Botsonic AI Bot: Integrate Human-like Conversations, Without Human Interaction, No Code.(GPT-4 Powered)

Botsonic AI Bot doesn’t just transfer your knowledge base into AI chats but talks as if there is a human behind it. Integrate this GPT-4 enabled AI chatbot (no-code) and adapt customer conversations, pain points, and feedback 24x7.

Trusted by 1,000,000+ marketing teams, agencies, and freelancers. 10,000+ 5-star ratings.

Transform your users’ chat experience — go beyond the ordinary. Watch Botsonic AI Bot for Businesses in action!

Increase in CSAT
Decrease in Operational Costs
Increase in ESAT
Queries Self-Served

This is why your business needs an advanced GPT4-infused, customizable ChatGPT-like AI chatbot.

A seamless No-Code integration

All you need to do is add your product/service details along with important knowledge management doc links or PDFs and you are sorted

Chat GPT alternative - ChatSonic
Chat GPT alternative - ChatSonic

Traditional chatbots fail to grasp the feelings of your customers

Botsonic AI Bot can handle any complicated query with its advanced NLP capabilities and GPT-4 powers. Now you don't have to worry about your customers’ questions turning into mind-numbing loops!

Botsonic AI Bot (enhanced with GPT-4) fits your business like a custom-made suit!

Instead of being confined by a limited set of queries, you can feed Botsonic your knowledge base so it is armed with all the answers your customers may need.

Chat GPT alternative - ChatSonic
Chat GPT alternative - ChatSonic

Step beyond mundane conversations to unlock accuracy & clarity

Botsonic AI Bot has integrated Google's knowledge graph to give users incredibly relevant answers they can count on to be correct and up to date.

Create smarter experiences for your customers with advanced features

Utilize voice commands, automatic speech recognition, advanced dialogue management, and natural language understanding to maximize your users’ experience truly.

Chat GPT alternative - ChatSonic
Chat GPT alternative - ChatSonic

Take control of your chatbot with a highly customizable dashboard

Optimize your chatbot's performance, design your own UI, or simply employ a few more features—Botsonic's AI Bot dashboard puts you in the driver's seat.

Real-Time Data with GPT-4

Botsonic AI Bot for businesses understands your knowledge base with the power of grasping real-time conversations around your product.

Voice Command Recognition

Make your users' experience truly unforgettable. Let them feel the excitement of sharing their thoughts via voice chat.

Personalized Chat Experience

Bring a human touch to your customer conversations. ChatGPT-powered AI chatbot - Botsonic AI Bot can be your top-rated customer service agent.

Learning with Feedback

This AI chatbot not only understands your customers but remembers and learns from their previous chats to converse better.

Boost your chatbot's accuracy and understanding—ditch the traditional way!

Unleash the power of AI with GPT-4 and discover a whole new level of communication between you and your customer. Keep your customers coming back for more!

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How to use Botsonic AI Bot for Businesses: An advanced ChatGPT AI chatbot on your existing online platform?

ChatSonic - similar to ChatGPT
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Step 1 - Get Started

Join our waitlist to be the first ones to get access to this incredible AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT. Once our team provides you access, you can easily integrate Botsonic AI Bot with your online platform.

Step 2 - Customize Botsonic AI Bot as per your needs

It’s a simple and easy no-code process. You need to add your product/ service details like Name, logo, brand color, and a small description. Attach a PDF or doc with any additional knowledge base links for the AI chatbot to grasp.

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ChatSonic - similar to ChatGPT
ChatSonic - similar to ChatGPT
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Step 3 - Integrate our ChatGPT-like AI chatbot

Once you have all the details filled in, a widget of how your AI Bot will look, will she seen on the right with an API key at the bottom. Copy the API key and paste it into your systems.

Step 4 - You’re all set!

That’s it. Leave the rest to Botsonic AI Bot. Your customers will love their new zealous AI friend.

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ChatSonic - similar to ChatGPT

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Botsonic AI Bot for business built on GPT-4?

Yes, Botsonic AI Bot for business is powered by GPT-4. So, if you want to integrate AI with GPT 4 and up-to-date results, Botsonic is your go-to bot.

What does an AI chatbot do?

AI chatbots can do so much more than just answer simple questions. They can engage in conversations, analyze data, understand customer needs, and solve complex problems.

AI chatbots like Botsonic AI Bot can also help automate mundane tasks, provide customer service, and even offer valuable advice. The possibilities for what AI chatbots can do are endless.

What is the best AI chatbot?

Several traditional chatbots are available in the market, like Intercom, Yellow, Cleverbot, Salesforce, Landbot, and Dialogflow.

However, with the changing customer requirements, you should go for a chatbot that offers advanced ChatGPT-like powers with additional features like voice command and information extraction from Google. And hence you choose Botsonic AI Bot to provide a seamless customer experience.

What technology is used in an AI chatbot?

Advanced ChatGPT-like AI chatbot (Botsonic AI Bot) is built on cutting-edge technology that enables it to understand and respond to human conversations.

Advanced algorithms and natural language processing allow Botsonic AI Bot to comprehend complex queries, often replicating the conversational experience as if you're talking to a real person.

Are chatbots good for customer service?

AI chatbots like Botsonic AI Bot (an advanced AI chatbot with ChatGPT-capabilities) have become increasingly popular as customer service tools, leading us to ask - are they really good for providing stellar customer service?

Evidence suggests that integrating chatbots into customer service can lead to improved customer satisfaction, faster response times, and increased efficiency. Therefore, when implemented correctly and used for the right purposes, chatbots can be a powerful way to provide high-quality customer service.

What is conversational AI for customer support?

Conversational AI like Botsonic for customer support is revolutionizing the way customer service is delivered, giving customers an easy and conversational way to get their queries answered.

Botsonic is powered by ChatGPT with additional offerings, which allows companies to streamline customer service operations and deliver more personalized customer experiences.

By using AI-powered chatbots, businesses can respond to customer inquiries quickly and provide answers with more accuracy. This new technology is giving customer support teams the opportunity to provide real-time engagement to customers at all times.

Convert your knowledge base systems into AI chat in under a minute

Let’s upgrade you to the future of customer support. Join the Botsonic AI Bot waitlist for businesses now and get early access to this advanced ChatGPT customer service AI chatbot.

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