How to Add Live Chat on a Website in Under 5 Minutes?

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Have you ever found yourself yearning for swift answers while browsing a website? We've all been there - browsing a website, an avalanche of questions building up, only to find an ancient contact form buried somewhere in the depths of the web page.

Enter live chat, your knight in shining armor, ready to tackle customer queries in a flash.⚡️

Gone are the days when customer support was synonymous with tiresome waits on the phone while a robotic voice parroted, “Your call is important to us.” 😪 Fast forward to today, and you'll see that live chat has taken the world of customer support by storm!

Why, you ask?

Well, let’s break it down with some numbers: did you know that 79% of consumers prefer live chats because they don’t want to wait on hold?

Yeah, it’s that incredible. 📈

Nobody likes to be kept waiting, especially online. And live chat is like having a shop assistant right on your site, ready to help customers anytime.

With the rise of online chat support, businesses can easily harness the power of real-time customer interaction.  When your website feels like a sea of information, live chat brings the human touch and provides - a friendly face (or text, to be precise).

So, whether you’re a small business owner or an industry leader, this post will help you add live chat to your website. Here we will walk you through a comprehensive guide on how to add live chat on a website in under 5 minutes. 🛠️

Get ready to revolutionize your online presence and make customer interaction a breeze!

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of setting up live chat on your website, it's time for a pit stop to grasp the essentials. Let's understand what live chat is and how adding it to your website can be beneficial.

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What is live chat?

Live chat is an online communication medium that allows you to have real-time conversations with visitors on your website. You can think of it as a virtual helpdesk – but instead of raising your hand or taking a number, you simply type into a chatbox, and voilà! You’re connected with a support portal or a representative who resolves your queries promptly.

No smoke and mirrors here, just good old instant messaging that bridges the gap between you and your visitors.

Explore the top 5 live chat apps that can boost your website's engagement and conversions.

Types of live chat

Now that we've got a grip on what live chat is, you might be thinking it's just a simple chat box. But oh, how the plot thickens! Live chat has evolved into various captivating forms. Here are different forms of online chat support you can integrate with your website:

  • Text-based live chat: The classic and most common form! Text-based live chat enables text conversations between your support agents and the website visitors.
  • Video live chat: Sometimes, words need a voice; and a face too! Taking it up a notch, live video chat allows visitors to engage with you through face-to-face conversations.
  • Voice Chat: Ever wanted a hotline right on your webpage? Voice chat is your ticket to voice conversations without dialing a number.
  • AI Chatbots: For those times when you’re juggling too many plates or catching some z’s. Customer support AI chatbots are automated systems that can handle basic queries and guide users 24/7 without human intervention.
  • Social Media Integrated Chat: A social butterfly, this type integrates with platforms like Facebook Messenger, bringing social chats onto your website.

Thanks to the introduction of conversational AI, we can classify live chatbots further as per their capabilities. You can use a normal chatbot, simple AI-powered chatbots, or a more feature-rich ChatGPT-enabled AI chatbot on your website.

Wondering how their functionalities differ from each other? Here is a comparison of traditional vs. AI vs. ChatGPT-trained chatbots for your understanding.

Benefits of adding live chat to your website

At this point, you probably think live chat is pretty neat. However, if some part of you is still not convinced, and you just can't take your mind off the question, 'Why should you hop on this train?'

A study shows that live chat has the highest customer satisfaction level at 73% compared to 61% for email and 44% for traditional phone support.

Apart from that, here is what makes live chat the most effective customer communication channel:

  • Swift response times: Waiting to get the right resolution often feels frustrating! Thanks to live chat, you can keep visitors’ frustration at bay by addressing their questions in a jiffy.
  • Increased sales and conversions: Live chat has a knack for nudging users down the sales funnel by resolving doubts and guiding visitors through your website.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: When visitors feel heard and assisted in real time, their satisfaction levels soar through the roof.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to traditional support channels like phone and email, live chat can be more economical and pocket-friendly.
  • Valuable insights: Chat transcripts offer invaluable data about customer needs and pain points, helping you fine-tune your services.
  • Accessibility: It’s accessible from anywhere, making your website more approachable to visitors worldwide.

