What is ChatGPT: Every question on ChatGPT Answered

Table of contents

ChatGPT, the conversational AI chatbot, has taken the world by storm. Since its launch, everyone has been excited and scared at the same time. Its mind-blowing capabilities have exceeded everyone’s expectations, from writing instant emails to coding scripts. More than anything, the hype has left people overwhelmed about ChatGPT.

So we've compiled a comprehensive guide to ChatGPT, answering every burning question -

  • What is ChatGPT?
  • How ChatGPT works?
  • How to use ChatGPT?
  • And most importantly, how to make money with ChatGPT?

So sit back and relax while we take you through the rabbit hole of ChatGPT.

Table Of Contents

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a conversational AI chatbot built on the GPT-4 language model developed by OpenAI. It can perform various Natural Language Processing (NPL) tasks like summarization, classification, question and answer, and error correction with human-like responses.

ChatGPT - What is ChatGPT

Many consider ChatGPT the greatest technology advancement since the iPhone, and for good reasons. ChatGPT is a revolutionary technology that makes people's lives easier by boosting their productivity to the next level. It's also making people unsure about losing their jobs all at once. If you're someone worried about your job, check out 4 reasons why ChatGPT won't take your job.

Who Owns ChatGPT?

ChatGPT AI chatbot is built and owned by OpenAI. Elon Musk and Sam Altman founded it as a non-profit company in 2015. Moving ahead in 2018, Elon Musk pulled himself out of Open AI and no longer owns a stake in Open AI. At first, the company received $1 billion from Silicon Valley venture capitalists to kick off building neural networks.

In 2019, OpenAI raised a second round of funding from Microsoft for $1 billion. They started using the Azure supercomputers to build these large language models. In fact, OpenAI used the majority of the funds for Azure credits.

Fast forward to 2023, Microsoft invested $10 billion in OpenAI, bringing the total stake to 49%. Other investors, including Khosla Ventures, take up another 49%, while OpenAI only retains 2% in equity.

How Does ChatGPT Work?

Transformer Network

AI Chatbots were around before ChatGPT but never caught people’s attention as they were not conversational.

What's different now?

In 2017, Google introduced a network architecture called The Transformer in their paper "Attention is All You Need." This created a paradigm shift in training a large language model (LLM).

Back then, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Networks were no match for transformer networks. RNN had issues with long-term dependencies, and LSTM couldn't focus on the right words in a long sentence to get the output right.

And transformer networks changed how language models are trained. Instead of processing one word at a time like RNN, the transform can inject the entire input at once. Additionally, the transformer allows running multiple inputs parallelly, reducing computing costs and training faster. This provided the foundation for how ChatGPT works now.

GPT Model Training Process

Realizing the potential of transformers, OpenAI decided to leverage transformer networks and went ahead with its architecture to train the data.

The training process of these models mainly involves three steps:

  1. Generative pre-training
  2. Supervised fine-tuning
  3. Reinforcement learning from human feedback

Let's dive into each step to understand how ChatGPT works exactly.

1. Generative Pre-Training

To train an LLM like GPT-3 or 3.5, you have to throw a ton of data at the transformer network so it can learn how to predict the next word in a sentence. And if you add more parameters, the patterns get even more accurate.

Open AI released GPT-4 which is multi modal.

Humans help with the data collection by playing both the "talking" and "listening" sides of the conversation. Then, they mix that dialogue with the previous model, InstructGPT, which only followed instructions without context.

2. Supervised Fine-Tuning

While pre-training the model gives it a good foundation, it still can't always determine the user intent. For example, it might reply with a question when you ask a question because that's what it learned during pre-training. That's why you need supervised fine-tuning to fix that problem and get the input and output working right.

During supervised fine-tuning, the model learns how to apply its pre-trained knowledge to a bunch of different tasks. Then, each task gets a score or ranking, and all those scores combine to make a batch. These batches are used to fine-tune the model even more in the next round.

3. Reinforcement Learning

The last step is where the human trainers give the model all kinds of random prompts and see what it comes up with. Then, the model gets a score based on how good its output is. But if the human trainer thinks the output could be better, they'll give it a new score to work towards.

It's important to get that human feedback to teach the model what not to do and set limits on what it should and shouldn't generate. But there's a risk of bias creeping in from the human trainer. That's why a ton of fine-tuning across all the parameters is required to really nail it down.

How to Use ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has a basic version that is free to use, as they announced a paid version called ChatGPT Plus.

To use ChatGPT, you must go to their webpage – no need to download. Simply, go to ChatGPT login – you can choose to register or log in with your Google or Microsoft account.

