Guide to Creating Sales Enablement Content in Minutes with AI

Table of contents

Do you think Harry Potter would’ve gone ahead and defeated Voldemort if it wasn’t for all the resources he had? His loyal group of friends, classmates, and professors were dedicated to the cause and the school that taught him everything he needed to know.

The real world may not be as exciting as the wizarding world of Harry Potter, but your sales team needs support in the same way before they go out into the world.

Sales enablement is the resources and support that you can provide to your team to help better their strengths. With the advent of AI, providing this support with useful content for sales enablement has never been easier.

So are you ready to equip your sales team with the right resources to fight the dark lord, we mean, competition? Then in this read, we will guide you through everything you need to know about AI sales enablement and more.

Table Of Contents

What is sales enablement?

Sales enablement is the process of providing the sales team with the right resources and information – that enables them to make sales. This is possible through sales enablement content that informs, empowers, and eventually increases sales.

When this content is created with the right alignment and collaboration between sales and marketing, you will see it reflected in your profit margins and conversions. The right sales enablement is curated based on the needs of your sales team, customers, and their stage on the buyer’s journey. Case studies, white papers, or other resources are all sales enablement content examples that serve the same purpose - to help sellers attract potential customers and increase sales.

In today's digital era, sales enablement is essential for boosting sales and building lasting customer relationships. It equips your sales team with the right tools and knowledge to effectively engage with potential buyers and provide exceptional service.

Why is AI important in sales enablement?

72% of respondents in a study feel that the market needs more professionals who are empowered with the right sales content and have the necessary sales skills and knowledge.

However, companies realize today that sales enablement is crucial to success. 65% of sales leaders who exceeded their revenue targets in 2020 had such a function in place.

This tells that there is a need for sales enablement content, it gives tremendous results, but the sales teams aren’t always equipped with these resources. This means there isn’t enough content produced for sales enablement, they aren’t created with the right objectives, or they aren’t enough.

Because that’s what sales enablement is – content.

Tweet about Sales Enablement by Brooklin Nash


This is where AI sales enablement comes into the picture. Whether it is a small company with big goals or big companies that want to create an array of resources, AI tools like Writesonic can help teams create valuable content in minutes.

Especially when 74% of sales reps feel that their job today is becoming more consultative and less transactional, the right resources and training to help empower the customers are imperative.

According to a recent survey by Deloitte, 82% of respondents strongly believe that AI would enhance their job performance and satisfaction. Technology is becoming more widely accepted in the workplace, so imbibing AI in sales enablement makes sense.

Using AI as part of the sales enablement strategy augments the efforts of human sales reps rather than replacing them. It streamlines the sales process, generates more leads, and reduces manual efforts in creating content that would otherwise take months.

How to create sales enablement content that your team needs?

As many as 65% of sales professionals feel that a lack of time and appropriate resources are their biggest challenges.

Let’s solve this by creating sales enablement content that sets them up for success.

However, it is important for marketing, who create the content for sales enablement, and the sales team to be aligned. 22.1% of salespeople claimed that this alignment helps them close more deals.

So let's explore how you can craft impactful sales enablement content and ensure your sales team's success.

1. Understand customer pain points

The first step in creating effective sales enablement content is understanding your ideal customer's pain points. Delve deep into your buyer personas, and identify their job roles, interests, and challenges. By doing so, you can tailor your content to their needs, ensuring it resonates with them.

Gartner Insights on B2B Buyers 


The information you create will be of high value to the prospective buyer when you create sales enablement content that resonates with them. Remember it should be about what the buyer needs, more than yourself.

2. Identify gaps in existing content

Conduct a thorough audit of your content to determine its effectiveness in sales. Review sales reports to identify any points of disconnect in the sales process. You may need to revamp your demo if your team conducts numerous demos but fails to convert prospects into customers. An external sales enablement consultant can provide data-backed analysis to discover areas of improvement.

