10 Chatbot Use Cases Across Different Industries

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Feeling overwhelmed by the constant flow of tasks that never seem to end? You’re not alone. Businesses everywhere are turning to chatbots to help lighten the load.

But what is a chatbot used for, really?

From handling customer inquiries to managing orders, chatbots are stepping in as digital assistants, making operations smoother and more efficient.

As we explore various chatbot use cases, it’s clear that these AI-powered tools are becoming essential in industries like healthcare, e-commerce, and beyond.

By automating routine tasks and engaging with customers 24/7, chatbots are transforming the way companies operate, allowing teams to focus on what matters most.

Ready to see how this technology is driving change? Let’s dive into some of the top chatbot use cases reshaping businesses today.

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10 impactful chatbot use cases transforming industries

Chatbots hold great potential for businesses to revolutionize both customer support and internal processes.

But how are companies applying the benefits of chatbots to their daily workflows? And more importantly, how can your business do the same?

Below are 10 key chatbot use cases that illustrate their versatility and effectiveness across various industries.

Use-case 1: For marketing firms

The problem:

Consider a bustling marketing firm managing multiple campaigns simultaneously. The team is often bogged down by routine client queries asking for campaign performance updates.

These frequent requests for metrics and insights take up valuable time that account managers could otherwise dedicate to strategy and creative tasks.

How a chatbot can help:

Deploy a chatbot on your company website for client queries.

Clients can ask the chatbot for the latest engagement metrics, and it would provide a quick summary. This saves the account managers’ time, allowing them to focus on strategy and creative tasks.

As a bonus, the chatbot can assist in lead generation by engaging website visitors, qualifying leads by asking relevant questions, and scheduling follow-up meetings with human agents.

This automation leads to a more efficient workflow and happier clients.

For instance, integrating Botsonic with a CRM system enables a seamless experience by personalizing interactions based on past engagements, further enhancing client satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Use-case 2: Sales teams

The problem:

Next, let's look at a dynamic sales team at a software company, constantly looking for ways to streamline processes and close deals faster.

A significant challenge is the time spent answering repetitive questions from prospects, which delays the sales process and reduces the time available for closing high-priority deals.

How a chatbot can help:

Sales chatbots can automate much of the lead qualification and initial prospect engagement, freeing up valuable time for sales reps.

For instance, when a prospect visits the company’s website and expresses interest in a specific software feature, the chatbot can provide detailed information, answer frequently asked questions, and suggest scheduling a live demo with a sales representative.

After the demo, the chatbot can follow up with the prospect, provide additional information, and facilitate the next steps in the sales process​.

This automation not only speeds up the sales cycle but also allows reps to focus on closing more complex deals.

Use-case 3: Customer support teams

Chatbot use cases: Botsonic AI agent for customer support
Botsonic AI agent for customer support

The problem:

Customer support teams, particularly in industries like telecommunications, often face an overwhelming volume of repetitive inquiries.

For example, a telecommunications company might see frequent customer requests related to billing, service issues, or basic troubleshooting. With an understaffed team, employees become burnt out, resulting in longer wait times and frustrated customers.

How a chatbot can help:

Deploying a customer service chatbot can significantly reduce the workload by handling routine inquiries.

For instance, a chatbot can assist customers with questions about their bills by pulling up the latest statement and explaining any charges. It can also troubleshoot common service issues or guide users through setup instructions.

When the problem is more complex, the chatbot seamlessly escalates the conversation to a human agent​.

This automation not only ensures that customers receive timely assistance but also lightens the load on support teams, leading to improved efficiency and higher customer satisfaction.

In fact, 64% of consumers cite 24/7 service as the best feature of chatbots, which makes them invaluable for companies struggling with customer service bottlenecks.

Use-case 4: Retail e-commerce chatbot use-case

Chatbot use cases: Botsonic AI agent for retail e-commerce
Botsonic AI agent for retail e-commerce

The problem:

For many online fashion retailers, a significant challenge lies in helping customers find the right products and complete their purchases.

Issues like difficulty navigating the website, confusion about product details, and cart abandonment lead to lost sales and lower customer satisfaction.

In fact, cart abandonment rates hover around 69.57% on average, representing a huge missed opportunity for e-commerce businesses.

How a chatbot can help:

A well-deployed e-commerce chatbot can greet visitors, assist them in finding products, and provide personalized recommendations based on browsing history and preferences.

For example, AI-powered chatbots can analyze customer behavior and suggest relevant products. Additionally, if a customer abandons their cart, the chatbot sends a follow-up message with a discount code to encourage them to complete the purchase.

