Website Copywriting: Write Great Copy Fast

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If you're reading this blog post, chances are you've tried copywriting in the past, and you are looking to master it. Well, you're not alone. Copywriting is a skill, which takes time to learn and master. But don't worry, this blog post can help you.

In this ultimate guide to website copywriting, you can learn how to take your writing from ordinary to extraordinary with these helpful tips and tricks. Also, the guide can help you to choose the right words for your business message, create catchy headlines, write powerful calls-to-action, write high converting sales pages, and so much more! So, let’s get started.

Website Copywriting - The Ultimate Guide

Website copywriting is the act of content creation for your website. Website copywriting includes everything from page titles to page descriptions to reviews on product pages. It’s what will draw people to your site and it tells people what you offer. It’s often a combination of words, graphics, and other media utilized to create engaging web pages. So, it’s important that you invest time in creating engaging and informative content for your website.

A lot of people are confused between content writing and copywriting. In case you are confused, you can check out this guide that will definitely clear all the confusion.

Website copywriting is a crucial aspect of web design and development. Web content is what will draw people to your site, so it’s important that you invest time in creating engaging and informative content for your website. In this post, you’ll learn how to make the most of website copywriting for your site. You’ll learn what makes good copywriting and how to do it yourself. There are also some helpful tips on using on-page optimization to get the most out of your copywriting efforts.

A website copy often has a huge impact on how your customers perceive your business, so it needs to be written in a clear, concise, and informative manner. This is because the written word can either make or break you.

In addition to accounting for what people want and need to know about your product or service, there are also other aspects of writing that must be considered: it should be error-free, grammatically correct, without any spelling mistakes. But before you start rewriting your website copy, it’s important to understand the basics of structuring it. The result? A website that's easy to read and will convert better than ever!

The 7 Essential Steps to Effective Website Copywriting

Nobody wants to read a blog with head-scratching sentences and awkward wordings. In fact, there are various studies which show how bad grammar can hurt your credibility. So, when it comes to writing website copy, the stakes are high.

Web content should be engaging and informative enough to keep your visitors on the page. Web copy needs to compel them to click through and know what they’re going to find when they arrive at your site. And if you’re a business, a well-written web copy will help you make more sales. Here are seven steps for effective website copywriting that will get you on the right track!

The Importance of a Strong Headline

The first and the most important thing that people generally see when they land on your site is the headline. Your headline should be clear and concise. It should make the visitor want to read more about what you have to say.

If your headline doesn’t get a click, then you’ve lost their interest, or you don’t appear to be relevant to them. Headlines are not short, catchy sentences with no substance. Instead, they need to provide an overview of what your website is about and tell me why I should stay on it for more information. For example, “How a Unique Marketing Strategy Increased Sales by 56%” tells visitors what this article is going to be about while inviting them in with curiosity-inducing statistics.

Keep your headline brief and direct rather than long-winded and complicated. According to a good rule of thumb, the shorter, the better—the shorter it is, the less time people will spend trying to figure out what it means and more time they will spend reading your article!

If you use this image, we’d appreciate a link back to our website
Photo by Thought Catalog / Unsplash

Create an Emotional Connection

The best way to engage your audience is by creating an emotional connection. When people feel a personal connection to your brand, they’ll be more likely to buy from you. This can be done through words and images.

For example, if you are selling Disney World tickets, you could write about how much fun your customers are going to have when they visit the theme park. Or maybe you sell a particular type of food and want to create an emotional connection with those who appreciate the taste. You could write about how it reminds them of their mother’s cooking in the kitchen.

A great way to create an emotional connection is by being transparent with your visitors – make sure that they know who you are and what makes your brand different from everyone else’s. This helps to build trust with your readers and potential customers as well!

Put Your Content in the Right Order

Putting your content in the right order is one of the most important parts of website copywriting. Make sure the content is properly organized.

The first step to effective website copywriting is writing a compelling headline. The headline should be short and snappy but also informative. It should tell people what they’re going to find on your site.

The next step is the subheadings. It should basically give people an idea of the content on that page.  For example, if you have a blog about different types of shoes for men, you might have a subheading titled “Casual Shoes for Men” and another subheading titled “Formal Shoes for Men."  Give readers as much information as possible before they make their decision about reading further or not.