The ChatGPT webpage is simple to use for all types of users. It includes a text box for users to type inquiries and an area for the results to show. You must input your text prompt, and you will receive the information you need.

The ChatGPT tool is developed to offer detailed responses to any of your inquiries, as it was designed to interact conversationally. However, inputting a statement instead of a question will get more detailed results.

Quantum computing on ChatGPT - How to use ChatGPT
Quantum computing on ChatGPT

Learn how to use ChatGPT effectively with use cases for each category.

Benefits & Limitations of Using ChatGPT

Now that you understand how ChatGPT works, it's time to dive into the areas where it excels and falls short.

Benefits of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that only works with text, but it's super helpful in your daily life and at work. Here are some of the ways ChatGPT can make your life easier:

Overcome Creative Block Instantly

Creating something original can sometimes be overwhelming. You might feel stuck staring at a blank page without any angle or direction. This can last for a few hours or even days, depending on the type of work you're attempting.

But what if you could automate finding inspiration and instantly generate ideas?

Well, it is possible with ChatGPT! The AI chatbot can streamline your creative process by automating time-consuming tasks such as researching, writing copy, and performing revisions. ChatGPT for content creation can aid content creators with easy processes.

Benefits of ChatGPT - What is ChatGPT
Benefits of ChatGPT

If you're a writer, you can hit up ChatGPT to get some help with creating blog titles, video scripts, landing pages, ad copy, and even story plots.

Designers can use some top-notch ChatGPT prompts to get the creative juices flowing and make some mesmerizing images using generators like DALL-E or Midjourney. And if you're a comedian, ChatGPT is even good at playing different characters, so it's a great tool for brainstorming ideas and coming up with some fresh material.

Benefits of ChatGPT - What is ChatGPT
Benefits of ChatGPT

Despite ChatGPT’s capabilities, it is nowhere near replacing creatives. It can definitely be your personal assistant to aid in the creative process. But you still need to add your creative touch and make necessary revisions through prompts to improve the output each time.

Boost Productivity to the Next Level

ChatGPT managed to amass millions of users quickly because it instantly boosted people's productivity. Whether day-to-day activities or business workflows, ChatGPT for businesses has enabled people to allocate resources effectively and save time.

For an average user, ChatGPT can be a personal trainer planning workout routines, a tutor helping learn a complex topic, or a chef giving fantastic recipes. Your imagination only limits the possibilities here. Obviously, you cannot blindly trust ChatGPT in any of these cases. But it does give you an outline to fast-track the process.

It does not stop there! When talking about ChatGPT use cases to grow businesses, it boils down to improving productivity in three areas: marketing, development, and support.

In the case of ChatGPT for marketing, this AI chatbot can automate the creation of social media content, SEO, keyword research, and email campaigns. Check out 40+ ChatGPT prompts for marketing here.

And not just marketing, check out ChatGPT for eCommerce and see how it is revolutionalising the eCommerce industry.

For development, ChatGPT can write and test code. Yes, you read that right!

You can literally ask the AI chatbot to generate a code for you or even complete a code you've written. You can also translate the code from one language to another, making it easier to plug and play across projects.

Benefits of ChatGPT - What is ChatGPT
Benefits of ChatGPT

ChatGPT for customer service can be a powerful weapon to improve the overall customer experience in a business. When a business leverages Botsonic, it will likely see a spike in satisfaction rates. This is because the AI chatbot is not limited to only a few queries and can delve deep into the customer's problem while conversing.

Find Inefficiencies Faster

As humans, it is natural to make mistakes.

But it takes a lot of time to identify those mistakes and optimize for better solutions. So why not let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting here?

ChatGPT can help you find inefficiencies in various fields. For example, while pushing code to production, you can ask ChatGPT to reduce time complexity and make the code optimal. This will vastly improve performance as CPU usage will be reduced.

In the case of content, you can paste the entire document and ask ChatGPT to scan for grammatical errors. It identifies and automatically corrects the mistakes for you.

On top of all that, ChatGPT can give a hand to manufacturing organizations too. By checking out how things are being made, it can pinpoint which part of the process makes the biggest difference and which is causing the most headaches for quality control. All this information helps streamline manufacturing processes and saves some dough on costs.

Limitations of ChatGPT

Before completely integrating ChatGPT into your workflow or digital transformation plans, you must know that ChatGPT is not perfect and has certain limitations.

AI Alignment to Human Values

For conversational AI chatbots like ChatGPT, differentiating right and wrong is super important. They can't make unfair decisions or find ways to get around the rules.

