How to rewrite my sentence

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Do you get stuck while writing a sentence for an essay, a blog post, or an email? Or do you struggle to find the right words, the best structure, or the most effective tone? Or worry about plagiarism, repetition, or boredom when crafting your content piece?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, keep reading!

Let’s say you come up with a sentence that conveys your message, but you feel that it sounds way too dull, vague, or confusing. Now you might wonder how to make it more clear, concise, and engaging, right?

This is where rewriting comes into the picture.

Rewriting is the process of changing the words, structure, or tone of a sentence without altering its meaning. In other words, it is the process of expressing the same idea in a different way, using different words, grammar, or syntax.

Rewriting can help to:

  • Avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing.
  • Boost your creativity by experimenting with different variations.
  • Adapt your writing to different audiences, purposes, and contexts.
  • Show your understanding of the topic by explaining it in your own words.
  • Improve your writing style by making it more clear, concise, and engaging.

But how can you rewrite a sentence without changing its meaning? Let’s check it out.

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How to rewrite my sentence without changing its meaning?

There are many ways to rewrite a sentence without changing its meaning, depending on the purpose, audience, and context of your writing. You can use the best paraphrasing tools available online to make rewriting a breeze. In any case, here are some strategies that you can use to rewrite any sentence in a better way.

Remove unnecessary words

One of the easiest ways to rewrite a sentence is to remove any words that are not essential for the meaning.

This is a big no when you write headlines for social media posts, emails, marketing content, or even for your blog posts. By removing them, you can make your sentence more concise and impactful.

For example:

Original: Due to the fact that he was feeling very tired, he decided to go to bed early.

Rewritten: He was tired, so he went to bed early.

Original: She is very happy and excited to see you.

Rewritten: She is thrilled to see you.

Use synonyms

Another way to rewrite a sentence is to use synonyms, i.e., words that have the same or similar meaning.

By using synonyms, you can avoid repetition, add variety, and enhance your vocabulary. However, you have to be careful to choose synonyms that fit the context and the tone of your writing. You can try using a paragraph rewriter that helps with generating your copy with synonyms.

For example:

Original: She was very happy when she saw the gift.

Rewritten: She was delighted when she saw the gift.

Original: He is a good teacher

Rewritten: He is a competent instructor

Split long sentences into short

Long sentences can be hard to read and understand, especially if they contain multiple clauses, commas, or conjunctions.

To make them more clear and more readable, you can break them into shorter sentences that convey one idea each. By splitting it into shorter and simpler sentences, you can improve the clarity, flow, and emphasis of your writing. You can take help from rewording tools to split sentences into short.

For example:

Original: The project, which was supposed to be completed by the end of the month, was delayed due to some technical issues that the team encountered along the way, resulting in frustration and dissatisfaction among the clients.

Rewritten: The project was delayed. It was supposed to be completed by the end of the month, but the team encountered some technical issues. The clients were frustrated and dissatisfied.

Original: She loves reading books, watching movies, and listening to music, but she doesn't have much time for these hobbies because of her busy schedule

Rewritten: She loves reading books. She also enjoys watching movies and listening to music. However, her busy schedule leaves her little time for these hobbies."

Change passive voice to active

Another way to rewrite a sentence is to change the passive voice to the active voice.

It is because passive voice can make your writing sound weak, vague, or impersonal, while active voice can make it sound strong, clear, and direct.

The best part is with the help of Writesonic, you don’t have to spend much time changing the voice of your sentence. You can simply use Writesonic’s Passive to Active voice generator. All you need to do with this AI writer is -  add your sentence and hit generate.

For example:

Original: The cake was eaten by the children.

Rewritten: The children ate the cake.

Original: The cake was made by my mother.

Rewritten: My mother made the cake.

Reverse conditional sentences

Conditional sentences are sentences that express a hypothetical situation and its possible outcome, using words like if, then, or unless.

So, another way to rewrite a sentence is to reverse the conditional sentences. By reversing the conditional sentences, you can change the focus, the emphasis, or the tone of your writing, without changing its meaning. This helps with repurposing content into different content types and forms.

