How Give InKind Saved Thousands of Dollars Per Month by Creating Content with Writesonic

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Meet Give InKind: Strengthening Communities Through Compassionate Support

Give InKind is a social platform that helps individuals in distress going through challenging times get through it with compassion and community support. It helps people create InKind pages, share them with friends and family, and get support across different aspects of life.

Creating a care calendar, wishlists, donations, meal delivery services, gift cards, email reminders, and much more – Give InKind offers provides a free platform to enable it all.

The Hurdle: Generation of Nuanced and Quality Content

GiveInKind had to create over thousands of product listing descriptions. But they also needed it to have nuanced information unique to different third-party apps. Usually, this process was labor intensive and would take them months to create

Additionally, Give InKind relied on external agencies to create and optimize their content. This process was costly (running into tens of thousands of dollars each month) and failed to meet their exact needs. They had a significant amount of content that was low quality.

“The first project was the product listing content. When writing for a product called GiftYa, we want to add particular nuances to some of these product descriptions. So we used the ‘write your own AI’ feature. We had an offshore team crank through 16,000 product listings. Which is why we have used 3.5 M words!” - Lauren, CEO of Give InKind

Enter Writesonic: The Efficient Content Generation Engine

Give InKind turned to WriteSonic, a robust AI tool that automates content creation and optimization. WriteSonic proved versatile, handling various types of content generation.

They used Writesonic’s landing page generator to create copy that captures the essence of the product. They also regularly used the article rewriter feature to improve the quality of existing content and take it up a notch in terms of SEO and quality.

Through the use of WriteSonic, Give InKind significantly streamlined its content creation process. They brought the work previously done by external agencies in-house, leading to substantial cost savings.

“We’ve saved thousands of dollars per month by not using external agencies and starting to use Writesonic. We have written it for the landing page copy. I really appreciated that. I thought that was awesome.” - Lauren, CEO of Give InKind

Writesonic: Creating Content with Flair in Minutes

The adoption of WriteSonic led to significant benefits for Give InKind:

Cost Savings: By bringing the work in-house and leveraging the power of WriteSonic, Give InKind saved tens of thousands of dollars each month that would have otherwise been spent on external agencies

Quality Improvement: The use of WriteSonic allowed for the creation of high-quality content. Lauren mentioned an instance where WriteSonic generated landing page copy that outperformed their attempts: "I took this word for word on something that I’ve worked, you know, for years on. And it was like, oh, they said it better than I could have.”

Efficiency: By leveraging WriteSonic’s automation capabilities, Give InKind was able to speed up its content creation process dramatically. They found WriteSonic to be incredibly effective for large-scale projects.

Accessibility: WriteSonic assisted in making the content more accessible, a feature that Give InKind found very valuable for SEO.

“As a product manager, I speak in features, and I’ve been asked to speak in feelings. So it really helps me to be able to put in the landing page generator and say here are three value propositions. I took the copy word to word on something that I’ve worked on for years, and realized it said it better than I could have!” - Lauren, CEO of Give InKind

Future Steps: Exploring Features Beyond Writing

Through conversations with the Give InKind team, Writesonic looks forward to a more collaborative relationship. Give InKind is looking forward to more updates with upgraded usage of article rewriter, bulk generation with nuanced content generation for the product listing through Chatsonic, imbibing API from Writesonic into their workflow, exploring more options with brand voice and Article Write 5.0, and much more.

In Conclusion: Use AI to Create Quality and Automate the Right Way

Lauren and her team at Give InKind found tremendous value in adopting WriteSonic. It led to substantial cost savings and quality improvements and significantly increased efficiency in their content creation process. WriteSonic also received positive feedback for its usability, with Lauren praising the platform’s easy-to-use prompt library and template creation features.

Despite the success, Give InKind looks forward to further enhancing its use of WriteSonic. They’ve shared valuable feedback to improve the platform further and hope to leverage the API for bulk content generation in the future.

Looking for a way to create content in minutes that takes months?

Try Writesonic and build your content engine with speed and quality cost-effectively.

Preethi Anchan

Content writer and seasoned marketer @Writesonic. I specialize in storytelling with long-form product-led content, converting the language of machines into the language of people.

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