3. Ensure buyer enablement

Buyer enablement is not the same as content marketing. While content marketing aims to attract buyers, buyer enablement content focuses on simplifying the purchasing process for the buyer.

Gartner Insights on Buyer Enablement 

4. Identify needed resources

To create impactful sales enablement content, consider what will influence your prospects the most. Think about your ideal customer profile and what content would resonate with them. Case studies, customer success stories, pricing options, sales scripts, and slide decks can all be valuable resources for your sales team.

Your content should be part of your story, informing the customers why they need you.

Tweet on content storytelling by Sahil Lavingia


5. Leverage insights from sales reps

Pay attention to the expertise of your sales reps. They are a valuable resource for determining the types of enablement content needed. Their direct interactions with customers and prospects can provide insights into pain points and product benefits that should be addressed in your materials.

6. Map content to the customer journey

Crafting the right sales enablement content is essential, but ensuring your reps can access it at the right time is equally vital. Create a customer journey map and align your content with each stage of the process. Tailor your materials to be most helpful and effective during different phases, helping your reps guide prospects through the funnel smoothly.

Incorporating AI into your sales enablement strategy can further enhance its effectiveness. AI-powered tools can streamline processes, provide real-time data, and offer valuable insights, enabling your team to work more efficiently.

How to create sales enablement content with AI in minutes?

To create effective sales enablement content, all you need is Writesonic. It is a multimodal AI platform with GPT-4 capabilities known for creating quality content. And your sales enablement needs to be of high quality.

Now that you have identified the type of content you want to create, here is how you can do it.

1. Login to Writesonic

Use your email to enter the generated OTP or your Google account to sign up with Writesonic.

Sign up page of Writesonic

2. Select Chatsonic to create sales enablement content

On the left side menu or in the Library section, you will find the Chatsonic tool. It is a generative AI tool like ChatGPT that will help you create the right sales enablement content.

Writesonic home page

3. Play around with Chatsonic and ask questions

On the Chatsonic screen, you will see a Prompt Library to choose from, or you can type your own prompt and generate the content you like.


Here is a simple example. We asked Chatsonic to generate creative ways to generate leads, and here is the response!

Chatsonic content about generating leads

4. Find out the brand voice that best represents the sales team and use it

Brand voice and tone are brand identity elemnts that are essential for effective communication. While marketing pays attention to this while creating content, it is also essential to let the sales team in. So when you create content, think about how you want to sound.

Select the brand voice prompt from the library, and you will be asked to enter the details as shown below.

Chatsonic prompt for brand voice identification

Once you’ve entered the details, Chatsonic will tell you how your brand voice should sound.

Chatsonic response

Once you’ve generated the brand voice, you can use the information to create sales enablement content in the same tone and voice.

Chatsonic content 

5. Use different prompts to create sales enablement content

Here are two examples of how to create sales enablement content.

  1. In the first one, we asked Chatsonic to create an analysis of a competitor’s strengths and weaknesses in the digital marketing space. We’ve not provided names or details, but here is an example of how it would potentially show you your competitor’s details. Such information can come in handy while creating your sales enablement content for battle cards, comparison blogs, and product documents.
AI for sales enablement example with Chatsonic

The second example is to help your sales team write cold emails.

In the example below, we used a prompt to ask Chatsonic to create a cold email that can talk about the USPs of the company and make a compelling pitch.

AI for sales enablement example with Chatsonic

And within seconds, here are the results.

AI for sales enablement example with Chatsonic

6. Regenerate and adapt to learn what works

A key aspect of creating content with generative AI for sales enablement is to ensure your prompts are always informative enough. To help you do this easily, we have created a library of prompts so you have to pick and choose what works,

Additionally, Chatsonic makes it easy to regenerate a response and add more context until you are happy with the content you’ve helped generate. Create, regenerate, and find out what works for your brand.

AI sales enablement is just that simple. Writesonic’s arsenal of tools can help you create sales enablement content in minutes. Whether you are wondering how to write a blog, product sheet, sales script, or any other sales enablement content example, you can easily create them. With AI article writer, brand voice creator, generative AI, and more, you are bound to create content that empowers your sales team and helps customers.

