How to Write Faster Without Sacrificing Quality

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Imagine a world where you have unlimited time to complete your blog post, stories, ad copy, or emails… Sounds amazing, isn’t it? But now let’s come to the real world where deadlines are a thing, and you need to speed up your writing process to meet the deadlines.

Writing is an art, and it takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to come up with a good piece of content. However, sometimes it may take more than the required time. And, not everyone has an abundance of free time. Sometimes you need to put your thoughts out as quickly as possible in order to meet deadlines or produce content on a regular basis.

No matter if you are a novelist trying to wrap up your first draft or a content writer trying to edit your blog post, speeding up your writing process can help you to instantly boost your productivity. Not just this, but writing fast is a skill that can help writers with time-sensitive deadlines.

Why It's Important To Write Faster

There are various reasons why it's good to be able to write faster. A few examples include:

  • Writing at a faster pace allows you to get more work done in less time, so you can spend less time on tasks and more time with your family. In short, it will help you to achieve a work-life balance and improve your overall productivity.
  • Writing faster will allow you to share your ideas more widely and with more people. When you write fast, you tend to save a lot of time, which allows you to focus on other core areas, such as promoting the writing piece.
  • Speeding up your writing process will help you become a better writer. It is because when you write faster, it forces you to think about what the reader needs from you instead of what you want them to know. An increased writing speed also helps with grammar and spelling errors, which makes the writing sound smoother.
  • Writing is something that’s important for everyone, no matter what career you’re in. From school to work, writing helps us to communicate our thoughts and ideas to others in a way that’s understandable. The ability to write at a faster speed allows people to finish their work more quickly and share their ideas more widely.

Wondering how long it will take to write a blog post? Check out a detailed guide on this.

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Tips for writing faster

There are many ways we can become faster writers. For example, you can use AI writing assitants that will help you create faster and better content. Then you can break down your goals into smaller tasks so you can tackle them one by one rather than trying to do everything at once.

Another idea is not to edit while you're writing your first draft; this will slow your thinking process down. Finally, think about what the reader needs - think about who the audience is and what they need from you, which can help you to tailor your essays accordingly. Taking time out of your day - even if it's just five minutes a day - will also help you become a faster writer as well as help with inspiration when working on other projects.

Let’s deep dive into a few great tips that can help you to write faster without sacrificing the quality:

Write a synopsis of your ideas before you start working.

Before you start writing, write a synopsis of your thoughts. This in turn can help you to organize your thoughts and stay on topic. Writing out your ideas first will give you the opportunity to edit your words before committing them to paper.

This is also a good way to see if what you're writing is worth spending time on in the first place. There are many moments where we've written paragraphs that just didn't work or provide enough information. Write out those paragraphs as they occur to you, and then eventually go back and delete them after you've written the rest of your article.

So, it is better to create an outline at an initial stage so that you can save time.

Don't edit while you're writing your first draft.

One reason why writing can be so difficult is because when we write, we're essentially sitting down to have a conversation with our readers. We have to explain what we want them to know in a way that they would understand it best.

In order to do this well, it's important to get all of your thoughts out on the page before you worry about editing anything. This will ensure that you don't slow your thinking process down by stopping to fix mistakes every few words. Instead, take note of any mistakes you find and make edits later on in the process. Your first draft is for getting everything out - not for fixing errors. Editing at this phase will actually slow down the thinking process.

So, next time you work on your first draft, don’t edit and try to perfect it in between. Keep editing for last as it will speed up the entire process.

Set your own deadlines

DEADLINE! A word that may sound super scary. But at the same time, setting deadlines can help you to streamline the entire thing. After all, what’s a better feeling than meeting a deadline, right?

Make your own deadlines and stick to them. Self-imposed deadlines are much more effective than those imposed by others. If you know that you have to meet a deadline, you're more likely to work towards that end goal.

Plus, deadlines motivate you and give your brain an incentive to produce content efficiently. You might find yourself producing your best content when working with a deadline!

deadline concept with calendar and alarm clock on pink
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

Break the tasks into smaller tasks

The best way to become a faster writer is to set goals for yourself and break them down into smaller tasks. Doing so can enhance your time efficiency as a writer. There’s no better strategy than simplifying tasks and breaking them into smaller ones to meet the deadlines.

The best way to become a faster writer is to set goals for yourself and break them down into smaller tasks. There’s no better strategy than simplifying tasks and breaking them into smaller ones to meet the deadlines.

It may be easy if you're doing an essay, but if you’re writing a novel, it might be more difficult. For example, your goal is to write five pages in one sitting. When you break that goal down into smaller tasks, you can write one page every hour.

Setting deadlines can help you stay on track and not stop before finishing your work. Sounds easy, right? Well, give it a shot! It will definitely reduce your workload.

Stay organized

Organization is another key part of being productive as a writer. Organization will help you develop good habits that will make writing easier in the long run. Organizational skills can make all the difference in how productive you are as a writer - without them, everything will seem much more chaotic and difficult.

Organization is also essential for keeping track of deadlines and other important information about your writing process. Without organization, life can become really hectic really quickly, and it can take a toll on your health if left unchecked.

Next time you start working on a writing piece, make sure that the things are organized.

Produce content on a regular basis

Consistency is the key! If you want to speed up the writing process, you need to practice regularly.

One of the best ways to write faster without sacrificing quality is to produce content regularly. If you’re not producing content, it will be hard for you to have an active online presence. This means that potential customers will not be able to find your business through search engines or social media.

You should try to post at least one blog post per week and create a new video each month. Your blog posts should not be longer than 1,500 words, and your videos should be 3-5 minutes in length.

