9 Ways To Scale Content Personalization With the Power of AI

Epilson’s study says 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences.

That’s a huge number to be ignored, isn’t it?

The first target customers or audience for a business is no longer a mass. They are individuals, each with their own preferences, needs, and wants. But, catering to each on a personal level can be daunting – even impossible.

This is a testament to the power of personalization and a strong reminder of the time-consuming tasks digital marketers face in achieving successful content personalization at scale. Considering the magnitude of data points and touchpoints involved in personalizing content for individual consumers, it can be very difficult to do it manually.

But luckily, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can do the heavy lifting for you. It helps you provide content tailored to your target audience without draining your resources.

So, without any further ado, let's dive into how to use AI to scale content personalization for your target audience.

Table Of Contents

What is content personalization?

Before learning about how AI swoops in to save the day, let's understand what exactly content personalization is.

Imagine when you walk into your favorite coffee shop, the barista recognizes you and says, "The usual, right?"

That's personalization - knowing consumer preferences and delivering accordingly.

Similarly, digital content can be made to incorporate personalized content based on individual preferences. It can be done by tailoring your website, emails, social media posts, and more to resonate with your audience’s behavior and needs. Instead of broadcasting a one-size-fits-all message, personalize content to create a unique and personalized experience for every consumer making them feel like you are speaking to them directly.

And you have probably seen content personalization strategy in action, too!

Netflix’s recommendations somehow always include that binge-worthy show you didn't know you needed 👀.


Amazon putting up the products you need on the homepage 🛍️.

Content personalization

That's content personalization at work!

Now you might be thinking Netflix and Amazon are big companies with a lot of resources to put into content personalization strategy.

But we are here to tell you that brands of all sizes across various industries are boosting their content personalization game.

For example, consider you are in the fitness industry. Your app offers individualized content, i.e., workout regimes and meal plans, by making consumers take a small quiz.

Another content personalization example in the digital era is in the retail industry. You can send emails with product recommendations aligned with a customer’s past purchases and browsing and purchase history.

But how does personalized email marketing lead consumers to purchase more from you?

With personalization, you can develop content that makes your audience feel understood, engage more with your content, and stick around longer. When you deliver content that hits the right chords, your audience will likely become loyal customers and even brand ambassadors.

But how do you go about it without driving yourself nuts trying to create content to cater to each individual? Here is AI to lend a hand to scale your content personalization efforts in the best possible ways.

9 ways AI can help scale content personalization

AI is the new electricity - enabling us to do more,” said Andrew Ng

Just as electricity transformed countless industries a century ago, AI is now poised to do the same. But how can we harness the electricity of AI to scale content personalization efforts at godspeed?

In this section, we will talk about nine ways AI can supercharge your content personalization. It's not about doing more of the same old stuff faster. It's about doing things we never thought were possible.

You can't solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level.

AI is the next level in content personalization, and we are about to rise above and see how.

1. Automated content creation

Think of the time when you decided to cook a five-course meal for your family, catering to everyone's dietary preferences and favorites. You had your vegan aunt, gluten-free cousin, and uncle, who's all about protein. It took time, effort, and an understanding of what everyone likes. Now, imagine doing that every day for thousands of people.

Overwhelming, right?

That's exactly how it feels when you're trying to create personalized content for various audience segments manually. You need to create different versions of content that speaks directly to each segment's unique needs and preferences.

And, let's be honest, it's a lot like juggling flaming torches – it's not easy, and you're likely to get burnt.

This is where the magic of AI swoops in like a superhero 🦸.

One such AI tool for automated content creation is Wrtiesonic’s AI Article Writer 5.0.

AI Article Writer

It can generate unique blog posts while adjusting the tone and brand voice based on your requirements. So, whether you need a casual, friendly blog post for your young audience or a more formal, data-driven article for your B2B clients, it can easily whip it up.

Check out this detailed guide about using Article Writer 5.0 to create personalized content to encourage users and grow your brand!

But it's not just about creating different versions of the same content. With AI, you can also discover unique ideas and perspectives for your content, ensuring that you're not just personalizing but also constantly innovating.

This gives you more time to focus on other strategic aspects of your business.

2. Interactive Content

Do you know what's more fun than reading a static blog post or a report? Having a real back-and-forth conversation with the content you're engaging with! It's like the difference between watching a lecture and being part of a buzzing debate club. In one, you're a passive observer. On the other, you're a key player.

That's what interactive content brings to the table. It's a super-effective way to make your audience feel involved and heard. Plus, learning more about your target audience is a sneaky little strategy.

What better way to understand them than by asking them fun and interesting questions?

Creating interactive content sounds like a lot of work. But not with conversational AI tools like ChatGPT and Chatsonic.

For instance, an e-commerce business can use Chatsonic to generate interactive quizzes that engage your audience and give you valuable insights about their style preferences and interests.