Here is an example of how one of our customers has used content for sales enablement with AI.

Customer review for Writesonic's AI for sales enablement capabilities

Types of AI sales enablement content you can create based on the buyer stage

The B2B buyer's journey is far from a straightforward path or just a funnel. According to Gartner findings and CEB research, buyers go through the known phases of awareness, consideration, and decision-making, but with numerous detours and looping back to previous stages. This complexity arises from the length and intricacy of B2B buying processes involving multiple stakeholders and abundant information and opinions.


So, where does one even begin?

In this intricate web of decision-making, a critical challenge for sales teams emerges - it's no longer about securing a single "Yes" but obtaining a collective "Yes" from all individuals involved.

Sales enablement faces a tricky situation where multiple people mean multiple consulted sources, opinions, and insights.

To meet these challenges, crafting purposeful sales enablement content for each stage of the buyer's journey is crucial.

Let's explore how to tailor content formats to align with the buyer's needs at different stages:

  1. Awareness Stage: In this early phase, prospective buyers explore their pain points and seek solutions with educational content formats, such as blog posts, social media posts, whitepapers, checklists, how-to videos, kits or tools, ebooks or tip sheets, and educational webinars.
  2. Consideration Stage: At this stage, buyers are actively evaluating potential solutions. Provide content through ideal channels like website or blogging, search engine marketing, email marketing, and social media.
  3. Decision Stage: When prospects are on the verge of purchasing, offer content that drives action, such as free trials or live demos, consultation offers, and coupons.

Here are sales enablement content examples for different buyer stages:

1. Product Documents

AI sales enablement helps create effective product documents for sales enablement, tailored to specific buyer personas. These documents showcase the most compelling benefits and differentiators and provide accurate pricing and service details in real time.

You can optimize the calls to action, guiding prospects toward engagement and conversion. This automated process allows sales reps to focus on building relationships and closing deals, ultimately driving revenue growth and improving customer satisfaction.

We asked Chatsonic to create a product document with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Product document for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic 

Below is an example of a final product document that you should create!

Product document example 


2. Blog posts

Sales-focused blog posts serve as valuable sales enablement content, guiding prospects through the buyer's journey and addressing their questions and concerns. By leveraging insights from the sales team, these posts provide informative answers to common queries, saving time for sales reps and empowering them with ready-to-share resources for effective customer interactions.

Unlike blogs written solely for SEO purposes, sales-focused blog posts are crafted to drive prospects closer to purchasing with clear CTAs.

Blog posts help bridge the gap between marketing and sales.  These sales-focused blogs ensure a seamless and productive communication flow that strengthens your sales efforts and drives business growth.

We asked Chatsonic to create a blog with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Blog generation through Chatsonic

Here is an example of how Writsonic uses a blog for sales enablement.

Writesonic blog

3. Whitepapers

White papers play a crucial role in sales enablement by providing in-depth and research-backed content to educate prospects about a company's offerings. With an objective approach, white papers present facts, comparisons, and evidence to drive interest and prompt action from potential customers.

By positioning the brand as a thought leader and addressing skeptics' concerns, white papers build trust and credibility, benefiting the sales team and customers. Through effective communication between marketing and sales, white papers can generate high-quality leads and contribute significantly to successful sales efforts.

Here is a standard format of a white paper; using this basic template, you can create informative whitepapers for your organization and use AI to create the content.

Whitepaper format


We asked Chatsonic to create a Whitepaper with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Whitepaper for AI sales enablement using Chatsonic

Here is an example of a Whitepaper and how to host it on your website for sales enablement.

Whitepaper example


Creating whitepapers is made easy with our AI sales enablement tool

4.  Case studies

Case studies are a powerful tool for sales enablement, showcasing real-life success stories demonstrating how a company's products or services have positively impacted other businesses. They provide proof of the solutions' effectiveness, with compelling evidence of how the company helped customers overcome challenges and achieve significant results.