Unfortunately, ChatGPT isn't on the ball with this stuff yet, and users have already found ways to get past the safety measures set by OpenAI.

But there's hope! Even though we're still waiting on a true artificial general intelligence, OpenAI has said they will improve things with the next model, GPT-4.  The company plans to slowly ship new upgrades as safety is paramount.

Engaging Longer Conversations

When it comes to AI chatbots like ChatGPT, having context is key if you want a good conversation. But sometimes, ChatGPT gets a little lost and comes up with something totally random. And that's a bummer as you have a start all over again.

This could also happen because of incomplete prompts. If you want to make the most of ChatGPT, just learn how to write a perfect ChatGPT prompt to get the chatbot on the right track.

To address this issue, OpenAI focuses more on optimization than introducing more parameters to its GPT-4 model. Once the model is trained extensively, it can read the inputs better and build the necessary context before generating any output.

Real-Time Insights

ChatGPT doesn't have access to the internet, so whatever output it generates is based on data before 2021.

For example, if you ask ChatGPT the price of a particular stock, it will reply by saying, "I'm sorry, but I am unable to provide real-time stock prices and financial information."

Limitations of ChatGPT - What is ChatGPT
Limitations of ChatGPT

Similarly, it is also unable to track location-based information. If you ask the bot to give directions to a particular location from your current location, its response would be that it can only provide general information.

So the lack of real-time accuracy limits the ceiling of the LLM model. But there's a chance we could see some improvement if they update the training data.

Text-Only Model

ChatGPT is a strictly text-only language model. That means you cannot generate any images or record audio to use as your input. From a tech perspective, that's quite weak since ChatGPT alternatives like ChatSonic can do this seamlessly.

OpenAI chose not to go multi-modal yet because surpassing the abilities of the DALL-E 2 and GPT-4 models and integrating them into the product is incredibly hard to crack in the near term.

Is ChatGPT Free?

ChatGPT is free to use. However, considering millions of users are using the AI bot simultaneously, you may not always have access to the bot. You might have to wait for your turn as ChatGPT will be down for free users.

For these reasons, OpenAI has released a premium subscription plan called ChatGPT Plus that costs $20 monthly.

ChatGPT Plus users will be prioritized during peak times when normal users see the "ChatGPT at capacity" message. Further, the response times will be much faster than the free ChatGPT and priority access to new features and improvements.

How to Earn Money Using ChatGPT?


Blogging remains one of the best ways to generate passive income. With ChatGPT, you can speed up making your first dollar online as you can create content at scale.

From selecting a niche and writing content and optimizing it for the search engines, ChatGPT has got you covered in every step. However, the quality of outputs from ChatGPT depends entirely on the quality of inputs, i.e. prompts provided.

Writing Services

As every business gets digitized, the need for content is only growing. That means the demand for content writers and copywriters will be massive. If you are one of them, you can totally boost your income by bringing ChatGPT into your creative process.

Here is an example to understand better. Suppose you are promotional emails for a newly launched product. Instead of writing a new email every time for A/B testing, you can simply plug the one with the highest conversion rate into ChatGPT and ask it to create more such alternatives. You can do the same with social media content and see better engagement rates.

Check out these ChatGPT prompts for social media to maximize your engagement.

Also, have a look at how you can take advantage of ChatGPT for email marketing. And don't forget to browse ready-to-use ChatGPT prompts for email marketing.

Video Scripts

91% of businesses use video formats in their marketing strategy, and more companies are adapting to videos.

ChatGPT for video scripts - What is ChatGPT
ChatGPT for video scripts

You can create video scripts for YouTubers and companies using ChatGPT. You can further increase your pay by engineering the prompts in a way that gives direction regarding visuals as well.

You can also scale it to a video agency if everything goes well. And, of course! ChatGPT can help you do that 😉 Simply go to the Chat GPT login and start creating mind-blowing videos.

Other Potential Ways

There are endless possibilities for making money with ChatGPT, and if you have the expertise and skills to operate it, you can increase your earnings rapidly. However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows - ChatGPT isn't perfect and can make mistakes. So, always refine its outputs and verify its factual accuracy to ensure the best results.

ChatGPT Alternatives

Even though ChatGPT is making AI accessible to everyone, it's still a work in progress. It's not always reliable for accurate info, you can't make images, and you can't integrate it into other apps or platforms.

That's why it's a good idea to check out some of the emerging ChatGPT alternative tools. These new kids in the AI street are bringing a whole new set of features to generative AI, and you don't want to miss out.

Check out some of the popular ChatGPT alternatives below and choose the one that's right for you!