Based on the customer's responses to this quiz, you can offer product suggestions and compelling customer experiences that feel tailor-made for the customer. And anyone can do this!

3. Behavioral Tracking and Analysis

Ever been to a magic show? Did the magician pull out the exact card you picked from his hat, leaving you in bewilderment and delight?

That's pretty much what AI does with behavioral tracking and analysis. It might not be pulling cards out of a hat, but it's definitely pulling out some game-changing behavior insights for your next content marketing personalization strategy.

The little tidbits of user behavior information can directly lead you to what your customer wants, allowing you to tailor your content, products, and services to their needs. And when your content speaks directly to your customer's needs, it results in higher engagement, improved customer retention, and increased revenue.💰

But how does one track and analyze such vast data 🤔?

AI tools can monitor and analyze consumer behavior on a scale that's simply impossible for humans to match. These tools can track the types of content users interact with, how long they spend on certain landing pages, and even what they put in their cart but choose not to buy 🔎💻.

For example, Spotify - the digital music platform, uses AI to track and analyze user behavior on their app.

Spotify's Discover Weekly playlist always hits the nail on the head! The secret lies in Spotify's AI, which analyzes your listening behavior, creating playlists that perfectly match your music tastes. Not just that, it even recommends new music based on your past preferences, constantly introducing you to new artists and tracks you're likely to enjoy.

AI-powered marketing tools like Hotjar, Crisp, and Hubspot can you help build a solid system to track and analyze user behavior.

4. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is all about using historical data to predict future outcomes. It's like being able to see into the future, but instead of using a crystal ball, you're using AI. It’s how Netflix knows you’ll love that new show or how your grocery app knows you’re about to run out of milk.🥛📊

AI tools like Microsoft Azure, RapidMiner, IBM SPSS, and Salesforce Einstein use AI to forecast customer behavior and market trends. These platforms can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns and trends in consumer data that can guide content personalization strategies.

Here’s a little taste of how this works in practice.

Suppose you run a fitness blog and use AI tools to analyze your readers' behavior. You notice a trend: your readers seem to engage more with content about healthy recipes in the first week of January (probably all those New Year's resolutions).

Predictive analytics can take this data and forecast that your readers will probably be interested in similar content around the subject line at the same time next year. So, you plan ahead and create personalized content to meet this anticipated demand.💪🥦

It's like having a GPS for your content strategy: you know where you are (thanks to behavioral data collection, tracking, and analysis) and where you're headed (thanks to predictive analytics).

And the end result? More targeted and tailored content now, improved reader engagement, and an increased likelihood of reaching your business goals.

It's not just about reacting to your audience's behavior; it's about anticipating their needs and exceeding their expectations.

5. AI chatbots

It’s time to talk about one of the most powerful ways to use AI for scaling content personalization - AI chatbots.

They are like your business's personal digital butler. They're online all day, every day, assisting your users, answering queries, and providing recommendations. These AI-powered chatbots learn to offer even more personalized help with every interaction.

They're like the Jarvis to your Iron Man (except they're less likely to take over the world).

You might think, "Sure, but how can a chatbot personalize content?" The secret sauce of AI chatbots is their ability to learn from every single user interaction. They quietly note users' preferences and behavior, and then use that knowledge to offer customized responses and suggestions. It's like having a personal shopper for every single user but without the hefty price tag.💡🛍️

The best part is you need not hire a techie to build an AI chatbot for you.

Say hello to Botsonic, a ChatGPT-powered AI chatbot builder. Think of it as your magic wand for creating engaging, smart, and helpful chatbots. Bots created with Botsonic can understand complex questions, manage multiple topics, and even express a personality that matches your brand identity.


Consider a quick example to understand this better.

You run an online bookstore and have an AI chatbot built using Botsonic on your site. A customer drops by, unsure about what book to buy for her next beach vacation. The chatbot, drawing from past interactions with her, knows that she has a penchant for suspense novels and suggests a new thriller that's been getting rave reviews. And voila! Her very own personalized book recommendation! 📚🏖️

By leveraging AI chatbot builders like Botsonic, you can greatly enhance the user experience on your website. They make your content strategy dynamic and responsive to each user's needs, leading to higher user engagement, increased customer loyalty, and better conversion rates.

6. Segmentation and Targeting

Remember Harry Potter's Sorting Hat? The one that decides which house a student belongs to? Well, segmentation is the Sorting Hat in the realm of content personalization. But, instead of sorting students into houses, it sorts your audience into specific segments. 💼🎩

The idea of segmentation and targeting isn't new to marketing. Traditional marketers have used demographics, interests, and other demographic data points to segregate their audience for more personalized marketing efforts. With the introduction of AI, segmentation and targeting have become easier than ever!

But how?