Case studies allow prospects to envision themselves benefiting from the same solutions by presenting the customer as the story's hero, increasing their trust and confidence in the brand. Including hard data and direct quotes from customers enhances the credibility of the case study, making it a valuable resource for salespeople to share with potential clients and convert leads into satisfied customers.

We asked Chatsonic to create a case study with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Case study for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic

Here is an example of how to present your case study on your website for sales enablement.

Case study example from Asana

5. Email templates

Creating email templates for sales enablement is a strategic way to empower your salespeople in their interactions with customers and prospects. By providing a variety of templates, such as follow-up emails, outreach emails, and check-in emails, you enable your reps to save time and focus on building meaningful connections with buyers.

These templates should offer flexibility, allowing sales team members to personalize the content and add a personal touch to their messages. With a well-rounded collection of email templates, your sales department will be equipped to handle various communication scenarios effectively, ensuring consistent and impactful interactions with potential customers and existing clients.

Chatsonic has a comprehensive prompt library with email templates as well. When you use it, you just have to enter your product.

Cold email prompt on Chatsonic

By entering the product type, you will receive this detailed cold email template. Now you can go ahead and make changes to it as you like.

Cold email for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic

When your sales team sends the email, you can help them by providing guidelines like in the image below. Sales enablement also includes providing the team with ample information about best practices, such as the consensus for an email.

Cold email format example


6. Comparison battle cards

Sales battle cards are a valuable tool for sales enablement, designed to equip your sales team with a competitive advantage. These one-page documents or graphics concisely compare your product's features, services, or pricing with your competitors. By showcasing what sets your company apart in an easy-to-view format, battle cards enable your sales reps to communicate your unique value proposition to prospects effectively.

In highly competitive markets, battle cards are especially powerful in overcoming objections and increasing win rates. With charts, diagrams, and tables, battle cards provide a visually compelling way to demonstrate why your business stands out from the competition, giving your sales team the confidence and tools they need to succeed in competitive situations.

Here is an example of a generic prompt for a battle card.

Battlecard prompt on Chatsonic

Here is the output!

Battlecard for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic

Additionally, to help sellers with sales enablement, equip them with appropriate object handling data as shown below. So that whenever they are talking to customers and a competitor benefit comes up, they can easily answer it instead of getting stumped about the possible weakness.

Battlecard example


7. Sales Playbooks

Sales playbooks are essential tools for sales enablement, providing valuable resources and guidance for sales teams in various selling situations. These comprehensive guides are a go-to manual for delivering exceptional customer experiences and maximizing sales efficiency.

Created collaboratively by the marketing team and sales leaders, playbooks offer straightforward and valuable content, including sales strategies, best practices, and tactics tailored to each stage of the sales process. With easily accessible information, sales playbooks empower reps to confidently navigate interactions with prospects and customers, ensuring consistent and effective sales approaches. Equipping your team with these pivotal educational tools enhances their ability to achieve success and drive meaningful results.

We asked Chatsonic to create a sales playbook with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Sales playbook for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic
Sales playbook example


8. Presentation decks

Creating a compelling sales deck is a powerful tool for sales enablement, as it effectively showcases both your product or service and your brand identity in a visually engaging presentation. Utilizing the power of visuals, sales decks deliver a memorable and captivating pitch to the audience, keeping them engaged throughout the sales process. By telling a compelling story, these slide decks offer a persuasive narrative that resonates with prospects and customers.

Drawing inspiration from successful examples in your industry is beneficial to craft an effective sales deck while ensuring a collaborative effort between the marketing and sales teams. This joint production ensures the content aligns with sales objectives, resulting in a clear and consistent presentation that drives the sale to a successful close.

We asked Chatsonic to create a sales deck outline with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Sales deck for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic

Here is an example of how your sales deck should look after you’ve generated the content and added visual elements.

