How to write a landing page copy that converts visitors into customers?

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Let’s say you have an amazing product or service that you want to share with the world. But how would you make sure that your potential customers notice and click on your offer?

The answer is simple. You need a compelling landing page copy.

Well, if you have a website, you know how important it is to have a landing page that catches the attention of your visitors and persuades them to take action.

But do you know the average conversion rate of a landing page across all industries is 9.7%?

Now you might be thinking about how to craft a captivating and convincing landing page that resonates with your audience and motivates them to buy your product or service? In short, how to write a landing page copy that converts?

Don’t worry! This blog post covers everything from how to write a landing page copy that works to the common mistakes you need to avoid that can ruin your conversion rate.

And you will also discover an amazing AI writing tool - Writesonic that offers a mind-blowing landing page copy generator that comes up with website copy in minutes, without any hassle or stress. So, let's dive in!

Table Of Contents

What is a landing page?

A landing page creates the first impression, and it can make or break your online business!

A landing page is a standalone web page that is designed to persuade a visitor to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading an ebook, or buying a product. It is usually linked to a marketing campaign, such as an email, a social media post, an ad, or a search result.

The main goal of a landing page is to convince your visitors to take a specific action, such as signing up for a free trial, downloading an ebook, filling out a form, booking a demo, or making a purchase. It should have a clear and single focus and eliminate any distractions or navigations that can divert your visitors from your desired outcome.

But writing a landing page copy that achieves this goal is not as easy as it sounds, it requires great copywriting skills. You need to capture and hold the attention of your visitors, address their problems and pain points, offer them a solution that they can trust, and compel them to act. Here are 4 landing page principles that you need to keep in mind:

Principles of landing page copy

Website copywriting is not an easy task. It requires a lot of research, creativity, and skills to craft a compelling and persuasive message that appeals to your audience and solves their problems. Here are some of the key principles that you need to follow to write a landing page copy that converts:

Find the problem

The first principle of landing page copy is to find the problem that your product or service solves for your target audience. Do proper market research and customer analysis, and find out what their needs, wants, desires, frustrations, fears, and goals are.

Find out what is the main challenge or problem that they face? What is the gap or need that they have? What is the desired outcome or result that they want to achieve?

You need to empathize with your audience and show them that you understand their situation and that you care about them. It is also the starting point of your copy, as you need to show them that you understand their situation and empathize with them.

List out the pain points

Once you have identified the problem, you need to list out the pain points that your audience is experiencing. Pain points are the specific challenges, difficulties, or negative emotions that your audience is feeling.

Understand how the problem affects their life, work, or business. What are the consequences or risks of not solving the problem? How does the problem make them feel? The pain points are the factors that motivate your visitors to look for a solution.

You need to highlight the pain points in your copy and use them to create a sense of urgency and importance.

Offer a solution

After you have agitated the pain points, you need to offer a solution that can solve the problem and eliminate the pain. Make sure to present your product or service as a solution that can help your audience achieve their goals and overcome their fears.

Know what your product or service is, and how does it solve the problem? What are the benefits or outcomes that your target audience can expect from using your solution? How is your solution different from or better than the alternatives?

The solution is the core of your offer and the reason why your visitors should choose you over your competitors. You need to showcase your solution in your copy and explain how it works, why it works, and what it does.

Communicate to your target audience

Write your landing page copy in a way that communicates your offer to your target audience and not to everyone. Know who your ideal customers are and what are their demographics, psychographics, and behaviours? What is their level of awareness, interest, and trust in your solution? What are their objections, questions, or concerns?

Tailor your message to the specific segment, niche, or persona that you are targeting, and use the words, phrases, and expressions that they use and understand.

You need to speak to their emotions, motivations, and aspirations and show them how your solution can transform their lives for the better.

Tips for writing an effective landing page copy that converts

Now that you know the principles of landing page copy, here are some of the tips that you can use to write an effective landing page copy that converts:

Write a compelling headline

Your headline is the first and the most important element of your landing page copy. It is the first thing that your visitors see when they land on your page, and it determines whether they will stay on your page or bounce off.

Your headline should capture your visitors' attention, spark their curiosity, and make them want to read more. Make sure to write a compelling headline that clearly states the main benefit or the value proposition of your offer and how it can solve the problem that your audience is facing. You can try using Writesonic’s landing page headline generator to come up with a killer headline.