With the knowledge of what live chat entails, we're all set to explore how to add this fantastic tool to your website.

Best practices for effective live chat communication

You've clearly understood the basics of live chat and are all set to install live chat on your website, But wait! Adding live chat to your website is only half the battle.

So, before we proceed to that, you need to know how to make the best use of the tool to build a long-lasting relationship with your customers.

Let’s dive into some best practices for making your live chat communication sizzle with effectiveness! 🍳🔥

1. Training staff for efficient use of live chat 🎓

Remember, your live chat is only as good as the people behind it. Thus you must ensure the right training for your customer support team. This includes familiarizing support agents with the features of your live chat software, honing their communication skills, and briefing them on the ins and outs of your products or services. A well-trained staff is like a well-oiled machine, keeping your live chat running smoothly and efficiently.

2. Setting up canned responses for common questions 🥫

When it comes to offering exceptional online chat support, canned responses work as your magic wand. These are pre-set responses to common questions that your visitors may ask. From 'What are your operating hours?' to 'How do I reset my password?', canned responses save time and ensure consistency. But beware, the key is not to sound robotic. Add a dash of personality to your canned responses to maintain that human touch. After all, no one likes chatting with a monotone robot (unless it’s a super cool AI, of course!).

response common queries - How to add live chat on a website?
response common queries

3. Promptly addressing customer queries ⏱️

Want to delight your customers with an exceptional support experience? Time is of the essence here! Visitors value quick resolutions, and live chat can deliver just that. A fast response can be the difference between a loyal customer and a lost opportunity.

By introducing AI-enabled live chat to your website, you can ensure that your visitors always feel heard. Also, if you are running an e-commerce store, it can help you to reduce cart abandonment by addressing customer queries instantly. However, remember that haste should never compromise the quality of support. It’s all about striking the perfect balance.

4. Gathering feedback and continuously improving the live chat system 🔄

The journey doesn't end with the implementation. Consistent improvement is something that will keep you ahead of your competition. Users' feedback plays a very useful role when it comes to improving the quality of the services you are providing.

After each live chat session, seek feedback from your customers. Use these golden nuggets of insight to identify gaps, understand what works, and continually refine your live chat system.

How to add live chat on your website in under 5 minutes?

When it comes to adding live chat to your website, there are hundreds of options available. You can use traditional live chat tools to ensure one-to-one communication between your customer and the support agent. On the other hand, you can use a simple no-code AI chatbot builder like Botsonic to offer your customers an exceptional customer support experience.

While explaining how to add live chat on a website, we have taken reference on integrating Botsonic, an AI chatbot, into your website. Go through each of the steps below and follow them minutely to add ChatGPT-trained AI chatbots to your website.

Step 1: Create your Writesonic account

To build a chatbot, go to and create an account with your email id. If you already have an account, log in and open the Botsonic feature.

Step 2: Train your AI chatbot

Now, it's time to train your AI chatbot with your business data. You can train the Botsonic AI chatbot either by adding a link to your website, uploading a file, or adding a sitemap.

  • After opening Botsonic, click on the Source tab from the top.
  • Then select the right option to upload your data.
  • Now, click on the Upload and Train button to train the live chatbot with your company data.
Botsonic - How to add live chat on a website?

Step 3: Customize the chatbot appearance

You must align the chatbot's appearance with your brand's aesthetics. Follow these instructions to customize the chatbot:

  • Choose JPG or PNG format to upload your company logo and chatbot picture.
  • Then, add the Bot name and your company name and select the preferred chatbot color as per your brand identity.
  • Create a captivating subheading for your chatbot.
  • Craft a welcoming message that engages users during their interaction with the chatbot.
  • Optionally, include additional guidelines to ensure consistency between your brand's voice and tone and the chatbot's responses.
  • Click the Update button located in the top right corner of your screen after making the necessary adjustments.
How to add live chat on a website?