Sales deck example 


9. Explainer videos

Creating a product explainer video is a highly effective sales enablement strategy that engages and informs potential customers about your offering. These short and engaging videos use multimedia elements to explain the value of your product or service succinctly. Explainer videos can take various formats, such as live-action footage, animation, or screen sharing, making them versatile and adaptable to different audiences.

Their power lies in their ability to convert leads, as over 50% of customers watch explainer videos to completion, exceeding the retention rate of most corporate videos. The beauty of explainer videos is that they deliver compelling messages without the need for on-screen appearances, allowing brands to creatively present their solution and leave a lasting impression on prospects.

We asked Chatsonic to create a script for a product explainer video with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Explainer video for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic
Explainer video example


10. Sales scripts

Creating a sales script is a powerful and cost-effective strategy to enhance your sales team's performance and maintain consistency in their approach. While personalized interactions are essential, having a well-prepared script as a guide can significantly boost your close rate. Sales scripts don't have to be rigid word-for-word documents; instead, they should serve as talking points that give reps the necessary information without sounding robotic.

Seasoned salespeople can adapt the script as needed, but having a structured outline helps them stay on track during conversations. Including potential objections in the script equips your team to address customer concerns effectively. A well-crafted sales script empowers your reps to confidently navigate sales calls and easily handle common obstacles, leading to increased success in closing deals.

We asked Chatsonic to create a sales script with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Sales script for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic

11. Social messages

Social media is a valuable and often overlooked sales enablement tool. Sales reps must engage with prospects through platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. Providing them with suggested tweets and LinkedIn messages can be immensely helpful in maximizing their outreach efforts.

These pre-prepared social messages serve as a starting point for sales reps, ensuring they convey consistent and compelling messages while building relationships with potential customers. By effectively leveraging social media, sales teams can expand their reach, establish credibility, and drive more leads and conversions.

We asked Chatsonic to create a social media message with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Social media content for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic 

Social message example
Writing emails with AI sales enablement tools is easy with Chatosonic. Why don't you try it yourself?

12. Buyer personas

Creating buyer personas is a fundamental aspect of successful sales enablement. Understanding your customers at a deeper level is paramount for sales professionals to tailor their approach effectively. Each customer "type" within prospect organizations, including stakeholders, gatekeepers, and internal advocates, should have a well-defined persona.

Building these personas requires meticulous data collection, including qualitative insights on motivations, pain points, industry terms, and firmographic data like job titles and positions. A comprehensive persona document with a "pretend" headshot helps sales teams visualize and empathize with their target audience, leading to more personalized and impactful interactions. Embracing the power of buyer personas ensures that your sales strategy remains cohesive and customer-centric, paving the way for more meaningful connections and increased sales success.

We asked Chatsonic to create a buyer persona with the necessary information, and here are the results.

Buyer persona for AI sales enablement with Chatsonic
Buyer persona example 


In our blog about AI for B2B growth, we address the 10 strategies that can transform your sales team and the landscape of your business. 

How to work with the sales team to use AI for sales enablement

"Sales enablement is not about making sales easier. It's about making sales teams better." - Tamar Shoval, VP of Marketing at Highspot.

When sales enablement is done in a way that conveys its value and importance, it is easier to obtain buy-in from sales teams. Thus, to ensure that sales enablement content is used effectively and engages both sales teams and customers, it's essential to follow these key sales enablement strategies:

1. Provide training

Training is crucial to ensure sales reps understand the content and how to use it to its full potential. Offer comprehensive training sessions on the content, including its key messages, value propositions, and the best ways to incorporate it into sales interactions. Training should also cover the target audience, buyer personas, and the specific scenarios in which each content is most effective.

2. Make sales enablement content findable

Additionally, ensure they know where to find the sales enablement content. When marketing and sales work in siloes, only the marketing team will know where the relevant content is. Create an easy access knowledge base and share the sales enablement content with relevant tags and filter options.