Pro tip: Use clear, concise, and powerful words that convey your main benefit or promise. You can also add emotional words, numbers, or questions that appeal to your visitors' needs, desires, or fears. Avoid using jargon, clichés, or vague statements that confuse or bore your visitors.

Here are some examples of good and bad headlines for landing page copy:

Bad: Get Your Free Marketing Guide

Good: How to Generate 100 Leads in 30 Days with This Simple Marketing Strategy

Bad: We Are the Best Web Design Agency

Good: How We Helped This Startup Increase Their Revenue by 300% with a Stunning Website

Bad: Learn How to Play Guitar

Good: How to Play Your Favorite Songs on Guitar in Just 10 Minutes a Day

Add a catchy and strong subheading

Your subheading is the second element of your landing page copy that visitors notice. It should support your headline, expand on your benefit or promise, and lead your visitors to the next section of your copy.

Most importantly, it should also create a connection with your audience and make them feel that your offer is relevant, credible, and desirable. To write a catchy and strong subheading, you need to focus on a different angle, format, or tone from your headline and make sure to keep it relevant and consistent.

You can take help from an AI writer that helps with catchy seo-optimized copy.

Pro tip: You should also use words, phrases, or sentences that elicit curiosity, excitement, or urgency. And you should avoid repeating, contradicting, or diluting your headline. 

Here are some examples of good and bad subheadings for landing page copy:

Bad: Discover the Secrets of Marketing Success

Good: The One Marketing Skill that Can Skyrocket Your Business Growth (Hint: It's Not What You Think)

Bad: We Have the Most Affordable and Reliable Hosting Plans

Good: How to Get Fast, Secure, and Unlimited Hosting for Just $3.99 a Month

Bad: Join Our Online Guitar Course

Good: The Only Guitar Course You'll Ever Need to Master the Instrument and Impress Your Friends

Communicate your USP

Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is the factor that sets you apart from your competitors and makes your solution the best choice for your target audience. It is also a crucial element of your copy, as it shows your visitors why they should trust you and how you can help them achieve their goals.

To communicate your USP, you should identify the main features, benefits, or advantages of your solution and explain how they are different from or better than the alternatives.

Pro tip: Use specific, quantifiable, or proven words, numbers, or statements that demonstrate your value and credibility. And you should avoid using generic, vague, or unoriginal words, numbers, or statements that sound like everyone else. 

Here are some examples of good and bad USPs for landing page copy:

Bad: We have the best marketing software in the market.

Good: We have the only marketing software that lets you create, automate, and optimize your campaigns in minutes.

Bad: We have the most experienced and skilled web designers in the industry.

Good: We have web designers who have worked with some of the biggest brands in the world, such as Nike, Apple, and Netflix.

Bad: We have the easiest and fastest guitar course online.

Good: We have a guitar course that uses a patented method that cuts your learning time by half and guarantees your progress.

Emphasize benefits over features

Your benefits are the positive outcomes or results that your target audience can expect from using your solution. They are also the main motivators that drive your visitors to take action. Your features are the specific characteristics or functions of your solution that enable or facilitate the benefits. They are also the supporting factors that justify or explain your benefits.

To emphasize benefits over features, you should focus on the WIIFM (What's in it for me) factor and answer the question that your visitors have in their minds: how will your solution make their life, work, or business better? And Writesonic’s Feature to Benefit tool can work like magic if you want to turn features into benefits. It can amazingly highlight the benefits to boost your sales.

Pro tip: You should also use emotionally-charged words, such as amazing, incredible, fantastic, or awesome, to make your benefits more appealing and persuasive. And avoid using words or phrases that focus on the features, such as have, offer, provide, or include. 

Here are some examples of benefits and features for landing page copy:

Benefit: Increase your conversion rate by 20%.

Feature: A/B testing feature that allows you to compare and optimize your landing pages.

Benefit: Save time and money on web design.

Feature: Drag-and-drop website builder that lets you create stunning websites without coding.

Benefit: Play guitar like a pro in 3 months.

Feature: Step-by-step video lessons that teach you the fundamentals and techniques of guitar playing.

Build credibility with the social proof

One of the most powerful ways to boost your conversion rate is to use social proof or evidence of the satisfaction and success of your previous or existing customers. It is a powerful element of your copy, as it builds trust and credibility with your visitors and influences their decision-making.

The social proof can include testimonials, reviews, ratings, case studies, logos, awards, or certifications, that show how your product or service has helped your customers achieve their goals or overcome their challenges.