Take advantage of the Pomodoro technique

One way to stay focused and get more done is by using the Pomodoro technique. The Pomodoro technique is a time management method developed in the 1980s. It's been popularized by Francesco Cirillo, an Italian industrial designer, who created it as a way to organize his work as a university student.

He found that this helped him focus without interruption for 25 minutes, followed by 5-minute breaks. This little break can be used to stretch, get some water, or take care of another task before returning to the task at hand.

The benefit of using this technique is that it helps us keep our eyes away from the screen when we need a short break--which can help prevent eye strain and headaches.

Learn how to write faster using shorthand or language shortcuts

Writing faster doesn't mean sacrificing quality. In fact, being able to type faster and more efficiently can actually improve your writing skills. One way you can increase your speed is by learning shorthand, or language shortcuts.

Some examples of this are abbreviations like "U" for "you" or "IRL" for "in real life." You could also shorten words, such as using "u" instead of "you." Using these simple shortcuts can help you write in shorthand, and still maintain quality. And once you complete your first draft, you can make the changes.

Get your hands on some software tools.

The next step to writing faster and creating better content is to get your hands on some writing software.

However, the options for low-cost or free software for writers are pretty limited. If you're looking for a simple word processor, try LibreOffice. This open-source alternative offers basic formatting and editing capabilities without all of the bells and whistles of Microsoft Word, which may be overwhelming for some people who just want to focus on their writing instead of finessing formatting.

For those who need more robust tools with a bit more flair, Google Docs is a solid alternative with lots of features, though these features can sometimes slow down your workflow if you're not careful.

For example, if you have a document that has lots of images embedded into it or tables--or if you frequently use spreadsheet programs--you might find yourself waiting longer than usual for Google Docs to update after making changes to the file using other programs. This can become frustrating when you're in the middle of working on something else and need updates from your document quickly.

Apart from that, to speed up your content creation process, you can try Writesonic. It is an AI-powered writing tool that can help you to generate content in seconds.

Take breaks in between writing sessions.

Taking breaks in between writing sessions is one of the simplest things you can do to make yourself a better writer. When you take these breaks, you give your brain time to process what was written and come up with new ideas for future content.

It also gives your brain time to rest from thinking so hard about the topic. Taking breaks lets your brain think outside of the box and come up with different perspectives to write from. Don’t waste your time staring at a blank page waiting for some inspiration to strike, take a break!

We were out shooting at sunrise (it was so cold!) and I saw this oportunity for a really cool shot. I wanted to evoke a feeling of victory or triumph with this photo, like a man would feel after a hard fought battle. I think it works.
Photo by Japheth Mast / Unsplash

Get rid of distractions like social media and TV.

The next step to writing faster and better is removing the distractions that are preventing you from focusing. We all have various ongoing things in our lives, but when it comes time to write, you need to block out all of the other noise.

It sounds simple, but this can be one of the hardest parts of writing. Turn off your TV and close your social media tabs. When you’re ready to write, turn off everything that could distract you from getting into the zone with your writing.

Find motivation for writing

There are many ways to find motivation for writing, such as by reading other writers' work or taking a walk in nature. Taking a break from your work will help clear your mind and make you more creative. This exercise would also fall under the category of "practicing" because it's not as repetitive as actual practice, but it will still have the same effects on productivity!

However, some people may also find creative ways of finding motivation. One creative way is to set a timer for five minutes and write whatever comes to mind. This will give your brain a break from the pressure of thinking about what you want to say and will help you increase your writing speed.

Write with a partner

One of the best ways to write faster is to have a writing partner. Writing partners help with brainstorming, editing, and proofreading. When you have someone to share ideas and get feedback from, it's easier to stay on task. You can also share the workload by taking turns writing different parts of the paper or letting your partner take over for breaks.

This CEO and entrepreneur are working on their laptops building a social media marketing strategy to showing bloggers how to make money on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Teamwork on this promotion will bring lots of sales for their startup.

Model: @Austindistel

Photographer: @breeandstephen

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Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

Hire a professional editor to go through your work before publishing

When you're writing, you should always have someone else look over your work. The opinion of a professional editor can be invaluable to help you improve your skills. Editors will highlight any mistakes or errors and offer suggestions for improvement. They also may be able to clarify any concepts that are unclear or confusing.

There’s nothing worse for a writer than hearing back from readers who notice small mistakes. Even the most experienced writers make mistakes sometimes. Editors (or proofreaders) are your best defense against publishing a mistake to your blog or other content pieces.

A good editor will go through your work before publishing it and correct any errors they find, improving the readability of your writing and increasing its credibility. So, make sure to hire a professional editor to go through your work before you publish the work.


Writing is a skill that we all need to be better at. In order to write faster, you must first identify any bottlenecks in your writing process.

Once you’re done, it will be easier to identify the areas where you can improve your writing process. You may need a professional editor to go through your work before publishing to ensure quality, or you may need to pick the right tools for the job.

No matter what, it is important to set yourself deadlines, work consistently, and read about best practices. With these in place, you can easily improve your writing speed without compromising quality.

Undoubtedly, writing requires a lot of time and effort. Looking for an easier way to write faster? Switch to Writesonic. Writesonic is an AI-powered content generator that can help you to create quality content in seconds. From blog posts and articles to ad copy and email copy, it can help you to generate high-quality content. Ready to give it a try? Head on to the website.

Pragati Gupta

Pragati Gupta is a Content Marketer @Writesonic, specializing in AI, SEO, and strategic B2B writing. Leveraging the power of Generative AI, she produces high-impact content that drives superior ROI.

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