How to write ad copy for Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn

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Did you know that the average reader will only spend about 10 seconds looking at an advertisement before moving on to the next one?

In simple terms, you can come up with the most creative and unique ad copy in the world, but if it doesn’t meet the needs of your audience, it won’t perform well.

And this is why you need to make sure that everything is in place before you launch the ad campaign.

To start with, you need to write compelling ad copy.


Because the words you use in your ad copy can either make or break your campaign.

Table Of Contents

What is an ad copy?

An ad copy is a text that persuades your target audience to click on your ad, visit your website, and take action. It should be powerful enough to compete with thousands of other ads, capture your audience's attention in seconds, and convey your unique value proposition clearly and effectively.

So, if you're looking to reach more customers, generate more leads and sales, and grow your business online, focus on mastering the art of writing ad copy.

This blog post covers everything from how to write good ad copy for Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn and how to create eye-catching images for your visual ads to some proven ad copywriting tips you need to keep in mind.

Read on to learn how to write good ad copy that stands out from the crowd and converts. Let's get started!

How to write an ad copy that converts

How to write Facebook ad copy

With over 2.93 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the largest and most popular social media platform. And Facebook Ad copy is one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s toolbox.

Facebook ad copy has the ability to target specific audiences with laser precision, deliver a message that resonates with them, and ultimately boost conversion rates. Such an invaluable tool, isn’t it?

Well, Facebook offers a variety of ad formats, such as images, video, carousel, collection, and stories, to suit different objectives, such as awareness, consideration, and conversion. To generate a high-quality Facebook ad copy in seconds, try Writesonic's Facebook ad copy generator.

Wondering how?

Well, all you need to do is add a product/service name and description. Then, add occasion or promotion, if any. Finally, select language and quality, and hit generate. No more worrying about how to write copy that sells. Here’s a glimpse:

Facebook Ad Generator - How to Write an Ad Copy for Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn
Facebook Ad Generator

Here are a few things you need to consider to write a compelling Facebook copy:

  • Use a catchy headline that summarizes your main benefit, offer, or solution. Make the best use of 25 characters.
  • Write a clear and concise body text that provides more details, proof, or urgency. You have 125 characters to persuade your audience.
  • Add a strong call to action that tells your audience what to do next and why. Here’s how you can generate a strong CTA.
Call to action generator - How to Write an Ad Copy for Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn
Call to action generator

How to write Google ad copy

Google is the largest and most popular search engine, with over 90% market share and billions of searches per day. It offers different types of ads, such as search, display, video, and shopping, to match different intents, such as informational, navigational, and transactional.

Want to put your Google ad copy creation on an autopilot mode? Use Writesonic’s Google ad generator. All you need to do is add a product/service name and description. Then, add the search term you want in your ad copy. Finally, select the language and quality, and hit generate.

Here’s a glimpse of how it can generate a Google ad copy in seconds.

Google Ad generator - How to Write an Ad Copy for Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn
Google Ad generator

When writing a Google ad copy, here are some tips to follow:

  • Use relevant keywords that match your audience's search query and intent. You have a limit of up to 30 characters for headline and 90 characters for description.
  • Add benefits and features that differentiate your product or service. This helps to gain a competitive advantage.
  • Finally, add a compelling call to action.

How to write LinkedIn ad copy

LinkedIn is the largest and most popular professional network, with over 850 million members.

It offers different types of ads, such as sponsored content, sponsored messaging, text ads, and video ads, to target different audiences, such as decision-makers, influencers, and job seekers. Want to generate a killer LinkedIn ad copy and grow your business? Use Writesonic!

All you need to do is add the product/service name and description. Then, add target keywords you want in your ad copy and promotion, if any. Finally, select language and quality, and hit generate. Here’s how:

LinkedIn Ad generator - How to Write an Ad Copy for Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn
LinkedIn Ad generator 

To write a great LinkedIn ad copy, here are some tips to follow:

  • Use a professional and personalized tone that resonates with your target audience.
  • Add a clear and concise message that delivers your main value proposition, offer, or solution.
  • Then, finally add a direct and specific call to action that encourages your audience to take action.

How to create eye-catchy images for your visual ads

When it comes to how to write ad copy that sells, images are an essential part. They can capture your audience's attention, convey your message, and evoke emotions. That being said, it becomes easier if you use an AI art generator to create such images. Also, visual content helps in improving the user experience.  

Now when creating images for your visual ads, here are some tips to follow:

  • Use high-quality and relevant images that match your ad copy and your brand.

You can use your own photos or videos or use free or paid stock images or videos from platforms such as Freepik, Shutterstock, Unsplash, or Pexels. Make sure you have the rights to use the images or videos you choose and that they are not copyrighted or trademarked. In case you don’t want to use any and want someone unique and original, you can try Photosonic.

  • Use contrast and color to make your images stand out and attract attention.

Leverage the power of tools like Appy Pie Design, Canva, Adobe Spark, or PicMonkey to edit your images and add filters, effects, text, or shapes.. You can also use colors that suit your brand, your message, or your audience's preferences. For example, blue is often associated with trust and professionalism, red with urgency and excitement, and green with growth and sustainability.

  • Use images that show your product or service in action, your customers' testimonials, or your social proof.

Make sure to use images that demonstrate how your product or service works, how it solves a problem, or how it improves a situation. You can also use images that feature your customers' feedback, ratings, or reviews, or your awards, certifications, or recognitions. These images can help you build credibility, authority, and trust with your audience.