Pro tip: Use words, names, images, or symbols that enhance the credibility and authority of your social proof. Also, avoid using fake, irrelevant, or weak forms of social proof that can damage your reputation or credibility.

Here are some examples of good and bad social proof for landing page copy:

Bad: "This marketing software is awesome!" - John

Good: "This marketing software helped me generate 50% more leads in one month!" - John Smith, CEO of ABC Marketing

Bad: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Good: 4.5 out of 5 stars from 10,000+ customers

Bad: As seen on TV

Good: As featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc. magazine

Add an actionable CTA

Your CTA, or call to action, is the final element of your landing page copy, and it is the most important one. CTA is the button or the link that tells your visitors what you want them to do next. In short, it triggers your visitors to take action and converts them into leads or customers.

Do you know personalized CTAs perform 202% better than default versions? People don’t want irrelevant information, instead they prefer personalization.

So, make sure your CTA should be clear, concise, and compelling, and it should use a strong action verb, such as start, join, get, claim, or buy. It should also create a sense of urgency or scarcity and make your visitors feel that they need to act now, or they will miss out on your offer. Writesonic’s CTA generator can help you to come up with an actionable CTA that can turn visitors into customers.

Pro tip: Use words that create a sense of value, benefit, or exclusivity, such as get, claim, or join. And avoid using words that create a sense of doubt, risk, or obligation, such as submit, enter, or buy. 

Here are some examples of good and bad CTAs for landing page copy:

Bad: Submit

Good: Get Your Free Marketing Guide Now

Bad: Buy Now

Good: Claim Your 50% Discount Today

Bad: Enter Your Email

Good: Join Our Guitar Community and Get a Free Lesson

Format your copy for skimmers

Let’s be true; your visitors are not going to read every word of your landing page copy! They are going to skim through it, looking for the most important or relevant information that can help them make a decision.

So, you need to format your copy for skimmers and make it easy for them to find and understand your key points. To do that, you should focus more on using short, simple, and scannable sentences and paragraphs that convey your message clearly and quickly.

Apart from making your landing page scannable, don't forget to find relevant keywords and incorporate the same in your landing page copy to make sure it ranks.

Pro tip: You should also use bullet points, subheadings, images, or icons that break up your text and highlight your benefits or features. And avoid using long, complex, or dense sentences and paragraphs that confuse or overwhelm your visitors. 

Do A/B testing

One of the best ways to optimize your landing page copy and increase your conversion rate is to do A/B testing.

A/B testing is the process of creating and comparing two versions of your landing page copy and measuring which one performs better in terms of conversions. It is also a valuable practice for your copy, as it helps you optimize your content, eliminate guesswork, and increase your results.

Pro tip: You can use tools like Google Analytics, Optimizely, or Unbounce, to run your A/B tests and analyze your results. Test your copy with enough traffic and time to get reliable and meaningful data.

Get a mind-blowing landing page copy with Writesonic

Writing a landing page copy that captures attention and converts is not a simple task, right? It requires a lot of research, creativity, and skills to craft a persuasive and effective message that resonates with your target audience and motivates them to take action.

But what if you could get a mind-blowing landing page copy in minutes without breaking a sweat or spending a fortune?

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it's not.

Meet Writesonic, an AI writing tool that can help you create a landing page copy that converts. It can write a compelling landing page copy that is catchy, persuasive, effective, and matches your brand voice and tone. Writesonic can help you to:

  • Generate multiple variations of landing page copy.
  • Edit, customize, or tweak your landing page copy.
  • Save your landing page copy as a project or export it as a file.
  • Access a library of landing page copy templates and examples for inspiration.
  • Get feedback and suggestions on how to improve your landing page copy.

If you are a marketer, an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or a blogger, Writesonic's Landing Page Generator can help you create a landing page copy that attracts, engages, and converts your audience. All you need to do is, go to the dashboard and select the landing page option. Then select the product/service name and add description. Next, you need to add features/benefits and select language and quality. Finally, hit generate option. Here’s a glimpse of how it does:

Landing Page Generator -  How to write landing page
Landing Page Generator

Combining the power of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, Writesonic can help you to write landing page copy that is catchy, persuasive, and effective and that matches your brand voice and tone.

You can try Writesonic for free and see for yourself how amazing it is. You can also upgrade to a premium plan and get unlimited access to all the features and benefits of Writesonic.