Step 4: Add starter questions

To set up starter questions for your chatbot, follow these instructions:

  • Click on the Starter Questions tab from the top.
  • Input the desired title for the question you wish to include.
  • Create a carefully crafted message that will be presented by the chatbot to users.
  • Click the Add Question button to incorporate the starter question into your chatbot's collection of queries.
How to add live chat on a website?

Step 5: Collect users’ data

While assisting your customers in real-time, your chatbot can collect valuable customer details. Here are the steps to attach the pre-chat form and add data set variables on your chatbot.

  • Choose what users’ data to collect from the User Data tab.
  • Click on the toggle to choose whether to Show form or Hide form.
  • Then, click on the Configure button.
How to add live chat on a website?
  • Choose the data you want to collect from the pop-up box and click the Save button.
How to add live chat on a website?

Step 6: Integrate the chatbot with your website

Now, it's time to integrate the chatbot into your website. Follow the steps below,

  • Click on the Embeddings tab from the top.
  • Then, click on the clipboard icon to copy the embedded chatbot script.
How to add live chat on a website?

Once you have copied the embedded code, there are two options. You can add the javascript code to your website backend, or if you are using Wordpress, the steps are a bit different.

Here is how you can add the live chat feature to your HTML website or on a Wordpress or Wix website.

1. Add live chat to your website's backend

  • Go to your website backend and open the main HTML file, i.e., index.html.
  • Now, locate the </body> tag from the code interface.
  • Then, copy your Botsonic chatbot code and paste it above the closing </body> tag of your website source code.
  • Finally, click on Save Changes to implement the chatbot on your website.

2. Add live chat to a WordPress website

  • Log into your WordPress website and navigate to the Network Admin dashboard.
  • Then, find and click on the 'Plugins' option from the dashboard, then select 'Add New.'
Add WordPress plugin - How to add live chat on a website?
Add WordPress plugin
  • In the search bar, type in 'WPCode - Insert Headers and Footers.’ This plugin can incorporate the Botsonic embed script into your WordPress site.
WPCode - Insert Headers and Footers - How to add live chat on a website?
WPCode - Insert Headers and Footers
  • Once you've found the plugin, click on 'Install.’ Wait for the installation process to complete.
  • After installing the plugin, click on the 'Activate' button. This will redirect you to a new page where you can enable the plugin across your entire network. Select the Network Activate button.
Activate the plugin - How to add live chat on a website?
Activate the plugin
  • Now, return to your website's dashboard; find and click on the 'Code Snippets' option to open it.
  • Within 'Code Snippets,’ find click on 'Header & Footer.’ This is where you'll paste the Botsonic embed script.
Add Botsonic Code - How to add live chat on a website?
Add Botsonic Code
  • In the provided field, paste the Botsonic embed script that you copied from the Botsonic platform.
  • Finally, after pasting the script, click on 'Save Changes.’

Your Botsonic AI chatbot should now be visible on your website.

3. Add live chat to a Wix website

  • First, log in to your Wix account and go to the Wix Website Editor.
  • In the Wix Website Editor, click the Add Elements button (the plus sign on the menu to the left).
How to add live chat to your website?
Add Botsonic
  • Then click on Embed Code and select the Embed HTML button from the right pane of the window.
How to add live chat to your website?
Add Botsonic to a Wix website
  • As the new window opens, paste the Botsonic Chat code you copied here and click the Update button.
How to add live chat to your website?
Add Botsonic
  • To sync the Wix website with the Botsonic-powered AI chatbot, return to the editor and click Publish.

And that's it! You've successfully added live chat to your Wix website. Now, you're ready to interact with your website visitors in real time, answer their questions, and provide instant support.