Include some pictures in your paragraph or post to help break up the text and keep the reader’s attention. Use bullets to list important points or items that are easy to skim over, like prices or shipping rates.

Finally, include some social media buttons at the end of your content so visitors can share it with their friends and followers via Facebook and Twitter.

Boost Your Website Traffic with SEO

Want to drive more traffic to your website? One of the best ways is to make sure that it’s SEO optimized. When you search on Google, your number one result is usually the first page of results. So, if your website never shows up in those top results, then people will never find it. And if they don’t find it, they can’t visit and buy anything from you.

Want to rank higher on Google? Then, you need to have a good site structure and an optimized page title and meta tags. You also need lots of quality content and backlinks (links from other sites). All these things can help your site rank higher on search engine listings so people can find it easily. In other words: SEO builds traffic for your site!

To boost quality traffic for your website through SEO, follow these seven steps for effective website copywriting:

- Know who your audience is

- Create engaging web content  - Write web copy that will compel visitors to click through or stay on the page

- Use persuasive language or messages

- Edit all grammar mistakes

- Use keywords appropriately when writing content  - Ensure all pages are well optimized

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important if you are looking to grow your business online. The challenge? Various businesses don’t have the skills, time, or expertise that is required to handle everything that comes along, with a solid strategy for SEO.

From keyword research and content evaluation to page optimization and internal linking, a lot of things are involved for SEO.

SEO in Colorful Alphabets
Photo by Merakist / Unsplash

Optimize your headline and description with SEO best practices  

When it comes to website copywriting, it’s important to optimize your headline and description with SEO best practices. These are the two things that will be visible when someone searches for your business online. Your headline should be clear and concise but also interesting enough to make someone want to read more.

Your description is what gives people who click on your site a reason to stick around. Make sure it includes keywords related to the content of your page and tells the story of what you do or sell in an easy-to-read manner.

Focus On Quality, Not Quantity

Quality over quantity. Quality should always be your top priority. The more you write, the lower the quality of the content will become. The solution? Keep your copy tight and to the point. Ensure that the content you are putting up on your website is of very good quality. Remember that your website is the visual representation of your business.

Want to know how to write faster without sacrificing the quality? Check out this detailed guide.

Use graphics to make it easy to scan your site

Another crucial element of website copywriting is the use of graphics. Graphics are helpful as they make it easier to scan your site. They can also be used to convey messages more visually, which will help people understand what you’re trying to say more quickly and easily.

Graphics should never be an afterthought but instead should be considered when creating content. Try to find a balance between text and images that work together to create a cohesive message.

Tips for writing a great copy

Your website is the backbone of your business. When potential customers visit your site, you want them to know about the many services and products you have to offer. You also want your audience to feel like they’re in the decision-making process. That’s why your copywriting should be compelling, informative, and engaging. If it sounds too salesy, people will lose interest. To help you write compelling content for your website, here are a few tips for writing great web copy:

Understand your audience

As your website’s copywriter, it’s important to know who your target audience is. Different audiences will require different tone and language. Your copy should be compelling and easy to understand. If you’re not sure how to write compelling content for your audience, make sure you do some research about the personas that are most likely visiting your site.

Remember, if your copy targets everyone, you may end up converting no one. Make sure that you understand your target audience and drive your copywriting efforts accordingly.

Keep it short and to the point

Who actually wants to read long paragraphs? Also, these days the attention span of people is reducing, and more people tend to skim content.

No one wants to read long paragraphs online. Keep your copy short and to the point. Straightaway getting to the point will help in avoiding the confusion as well.

Don’t be afraid of cutting things out if they don’t add anything to your message. Editing is an important part of copywriting. Have no mercy while editing your copy, and your copy will definitely work like magic.

Be specific about what you offer

People want to know what you have for them. They want specifics about your products or services and what they do. If you want someone to buy something, telling them all the benefits of your product is a good place to start.

Your audience doesn't care about you. Instead, they care about themselves. So, make sure you present your offer nicely and make the copy more about your audience and less about you.

Use language that is conversational

People are more likely to buy from you if they feel like they’re having a conversation with you. If your copy sounds too corporate or salesy, people will be turned off and not want to read it.

Your website is represents your business online

You can use language that is conversational and friendly to ensure that people are willing to read more of your content.