Wonder what ChatGPT looks like when it's on steroids? Enter ChatSonic.

Built by WriteSonic, ChatSonic is a fully automated multi-modal AI chatbot that leverages the GPT-4 model and Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) technology.

ChatSonic - What is ChatGPT

ChatSonic is one of the best ChatGPT alternatives because it can tailor to your needs. For example, if you want to change the personalities of the chatbot, you can do that with ChatSonic by using the personality avatar. So, with a single click, you can change the tone and style of the chatbot.

In addition, ChatSonic is integrated with Google search to help you generate real-time factual content, which is one of the biggest limitations of ChatGPT.

But how do you know the content is accurate?

ChatSonic provides you with all the references it used to generate the output. So you can click on the reference and verify whether the source is legitimate.

There are many more areas to compare ChatSonic with ChatGPT. Let's check them out real quick:

  • AI Images: ChatSonic uses the powerful duo of Stable Diffusion and DALL-E to generate unique AI images. This means generating prompts for images and getting the image on the same platform is much smoother and more streamlined.

Learn how to create AI art with ChatSonic with ChatGPT powers and more.

ChatSonic for AI images - What is ChatGPT
ChatSonic for AI images
  • Voice command prompts: ChatSonic eliminates the need to type detailed prompts and allows you to enter your inputs through voice commands. When the chatbot generates an output, you can also ask to read it out in an AI-powered voice, like Siri or Google Assistant.
  • Memory retention: When you enable memory on ChatSonic, it can easily recall previous conversations and continue in the same tone. This enhances the conversation experience to the next level. More importantly, it gives the chatbot more context to give appropriate answers.
  • API integration: ChatSonic provides an API with ChatGPT powers for you to seamlessly tap into its abilities and apply them to your platform or application.

For example, you can integrate the API into a shopping website and make the chatbot a personal guide to users. This can improve user experience, ultimately making a difference in conversions.

You can explore many more ChatGPT API use cases, but try not to overdo it.

  • Mobile app: ChatSonic is putting the power of large language models into every smartphone with its ChatGPT mobile app. The interface is intuitive, and you'll be able to navigate easily on the go!
  • Chrome extension: ChatSonic also released its Chrome extension allowing you to create content rapidly while surfing the web simultaneously. You can install this ChatGPT chrome extension to automate content from anywhere and everywhere on the web.

From writing emails, and surfing the web to creating content on LinkedIn and Twitter, ChatSonic chrome extension use cases are endless.

ChatSonic Chrome extension - What is ChatGPT
ChatSonic Chrome extension
  • Knowledge hub: Are you stuck while using ChatSonic? It has a dedicated academy with webinars and training sessions that can help you with prompt engineering.

If you don't find what you want, you can join the ChatSonic discord community and drop your queries.

Considering all these amazing features, you must think ChatSonic is more expensive than ChatGPT Plus.

But - not at all!

ChatSonic has a unique pricing plan where the number of words allowed per month varies based on the quality. The paid subscription starts from $19 per month for 19,000 words.

Before going for the paid plan, you can try out the free version, which gives 25 free ChatSonic generations monthly.

After you finish up your free generations. This is how your words will be deducted when generating from ChatSonic.

Web -

1x with both Google Search and Memory On

1/2x with one on

1/4x without both off
Mobile app -

3x with both Google Search and Memory on

2x with one on

1x without both off

ChatSonic Pricing - What is ChatGPT
ChatSonic Pricing

So ChatSonic brings more functionality at a lower price than ChatGPT, making it a must-try AI chatbot this year.

Google's BardAI

Google was a little behind the race, but they were just warming up.

They finally launched their own AI chatbot called Bard, based on the large language model, LaMDA, that potentially has the edge over OpenAI's ChatGPT. Google has been working on training these models for the past two years with 137 billion parameters.

Bard and ChatGPT models differ in how they generate the text. While ChatGPT tries to predict the next word based on the pre-trained patterns, Bard aims to generate a dialogue that makes user interaction more conversational.

Thanks to its optimized architecture, Bard is also good at catering to a wider user base. As the size of its LLM is lightweight, Bard doesn't face the same server overload as when ChatGPT is at capacity.

As Google plans to integrate Bard into its search results, finding accurate answers will be more effortless. At the same time, Google is also trying to make its API more accessible to developers and create a thriving community.

While we can't underestimate the potential of Bard, we don't know what its functionality and usability are right now. So it's better to use a market-ready ChatGPT alternative for productivity, like ChatSonic, instead of waiting for Bard to launch.