Landing page copy mistakes that you should avoid

Writing a landing page copy that converts is not an easy task, and it is easy to make some mistakes that can ruin your conversion rate. Here are some of the common landing page copy mistakes that you should avoid:

Forgetting WIIFM (What's in it for me)

The biggest mistake that you can make with your landing page copy is forgetting WIIFM (What's in it for me). This is something that your visitors have in their minds when they land on your page.

Your audience wants to know how your solution can help them solve their problem, achieve their goal, or satisfy their desire. They don't care about how awesome, innovative, or complex your solution is unless you can explain how it benefits them.

To avoid this mistake, you should always focus on the benefits over the features and show your visitors how your solution can make their life, work, or business better. You can use Writesonic’s feature to benefit tool to turn your features into benefits quickly. You should also use words or phrases that highlight the WIIFM factor, such as you, your, or by using.

Adding friction or unnecessary barrier

Another mistake that you can make when writing a landing page copy is adding friction or unnecessary barriers that can prevent your audience from taking action. This is anything that can make your visitors hesitate, doubt, or resist taking action.

Friction or barrier can include asking for too much information, having a long or complicated form, having a weak or unclear CTA, having a slow or unresponsive page, or having a mismatched or irrelevant offer.

To avoid this mistake, you should always make your offer clear, concise, and powerful, your process simple, easy, and safe, your information complete, accurate, and credible, your urgency real, reasonable, and visible, and your option singular, focused and obvious.

Not using a catchy headline

Your headline is the most important element of your landing page copy, and if you don't use a catchy headline, you will lose your audience's attention and interest. In short, a boring, generic, or unclear headline will drive the visitors away.

Your headline should be short, simple, and powerful, and it should communicate the main benefit or the value proposition of your offer and how it can solve the problem that your audience is facing. Your headline should also arouse curiosity, interest, or emotion and make your audience want to read more.

To avoid this mistake, you should always use a catchy headline that captures your visitors' attention, sparks their curiosity, and makes them want to read more. You should also use clear, concise, and powerful words that convey your main benefit or promise and use emotional words, numbers, or questions that appeal to your visitors' needs, desires, or fears.

Talking more about yourself

Another mistake that you can make when writing a landing page copy is talking more about yourself, your product, or your service, and not enough about your audience, their problem, or your solution.

Your landing page copy should not be a sales pitch or a bragging session, but a conversation or a story that connects with your audience and shows them how you can help them.

To avoid this mistake, you should always talk more about your target audience than yourself, and use words or phrases that address their problem, pain points, and goals. You should use the words "you" and "your" more than "we" and "our", and show empathy, understanding, and care for your audience.

Lack of defined goal

Next mistake that you can make when writing a landing page copy is a lack of defined goal or not knowing what you want your audience to do next. Your landing page should have one clear and focused goal: to convert your visitors into leads or customers. Your landing page copy should have a clear and single focus, and it should lead your audience to a specific action that you want them to take.

You should not have multiple or conflicting goals, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading an ebook, and buying a product on the same landing page.

To avoid this mistake, you should always have a defined goal for your landing page and align your copy, design, and killer call to action with your goal. You should also measure your landing page performance and track your conversions using tools or platforms such as Google Analytics, Hotjar, or Crazy Egg.

Focus on features and not benefits

Another mistake that you can make when writing a landing page copy is to focus on the features or the technical aspects of your product or service and not on the benefits or the outcomes that your audience will get from using it.

Your audience is not interested in what your product or service can do, but in what it can do, for them. You should use the benefits to show how your product or service can solve their problem, improve their situation, or enhance their experience.

To avoid this mistake, you should always focus on the benefits over the features. Use emotionally-charged words, such as amazing, incredible, fantastic, or awesome, to make your benefits more appealing and persuasive.

Lack of language coherence

One of the most common mistakes that you can make when writing a landing page copy is lack of a language coherence or not using a consistent and appropriate tone, voice, and style for your landing page copy. Your landing page copy should match your brand personality, your audience preference, and your offer theme.

You should not use formal, technical, or boring language if your audience is casual, friendly, or fun-loving. You should not use humorous, playful, or sarcastic language if your audience is serious, professional, or respectful.

You should use the language and the tone that your audience uses and understands, and that creates a connection and trust with them.

Landing Page Templates

If you need some inspiration or guidance for writing your landing page copy, you can use some landing page templates that can help you structure your content and save your time and effort. Here are some landing page templates that you can use.