Avoid jargon or acronyms

Jargon is any language or terminology that is incomprehensible to the majority of your audience. When writing website copy, be sure not to use jargon or acronyms. One of the simplest ways to avoid this is to get customer feedback on what they like and don’t like about your site.

Be sincere and straightforward with your customers

Your web copy should make your customers feel like they’re being spoken to. You want them to know that you understand their needs and wants. Your content should be genuine and straightforward.

Make sure that your customers understand what the risks are of using your products or services without making them seem too risky.  If you sound too salesy, people will lose interest in what you have to offer. You want people to feel like they are at the decision-making stage when they visit your site.

Before you write, understand what you want to say

Planning is key for great copywriting. You should know what you want to say before you write it. This way, you won’t have a lot of editing to do later. The more time you spend in the writing process, the better your copy will be. It’s also important to know your audience so that you can write with them in mind. For example, if you are targeting a younger audience, you might want to use phrases like “you guys” or “we rock!”

Ask for feedback from others on your writing

Feedback is the most crucial part. A second opinion can help you to make your copy better. It is because there are always tweaks or edits that need to be made.

Design meeting
Photo by charlesdeluvio / Unsplash

Present the facts

You don't want to make any claims that you can't back up with evidence. So, if you are adding any facts and figures, add hyperlinks as well. This will help in establishing credibility and make the copy look authentic.

Don't be too promotional  

It may look like a good idea to sell your products or services, but if you do it too often, you'll lose credibility. Instead, use promotional language sparingly- just enough to entice the reader without overwhelming them with sales pitches.

Match the tone of your copywriting to the audience  

If you're writing for children, make sure that the material is appropriate for their age group. If you're writing for professionals, keep the tone more professional and don't use slang terms like "jacked," "sick," or "dope."

Keep Short and Sweet

The overly long or complicated copy will only frustrate your visitors. Keep your copy short and simple. The better you understand your product or service and what the benefits are, the easier it will be to write about.

Use Interesting Words

To make your copy engaging, use words that will catch people’s attention. For example, instead of saying “Get Your Credit Report for Free”, try “Get Your Credit Report for Free Today!”. Choose words that have an emotional resonance with your visitors.

Choose a Voice

Choosing a voice for your copy can add an engaging layer of personality to your writing that makes it more memorable. For example, if you are a creative agency, you might write, “We specialize in creative solutions for small businesses.” On the other hand, if you own a shoe repair shop, you might write “Shoe Repair Experts”. In both cases, choose a voice that typifies your brand and speaks to your target audience.

Put Your Words to the Test

When writing copy for your site, try to get at least one person to read it aloud. This will help you spot any issues you may have with grammar, spelling, or flow. You can also use some code-reading websites to check for any potential coding errors.

Use Proofreading Tools

There are plenty of proofreading tools that you can use to make sure that your copy is grammar- and spelling-perfect. These are useful for catching mistakes before you publish your content.

Play Around with Your Words

To get a better feel regarding what words to use, you can also try out different versions of your content. You can use a word cloud to see which words are used most often. This can help you see what words you might want to emphasize more.

Photo by lilartsy / Unsplash

Write a Bio

One of the most important pieces of information you can include on a website is your bio. This is often where you can add links to your social media accounts, your own website, and your professional email. If you’re not sure what to put here, you can reference this article on the most important website copywriting tips.


Website copywriting is crucial for any business that wants to take advantage of the online world. Your copy can help to attract new customers, improve conversions, and generate leads on your site. No matter if you’re looking for inspiration for your own copy or you want to learn how to create a better copy for your site, these tips should help you get started.

You’ll want to keep your copy brief and easy to understand, with words and phrases that speak to your visitors. You should also consider using images, videos, or links to supplement your copy. This is an important aspect of all marketing, and with the shift to an increasingly digital world, it’s crucial that your website is part of this strategy.

If you’re not sure where to start with your copy, try Writesonic.
Writesonic can help you to come up with better ideas and create an amazing website copy. Also, if you have keywords, you can expand on these to create a more engaging and effective copy for your site. This will help you to generate more leads and improve your overall conversion rates.

Pragati Gupta

Pragati Gupta is a Content Marketer @Writesonic, specializing in AI, SEO, and strategic B2B writing. Leveraging the power of Generative AI, she produces high-impact content that drives superior ROI.

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