AI uses machine learning algorithms to analyze vast customer data - from buying behavior to click-through rates to social media interactions. This comprehensive analysis allows AI to define clear customer segments, ensuring the right type of personalized content is delivered to the right person at the right time. 🎯📊

DataRobot is an AI content personalization tool that helps businesses use ML for effective audience segmentation and targeting. It automates the process, saving time and reducing the chance of human error. Once these segments are identified, content creators can tailor their marketing strategy to meet each segment’s specific needs and preferences.

Segmentation and targeting for content personalization

For example, Let's say you run a blog that covers various topics for target audiences, like tech, lifestyle, travel, and more. Through AI-powered segmentation, you discover that a certain group of your audience loves tech-related articles and prefers reading in the evening. With this insight, you can now schedule tech-related posts for that timeframe, ensuring your audience gets the content they love when they are most likely to read it.

The benefits of content personalization don't end here. By tailoring your content to the different customer segments and segments, you can increase user engagement, build stronger brand loyalty, and enhance the overall online user experience too.

7. Real-time Personalization

Real-time personalization is a content personalization strategy where the content changes instantly and in real-time based on the user's behavior and preferences. And guess who's behind the wheel, driving this impressive strategy?

Artificial Intelligence 🤖

It uses high-end algorithms and ML to monitor a user's activity and instantly adapt the content accordingly. This could be anything - from product recommendations based on user browsing items to customized emails triggered by specific user actions. It's like having a mind-reading assistant who knows exactly what your customers need and when! 🧠✨

Suppose you run an online clothing store. A visitor is browsing through summer dresses but seems undecided. Your AI system immediately picks up on this and displays a pop-up showcasing the most popular summer dresses or a limited-time discount on them. This kind of real-time personalization could be the nudge the visitor needs to make a purchase.

But why should businesses care about real-time personalization?

It helps increase engagement, boost sales funnel conversion rates, improve customer experience and satisfaction. It makes customers feel understood and valued; when they feel valued, they stick around.

8. Voice Recognition

Ever had a conversation with Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant? If so, then you've experienced one of the most fascinating advancements in AI - Voice Recognition.

While it has made its way into our homes and pockets, its role in the content personalization strategy is just as captivating. It offers a unique, hands-free way of interacting with content that's not just for website personalization but also immediate and natural.

And voice recognition with AI capabilities allows businesses to deliver a personalized user experience based on verbal interactions. It can understand what users are saying and their intent, mood, and preferences. It's like having an intuitive assistant who doesn't just listen but also understands and reacts accordingly.

For instance, imagine you are asking Siri to play some music. It doesn't just play a random song; but pulls up your most played or favorite genres, offering a highly personalized playlist based on your voice command.

Moreover, it allows content personalization in real time, increases user engagement, and offers a unique, hands-free, personalized shopping experience. In a world where consumers are always on the go, voice recognition allows businesses to provide quick, easy, and personalized customer experiences everywhere.

This integration of voice recognition in content personalization tools is the next big step in content personalization in marketing. Businesses can create more engaging and dynamic interactions by understanding the different types of personalized content and incorporating voice recognition.

9. User Profiling

Think about your best friend for a moment. They likely know your likes, dislikes, quirks, and maybe even your coffee order by heart. Now, imagine if you could understand your customers on a similar level.

Well, with User Profiling with AI, you can do this easily. It's like having a digital Sherlock Holmes, using its AI magnifying glass to deduce essential insights about your users. 🔍🕵️‍♂️

User profiling is the process of creating comprehensive user personas based on their behavior, preferences, and past interactions with your content. It's a crucial part of any content personalization strategy. And with AI, this process becomes even more efficient and accurate.

AI algorithms can sift through vast amounts of data, picking up patterns and insights that may be missed by the human eye. This allows you to build detailed user profiles, helping you better understand your audience and tailor your content to meet their specific needs and preferences.

One of the best AI tools to build user profiles is Delve AI. It leverages artificial intelligence to create dynamic user profiles, providing a more accurate and detailed understanding of your audience.


Suppose you run an online fitness platform. Based on user behavior, your AI system might deduce that a particular user is interested in yoga and prefers morning workouts. With this insight, you can personalize their experience by suggesting yoga routines for the morning. This caters to their specific preferences and enhances their overall experience.

The benefits of content personalization through user profiling are enormous. It helps deliver highly relevant deliver personalized content, improves user engagement, and builds strong customer relationships. By providing personalized content that gives tailored experiences, you show your users that you understand and value them, fostering loyalty and trust.

Incorporating AI in user profiling is indeed transforming marketing content personalization. You can create an effective content personalization strategy by understanding the different types of personalized content and leveraging AI's power.

Boost your content personalization efforts with AI

Artificial Intelligence opens a world of opportunities for personalizing content. Start using AI-powered tools like Writesonic's Article Writer 5.0 for creating engaging content, Botsonic for smart chatbot interactions, and Chatsonic to build interactive content.

They're not just tools. They are your personalization partners, helping you reach out and engage with your audience in meaningful ways.

Ready to take your content personalization to the next level? Start by creating content for, engaging, and delighting your audience like never before!