Not only on WordPress or Wix, but if you are running an e-commerce business through Shopify, you can also add live chat to your Shopify store. It can improve customer engagement and boost sales on your e-commerce store.

Why use Botsonic over regular live chat apps?
When it comes to enhancing customer service and engagement, live chat apps have been the go-to solution for many businesses. However, the advent of AI-powered chatbot tools like Botsonic is changing the game. Here's why you should consider Botsonic over regular live chat apps:
1. Powered by ChatGPT: Botsonic isn't just any chatbot. It's powered by ChatGPT, a top-notch AI model that understands and responds to customer queries just like a human would.
2. Always at your service: Unlike live chat apps that require human intervention, Botsonic is available round the clock, ensuring your customers receive immediate assistance anytime they need it.
3. Speaks your language: Got customers around the globe? No problem! Botsonic supports multiple languages, breaking down language barriers like a pro.
4. Saves you money: Hiring and training customer service reps can be costly. Botsonic can handle a large chunk of customer queries, letting your team focus on the complex stuff.
5. Data Analysis: Botsonic can collect and analyze customer data to provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, helping you improve your products and services.

Now that you know how to add live chat to your website, it's time to try this AI marvel and delight your visitors!


1. What is the difference between live chat and chatbots?

Live chat mainly ensures human-to-human interaction through chat. It means even if you have installed live chat on your website, you need support agents to assist your customers.

Chatbots are not completely dependent on customer support agents, so you can automate the responses to your customer queries using a chatbot.  In fact, ChatGPT-enabled AI-powered chatbots understand machine learning techniques and have natural language processing capability. Thus, they are perfect for offering human-like responses and elevating customer experiences on your website.

2. Can live chat be used on mobile devices?

Yes, your customers can use the live chat on your website even if they access it from their mobile devices. Most live chat providers design their software to be responsive. Therefore, it can adjust to fit any screen size, including smartphones and tablets. This allows customers to engage with the live chat feature while on the go, providing a seamless customer service experience across all devices.

Apart from that, many live chat software providers also offer mobile apps for their service. This allows customer service agents to respond to live chat inquiries from their mobile devices, ensuring they can provide support to customers no matter where they are.

3. How do I handle multiple chat conversations at once?

Leveraging AI-powered chatbots can be an effective solution to handle multiple chat conversations simultaneously. Chatbots can manage routine inquiries, freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues. They can respond instantly to multiple chats, providing customers with immediate assistance. This improves efficiency by reducing wait times and enhances customer satisfaction. Additionally, you can program your chatbots to gather initial information, which can be used by human agents when they take over the conversation, making the process more seamless.

4. What languages can be supported by live chat tools?

Live chat applications support multiple languages. However, with a simple live chat tool, you need a team of customer support agents who understand and speak different languages. But you can simply use an AI-powered chatbot to understand and respond in different languages. For example, Botsonic supports 25+ languages. You can install the NLP chatbot to delight your customers with multilingual support.

5. Can I collect customer feedback through the live chat system?

Yes, live chat support tools let you collect customer feedback through CSAT forms. You can configure the live chat tool on your website to offer your users a survey form to share their experiences every time your support agent resolves a customer's query.

Not only that, but if you want to ensure a much more engaging experience for your consumers, you can configure AI chatbots to ask them questions related to the quality of the product, services, or customer support experiences.

6. Can I use live chat for marketing and sales purposes in addition to customer support?

Yes, in addition to customer support, you can use AI-powered chatbots for chatbot marketing. Traditional live chat tools may not be that efficient for this job, as you need active participation from your marketing or support team to make things work.

From lead generation, cross-selling, and up-selling to personalized responses and nurturing customer relationships, you can use AI-powered live chat tools for effectively marketing your product or services.

Satwick Ghosh

Satwick Ghosh, Staff writer @ Writesonic. An SEO content marketing expert skilled in AI marketing tools. Crafting content, and busting myths with AI writing through result-driven content strategies.

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