Currently, Bard AI is unavailable for general use, so why not take advantage of ChatSonic's free trial? Furthermore, ChatSonic has released their ChatGPT Chrome Extension, so you can get quick, precise replies straight from your Google Search.

Microsoft's Bing AI

Microsoft is attempting to reinvent search with its latest Bing AI chatbot. The language model used to build Bing AI is an advanced version of GPT-4, making the chatbot a lot more conversational than ChatGPT.

Microsoft Bing AI - What is ChatGPT
Microsoft Bing AI

Unlike Google, Microsoft is ready with its product and has already begun integrating it into its product line. You can experiment with it by applying to the waitlist, which already has millions of people. If you want to get early access, you can try seeing Bing as your default search engine and install the Edge browser app.

Microsoft aims to improve the capabilities of ChatGPT by introducing its Prometheus model. It is expected to improve in generating more relevant text with better safety and policy layers.

Despite Microsoft's efforts towards safety, the Bing chatbot is saying disturbing things that bring back memories of Skynet becoming self-aware in the movie Terminator. This has caused a heavy backlash that made Microsoft quickly change the limits of the chatbot. Here are top Bing AI alternatives you can explore in 2023.

We are yet to see the completed version of Bing AI as it's still in limited preview. So we can expect the chatbot to improve with improved AI alignment. But if you want to take advantage of these language models now and get ahead, ChatSonic is for you!

Bing AI is great to play with when you are using Bing Search, but what about the times when you don't want to switch tabs and use one tool that does it all? You try ChatSonic :) A one-stop shop that helps you with current event data, images, voice commands, prompts library for perfect outcomes, and whatnot.

Jasper Chat

Developed by Jasper, Jasper Chat is an AI writing software that closely resembles ChatGPT. Individuals and enterprises worldwide use Jasper Chat mainly for marketing, including writing long-form content, social media posts, and advertising copy.

Jasper Chat - What is ChatGPT
Jasper Chat

Jasper assists users in generating near-perfect answers by providing templates for tasks like writing product descriptions, blog outlines, and profile bios. It also does a good job of translating outputs into 29 different languages, lowering the entry barrier for people worldwide.

While Jasper Chat is easily accessible with many business use cases, it still has the same limiting qualities as ChatGPT. It can't generate answers based on real-time data, as it was trained on data published before mid-2021.

Furthermore, the Jasper Chat feature is not available in the free plan. To test it out, you must upgrade to a premium plan, Boss Mode. And the monthly cost starts at $49. If you want a custom plan for your business, it can cost a minimum of $499. See how Jasper Chat compares with ChatSonic.

This means you will pay significantly more than alternatives like ChatSonic, with nowhere near the same functionality. So choose wisely.

ChatSonic surpasses all the limitations of Jasper Chat and ChatGPT. ChatSonic is way cheaper than Jasper Chat, with advanced features like real-time data and image generation.

And the list is endless! Majority of companies are jumping on the AI bandwagon, for example, recently Notion launched Notion AI. But as it is said every rose has its thorn, check out why you should look for Notion AI alternatives.

Can ChatGPT Take Away Jobs?

The whole world is anxious about AI replacing human jobs after witnessing the capabilities of ChatGPT.

We still have a long way to go before robots start calling the shots over humans. But with AI growing exponentially, preparing for the future is important. That means always being ready to adapt to change.

Remember how the Industrial Revolution caused job losses at first? Well, don't worry - the same thing will happen with AI. Those who embrace the change and learn new skills can make it in any industry!

ChatGPT - the next AI revolution

ChatGPT is a powerful chatbot tool making waves in the AI space. It is being used by businesses across industries to increase productivity and overall cost-efficiency. On the other hand, service providers are taking help from ChatGPT to automate their content efforts on social media to get more opportunities.

At the same time, ChatGPT is also being used for the wrong reasons. In schools and colleges, it has become impossible for teachers to distinguish what is original content and what is written using ChatGPT. There’s a safe way to use ChatGPT for students, though. This calls for a tool that can detect ChatGPT-specific content.

Moreover, ChatGPT is also facing an AI alignment problem. Many users have been able to jailbreak ChatGPT and made it go beyond the safety policies. This is a huge concern because the chatbot can become biased if limits can be removed.

The world of ChatGPT is a mix of good and bad. Sure, we like to focus on the positive and make the most of it, but we must be careful about how these GPT models develop in the future. We don't want to end up with a robot apocalypse or anything!

Samanyou Garg

Samanyou is the founder of Writesonic. He is passionate about using AI to solve complex real-world problems, and he also won the 2019 Global Undergraduate Awards (nicknamed the junior Nobel Prize).

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