3. Foster collaborative relationships

Establish a collaborative environment between marketing and sales teams. Encourage open communication and feedback loops to understand what content works best in real-world sales. Sales reps should feel comfortable providing input on the effectiveness of content and sharing customer insights that can help shape future content creation.

4. Monitor Success

Regularly monitor the performance of sales enablement content. Analyze key metrics, such as conversion rates, deal size, and sales cycle length, to assess the impact of the content on sales outcomes. Solicit feedback from the sales team to gather qualitative insights on how well the content resonates with customers and addresses their pain points.

5. Constantly Update Content

Sales enablement content should remain current and relevant. As market dynamics change and customer needs evolve, update the content accordingly. Keep track of industry trends, competitor offerings, and customer feedback to ensure the content stays authoritative and up-to-date.

6. Define the Behavior Change You Need

Identify specific behavior changes needed to align with sales goals and objectives. For example, if the goal is to increase average deal amounts, analyze successful sales conversations to determine the behaviors that led to those wins. Then, develop content and training programs reinforcing those behaviors and encouraging positive change.

AI sales enablement is the winning element of futuristic sales teams

Soaring competition across industries and digital transformation leaves little room for do-overs with potential customers. For sales teams, this means they have a small window to capture customers' attention the right way and enable them with the information they need for purchasing decisions across their buying journey.

To help scale this process, created AI-powered sales enablement content will be transformative for companies of all sizes.

Writesonic offers 10,000 free words to create your sales enablement content and has many unlimited plan options.

Empower your marketing teams with a tool that gives them the pause to be creative and curate content with speed through Writesonic.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can AI help in sales enablement?

AI helps in sales enablement by automating routine tasks, creating marketing resources and sales enablement content, providing insightful data analysis, and creating personalized customer interactions, thus leading to improved sales outcomes.

What exactly is sales enablement?

Sales enablement provides sales teams with the necessary resources, tools, and training to engage potential buyers effectively and close more deals.

How will AI impact the work of sales reps?

AI will streamline many aspects of the sales process, allowing reps to focus more on selling and less on administrative tasks. It will help them create content that engages potential customers the right way. It will also provide valuable insights to help reps make more informed decisions and strategies.

What is AI enablement?

AI enablement refers to the use of artificial intelligence to enhance and streamline processes, in this context, specifically in the realm of sales.

How is AI transforming sales?

Today's business world has undergone a significant change in sales thanks to the power of AI. This cutting-edge technology can now automate mundane tasks, analyze data in insightful ways, and create sales enablement content and personalized customer interactions. As a result, companies are achieving better sales results and increased efficiency. With AI leading sales operations, businesses can achieve greater success and thrive in today's fast-paced marketplace.

What is an example of AI in sales?

An example of AI in sales is using AI-powered chatbots to engage with potential customers, answer their queries, and guide them through the sales process.

Will AI replace B2B sales?

While AI can automate many aspects of the sales process, it cannot replace the human touch that is often crucial in B2B sales. AI will enhance and support B2B sales but not replace it.

What is the future of AI in sales?

The future of AI in sales looks promising, with advancements in technology leading to more sophisticated AI tools that can provide even more detailed analysis, accurate forecasts, and personalized customer interactions.

How is AI used for sales forecasting?

AI is used for sales forecasting by analyzing historical sales data and identifying patterns and trends. This information is then used to predict future sales performance.

Is sales enablement the same as CRM?

While both sales enablement and CRM play crucial roles in the sales process, they are different. CRM focuses on managing customer relationships, while sales enablement provides sales teams with the necessary resources, tools, and training to close deals.

What is an example of a sales enablement strategy?

An example of a sales enablement strategy could be to create a library of sales assets (like product brochures, case studies, and email templates) that sales reps can easily access and use in their interactions with potential buyers.

Preethi Anchan

Content writer and seasoned marketer @Writesonic. I specialize in storytelling with long-form product-led content, converting the language of machines into the language of people.

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