This kind of personalized assistance not only helps recover lost sales but also improves the overall shopping experience, creating a more engaging and seamless customer journey.

Use-case 5: Insurance chatbot use-case

The problem:

Insurance companies often struggle to manage the high volume of inquiries regarding policy details, claim statuses, and payment options. This constant stream of repetitive questions overwhelms support teams, leading to longer response times and frustrated clients.

How a chatbot can help:

Instead of waiting on hold or coming into the office, customers can get real-time answers through a chatbot, right from the comfort of their homes through a Whatsapp chatbot.

For example, a customer can ask about their policy coverage by entering their insurance details and get an instant reply, such as, “Your policy covers accidents, fire damage, and theft up to $500,000.”

Additionally, when filing claims, the chatbot can guide them through the process and provide updates like, “Your claim has been received and is under review. You’ll get an update within 48 hours.”

WhatsApp chatbots also allow clients to access support anytime, anywhere, eliminating the need for lengthy hold times or office visits. This seamless, automated assistance improves customer satisfaction and significantly reduces the workload for support teams​.

Botsonic integrates with WhatsApp for 24x7 instant customer support, making it even easier to provide top-notch service! Try Botsonic for Free

Also read: How to Make a No-Code Chatbot with AI

Use-case 6: Healthcare chatbot use cases

The problem:

Running a hospital or medical practice involves managing a high volume of patient interactions. Patients frequently call to book appointments, inquire about symptoms, or seek medication advice.

This situation often overwhelms the front desk staff and leaves patients waiting for long periods, leading to a strained healthcare system.

How a chatbot can help:

Healthcare providers can deploy a WhatsApp chatbot to handle routine tasks like appointment scheduling and answering basic medical queries.

For example, patients can simply type, “I need to schedule a check-up,” and the chatbot will instantly provide available dates and times for booking. In case of symptom inquiries, the chatbot can access a medical database and offer initial advice, such as, “Based on your symptoms, it’s advisable to book an urgent care appointment.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many healthcare facilities utilized chatbots to help manage the surge in patient inquiries. These bots allowed patients to check symptoms, find testing locations, and receive updates on vaccine availability—significantly reducing the burden on healthcare workers​.

Chatbots are especially beneficial for handling large volumes of patients who prefer to seek medical assistance from the comfort of their homes.

They ensure timely care while reducing strain on healthcare staff.

By integrating WhatsApp chatbots, healthcare providers can streamline processes, enhance accessibility, and improve patient satisfaction across all demographics​.

Use-case 7: Human resources support for enterprise teams

Chatbot use cases: Botsonic AI agent for HR teams
Botsonic AI agent for HR teams

The problem:

HR teams in large enterprises often face a flood of repetitive inquiries from employees about policies, benefits, and payroll.

This influx of routine questions distracts HR team from focusing on strategic tasks and slows response times, which negatively impacts overall efficiency and employee satisfaction.

How a chatbot can help:

HR chatbots are an excellent way to automate employee support for large teams.

Employees who need quick answers about their leave balances or benefits can ask the chatbot, “How many vacation days do I have left?” and get an instant response—no need to wait for HR to respond.

These chatbots also provide step-by-step guidance for employee onboarding, such as, “Here’s your first week’s schedule and onboarding documents.” This allows new hires to settle in quickly without waiting for HR or senior leadership to provide information​.

Thanks to robust HR automation and integration capabilities, employees can use the chatbot to request leave. The system will automatically update the HRIS, notify the employee’s manager, and provide approval status in real time.

Quick tip: Try building a multilingual chatbot with Botsonic to support employees in their native language, making it easier for international teams to communicate effectively.

Use-case 8: Chatbots for educational institutes

Chatbot use case for education sector
Chatbot use case for education sector

The problem:

In educational institutions, the administrative staff often struggle to manage with a flood of inquiries from students and parents, especially during admission season.

From admission work to course details, tuition fees, and campus events, the constant barrage of questions can cause delays and frustration.

How a chatbot can help:

All educational institutions have a website that students can access for basic information about their courses, fees, and admissions.

By deploying a chatbot on their existing website, the administrative staff can offload a significant portion of their workload by handling frequent questions automatically.

When prospective students need details about the admission process, the chatbot instantly provides a step-by-step guide and important deadlines—eliminating the need for phone calls or office visits.

Chatbots can also manage the influx of questions during busy times, such as exam season or enrollment, by sending reminders about deadlines, exam schedules, and campus events​.