Proven ad copywriting tips to keep in mind while writing an ad copy

If you're a marketer, entrepreneur, or freelancer, you know how important it is to write an ad copy that grabs attention, communicates value, and persuades your audience to take action. But writing an effective ad copy is not always easy, especially when you have limited time, space, and resources.

So now you might be thinking, how to write an ad copy that sells without spending hours staring at a blank screen or hiring an expensive copywriter? Here are some tips and tricks to help you out.

Know your audience

An ad copy that targets everyone converts no one!

The first step to writing an ad copy that sells is to understand who you're writing for. What are their pain points, desires, goals, and challenges? What are their demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns? What are their motivations, objections, and triggers?

Once you know who your audience is, you can tailor your message to their needs, interests, and emotions and use the language and tone that resonate with them.

Plus, you can segment your audience and create different versions of your ad copy for different platforms, channels, and stages of the buyer's journey.

Write a killer headline

8 out of 10 people only read the headline.

The headline is the most crucial part of your ad copy, as it determines whether your audience will read the rest of your ad or scroll past it. Make sure your headline is catchy, concise, and clear, and it should communicate the main benefit or promise of your offer, product, or service.

Some proven formulas for writing headlines are:

  • How to + benefit
  • Benefit + without + pain
  • Number + adjective + noun + benefit
  • Question + benefit
  • Testimonial + benefit

For example:

  • How to Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days Without Giving Up Your Favorite Foods
  • Grow Your Business Online Without Wasting Money on Ads
  • 7 Simple Steps to How to Write an Ad Copy that Sells
  • Do You Want to Learn a New Skill in Just 15 Minutes a Day?
  • "Writesonic Helped Me Generate 10x More Leads in Half the Time."

Use the AIDA framework

AIDA - The classic copywriting formula stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

The AIDA framework can help you structure your ad copy in a way that guides your audience from awareness to action.

  • Attention: Grab your audience's attention with a headline that sparks curiosity, urgency, or emotion.
  • Interest: Keep your audience's interest with a subheadline that expands on your headline and introduces your offer, product, or service.
  • Desire: Create desire for your offer, product, or service by highlighting the features, benefits, and outcomes that solve your audience's problems or fulfill their aspirations. Use bullet points, testimonials, statistics, or stories to illustrate your points and build trust and credibility.
  • Action: Call your audience to action with a clear, compelling, and actionable statement that tells them what to do next and why. Use words that convey value, urgency, and scarcity, such as "claim", "get", "join", "start", "don't miss", or "limited time".

For example:

  • Attention: How to Write Ad Copy that Sells in Minutes.
  • Interest: Introducing Writesonic, the AI Writing Tool that Generates High-Converting Ad Copies for You.
  • Desire: With Writesonic, you can:
  1. Save time and money by creating ad copies in minutes, not hours or days.
  2. Boost your conversions and sales by matching your message to your audience and platform.
  3. Unleash your creativity and experiment with different styles, tones, and formats of ad copy.
  4. Access a library of templates and examples for various industries, niches, and goals.
  5. Edit, tweak, and polish your ad copy with the help of AI suggestions and feedback.
  • Action: Start Your Free Trial Now and Get 10 Free Ad Copy Credits.

You no more need to to delve deep into your copywriting skills to learn the AIDA model, just tell the AI to do it for you.

Use AI for generating an ad copy in seconds

If you're still struggling to write your ad copy, or you just want to save more time and hassle, Writesonic is the perfect tool for you!

Writesonic is an AI writing tool that generates high-quality, engaging, and persuasive ad copies for you in minutes. All you need to do is enter some basic information about your offer, product, or service, and Writesonic will generate a high-quality copy for you.

It has 70+ features and supports 25+ languages. From a blog post generator to ad copy generator to landing page generator, it can help you to generate all forms of content. You can also edit, tweak, and polish your ad copy with the help of AI suggestions and feedback.

So, if you want to write an ad copy that sells for Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn, look no further than Writesonic. Start your free trial today and get 2500 words free. You'll be amazed by what Writesonic can do for you.

In a Nutshell

Writing ad copy is a skill that can help you grow your business online and reach more customers, leads, and sales. However, writing ad copy can also be challenging, time-consuming, and frustrating, especially if you're not a professional copywriter or marketer.

That's why we recommend using Writesonic, an AI-powered writing tool that can help you write ad copy for Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn in minutes. Writesonic uses advanced natural language generation and machine learning to generate high-quality and high-converting ad copy based on your keywords, product, or service.

With Writesonic, you can save time, money, and effort and focus on your core business activities. You can also get inspired, learn, and improve your ad copywriting skills by using Writesonic's templates, examples, and suggestions.

If you want to see Writesonic in action, you can sign up for 2500 words free. You can also upgrade to a premium plan and get unlimited access to its ad copy generator and other writing tools, such as blog post generator, landing page generator, and email generator.

No more wondering how to write ad copy. Don't let it hold you back from achieving your content marketing goals. Try Writesonic today and see how it can transform your ad copy and your business.

Pragati Gupta

Pragati Gupta is a Content Marketer @Writesonic, specializing in AI, SEO, and strategic B2B writing. Leveraging the power of Generative AI, she produces high-impact content that drives superior ROI.

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