Template 1: PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution)

This template uses the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) formula, which is a classic copywriting technique that addresses your target audience's problem, pain points, and solution. It consists of four main sections: the headline, the subheading, the body, and the CTA.  

Headline: State the problem that your target audience faces and capture their attention.

Sub-headline: Agitate the pain points that your target audience experiences because of the problem, and create a sense of urgency and importance.

Body: Offer the solution that your target audience needs, and showcase your benefits, USP, and social proof.

CTA: Compel your target audience to take action, and tell them what to do next.


Headline: Are You Struggling to Generate Leads for Your Business?

Sub-headline: Learn How to Attract, Engage, and Convert Your Ideal Customers with This Proven Marketing Strategy

Body: If you are like most business owners, you know that generating leads is the lifeblood of your business.

But you also know that it is not easy.

You have to compete with thousands of other businesses, deal with changing consumer behavior, and cope with limited time and resources. You have tried various marketing tactics, such as SEO, social media, email, and content, but none of them seem to work.

You are frustrated, overwhelmed, and losing hope. But what if there was a better way? What if you could generate leads without spending a fortune, wasting your time, or chasing after prospects? What if you could create a marketing system that works for you 24/7, and brings you qualified, ready-to-buy leads on autopilot?

Introducing LeadGen, the ultimate marketing software that helps you generate more leads faster and easier than ever before.

LeadGen is the only marketing software that lets you create, automate, and optimize your lead generation campaigns in minutes.

With LeadGen, you can:  

  • Create landing pages, pop-ups, and forms that capture your visitors' attention and contact information.
  • Automate emails, SMS, and calls that nurture your leads and move them along your sales funnel.
  • Optimize your campaigns with A/B testing, analytics, and insights that show you what works and what doesn't.
  • Connect with your favorite tools, such as CRM, email, and social media, that integrate seamlessly with LeadGen.
  • LeadGen is the complete marketing solution that you need to grow your business.

Whether you are a small business, a startup, or a freelancer, LeadGen can help you generate more leads faster and easier than ever before. But don't take our word for it.

See what our customers have to say about LeadGen:

"LeadGen has been a game-changer for our business. We have increased our lead generation by 300% in just one month and reduced our cost per lead by 50%. LeadGen is easy to use, powerful, and affordable. We highly recommend it to anyone who wants to grow their business." - Lisa Johnson, CEO of XYZ Marketing.

"LeadGen is the best marketing software that we have ever used. We have been able to create and launch our campaigns in minutes and automate our follow-ups and conversions. LeadGen has helped us save time, money, and effort and focus on our core business activities. We love LeadGen, and so do our customers." - Jack Wilson, Founder of ABC Consulting.

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Template 2: AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action)

This template uses the AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) formula, which is another classic copywriting technique that guides your target audience through the stages of awareness, interest, desire, and action. It consists of four main sections: the headline, the subheading, the body, and the CTA.

Headline: Grab your target audience's attention with a catchy, intriguing, or surprising statement.

Sub-headline: Spark your target audience's interest with a benefit, promise, or question that relates to their problem or goal.

Body: Arouse your target audience's desire with your solution, USP, and social proof, and show them how you can help them.

CTA: Encourage your target audience to take action and tell them what to do next.

Template 3: BFF (Benefits-Features-Facts)

This template uses the BFF (Benefits-Features-Facts) formula, which is a simple and effective technique that showcases your target audience's benefits, features, and facts. It consists of three main sections: the headline, the body, and the CTA.

Headline: Summarize your target audience's main benefit, and make them curious about your offer.

Body: Expand on your target audience's benefits, and support them with your features and facts, such as USP, social proof, and statistics.

CTA: Invite your target audience to take action, and tell them what to do next.


Writing a landing page copy that converts is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either. If you follow the principles and tips that we have shared in this blog post, you can write a landing page copy that works, and that attracts, engages, and converts your audience.

But if you want to save your time and energy, and get a mind-blowing landing page copy in minutes, without any hassle or stress, then you should definitely try Writesonic's Website Copy Generator, the ultimate AI writing tool that can help you create a landing page copy that works. Get ready to write a landing page copy that converts with Writesonic. This AI writer not only helps website copy but also all types of content writing from blogs to emails to social media posts to anything and everything in content creation.

Pragati Gupta

Pragati Gupta is a Content Marketer @Writesonic, specializing in AI, SEO, and strategic B2B writing. Leveraging the power of Generative AI, she produces high-impact content that drives superior ROI.

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