with AI writing through result-driven content strategies.

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