For example:

Original: If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

Rewritten: You will pass the exam if you study hard.

Original: If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

Rewritten: You will pass the exam if you study hard.

Use Writesonic

The best way to save your time and effort and speed up the rewriting process is by using the Paraphrasing tool. It can rewrite the entire paragraph with a click.

Sounds interesting, isn't it?

All you have to do is to copy and paste the sentence you want to rewrite and hit generate. It will give you several options to choose from, and you can edit them as you like. Check how:

Paraphrasing tool - How to rewrite a sentence
Paraphrasing tool

A great way to boost your creativity and enhance the writing piece, isn’t it?

For example: Original: I really enjoyed reading your blog post.

Rewritten: Your blog post was a pleasure to read.

Rewritten: I loved your blog post, it was very interesting.

Rewritten: What a great blog post. I learned a lot from it.

Tips to keep in mind while rewriting the sentences

While rewriting the sentences, there are some tips that you should keep in mind to make sure that you rewrite them effectively and correctly. Here are some of them:

Ask yourself why you are rewriting.

Before you start rewriting a sentence, you should have a clear purpose and goal in your mind.

Ask yourself, are you rewriting to avoid plagiarism, to improve your style, to show your understanding, to adapt your writing, or to boost your creativity?

Now, depending on your purpose, choose your strategies and tools or techniques for rewriting.

Understand the meaning of the sentence.

If you want to rewrite a sentence without changing its meaning, you need to understand what the sentence is trying to say, and what the main idea, message, or argument is.

Pay close attention to the context, the tone, the intention, and the implication of the sentence. Then, you also need to take into consideration your target audience to make it relatable.

This will help you avoid misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or distortion of the original meaning.

Keep it short and simple.

A good rule of thumb for rewriting sentences is to use as few words as possible without losing the meaning.

You should avoid unnecessary words, long and complex sentences, and passive voice. Unnecessary modifiers, adverbs, or adjectives, can weaken your writing or create confusion. Plus, avoid using complex words, jargon, or slang unless they are appropriate for your audience and purpose.

Make sure to use clear and direct language that your audience can easily follow and understand.

Consider parallelism in writing.

When you rewrite, you should also consider parallelism in writing, which is the use of similar words, phrases, or clauses in the same sentence or paragraph.

It can help you create balance, rhythm, and coherence in your writing and make it easier to read and understand. Here’s an example.

For example:

Original: He likes to read books, writing poems, and playing guitar.

Rewritten: He likes to read books, write poems, and play guitar.

Use proper grammar.

Never forget the importance of grammar. Grammar is the set of rules that govern how words and sentences are structured, used, and punctuated in a language.

Using proper grammar can help you avoid errors, ambiguities, or inconsistencies in your writing and make it more professional and credible. You can use online tools, such as Grammarly, to check and correct your grammar, or you can ask someone to proofread your writing.

Pay attention to the punctuation.

Punctuation is the use of symbols, such as commas, periods, or quotation marks, to separate, organize, or emphasize parts of a sentence or text.

Using punctuation correctly can help you clarify the meaning, tone, and mood of your writing and avoid misunderstandings or confusion. You can use online tools, such as Hemingway, to check and improve your punctuation, or you can follow some basic rules, such as using a comma before coordinating conjunction or using a period at the end of a sentence.


Master rewriting skill is so important. it can help you to improve your writing quality, style, and creativity. Plus, it can help you to express your thoughts more clearly, and avoid plagiarism.

By using these strategies and tips, you can rewrite any sentence in a better way without changing its meaning.

However, if you want to save time and effort, you can also use Writesonic, an AI writing tool that can generate high-quality and unique sentences based on your input. Writesonic is a fast, easy, and fun way to rewrite a sentence, and you can try it for free today.

So, what are you waiting for? Start rewriting the sentence with Writesonic now and see the difference for yourself.

Happy rewriting!

Pragati Gupta

Pragati Gupta is a Content Marketer @Writesonic, specializing in AI, SEO, and strategic B2B writing. Leveraging the power of Generative AI, she produces high-impact content that drives superior ROI.

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