For example, some universities have successfully implemented chatbots to handle up to 82% of initial inquiries from prospective students while also enhancing application conversion rates by providing 24/7 support.

Use-case 9: Travel agencies

The problem:

Travel agencies handle daily inquiries about flights, hotels, and travel itineraries, which often leads to slow response times and impacts customer satisfaction.

During peak travel seasons, the high volume of inquiries can overwhelm customer service teams, resulting in missed bookings and frustrated travelers​.

How a chatbot can help:

A travel chatbot can streamline customer interactions by providing instant answers to common questions, such as flight availability, hotel bookings, and itinerary changes.

For instance, customers can check for available flights to Paris and get immediate options, complete with prices and schedules. The chatbot can also handle itinerary changes and cancellations, offering travelers flexibility without human intervention.

During peak travel times, the chatbot can manage increased queries by providing real-time updates on flight statuses, gate changes, and other critical information.

For example, a chatbot might notify a traveler, “Your flight to New York is delayed by an hour. Here’s the new departure time.” This proactive communication ensures travelers stay informed, reducing the stress and uncertainty associated with travel disruptions​.

Use-case 10: Real estate companies

The problem:

Real estate companies are often inundated with inquiries from potential buyers and renters about property details, viewings, and neighborhood information.

This constant barrage of questions makes it difficult for agents to manage everything efficiently, leading to slower response times and missed opportunities​.

How a chatbot can help:

A real estate chatbot can significantly streamline these interactions by providing instant responses to common queries.

For instance, potential buyers can inquire about available properties and receive detailed listings directly from the chatbot, including photos, prices, and key features.

Additionally, chatbots can schedule property viewings by coordinating calendars, ensuring a seamless experience for both clients and agents​.

Beyond that, chatbots can offer valuable neighborhood insights, answer questions about local schools and amenities, and even assist with the initial steps of the buying or renting process.

5 chatbot best practices to follow for excellent customer experience

Chatbots aren't designed to handle everything—and they shouldn't be. Their role is to assist, not replace, human agents. By allowing chatbots to focus on routine tasks, your team can concentrate on interactions that require a personal touch.

Here are some best practices to ensure your chatbot enhances, rather than detracts from, your customer experience:

1. Provide an option to reach a human

One of the most common mistakes businesses make is failing to offer a simple way for customers to escalate their interactions to a human agent.

When chatbots hit their limit, offering a smooth transition to a live agent via voice or video call is important. This ensures that more complex issues are resolved effectively, delivering a superior digital customer experience.

2. Do your customer research

Understanding your customers' needs is key to effective chatbot deployment.

Whether your bot uses keyword scanning or machine learning, it must recognize the most common and time-consuming customer queries.

Conducting thorough customer research can help you determine which inquiries can be automated and which require human intervention, improving your chatbot's effectiveness.

3. Ensure effective integration with other tools

For chatbots to provide seamless service, they need to integrate with key business systems like CRMs, email, and e-commerce platforms. With these integrations, your chatbot can access relevant data to deliver accurate and personalized responses.

It can also handle complex tasks like processing orders or updating customer records, ensuring consistency across channels.

4. Continuously update and improve your chatbot

Chatbot technology is constantly evolving, and so should your implementation. Regular updates, new features, and improved responses based on user feedback keep your chatbot relevant and effective.

Continuously monitoring performance allows you to fine-tune your chatbot for better functionality and a superior user experience.

5. Ensure clear and friendly communication

Your chatbot's primary job is to communicate effectively. This means using clear, concise, and friendly language that avoids jargon.

Keeping the tone conversational and approachable ensures that interactions are engaging and easy to understand, fostering a positive customer experience.

For further reading: 21 Chatbot Examples From The Most Innovative Brands in 2024

Benefits and use of chatbots for businesses

Benefits and use of chatbots for businesses
Benefits and use of chatbots

Chatbots have evolved from simple query handlers to AI-driven virtual assistants that can simulate human conversation. But what exactly is the usage of chatbots for a business? Let’s break it down:

Automating customer service: Chatbot automation can handle a large volume of client queries, providing instant responses and freeing up human agents for more complex issues.

Businesses that use chatbots have seen up to 30% savings in customer support costs and speed-up response times. They can answer FAQs, troubleshoot problems, and even escalate more serious issues to human agents when necessary.

Enhancing user engagement: The use of chatbots gives your business a 24/7 channel to handle onboarding, support, and much more—because chatbots don’t need breaks.

A study found that 90% of customers expect an immediate response when dealing with customer service. Chatbots ensure you’re always there when your customers need you, even outside of regular business hours.

Streamlining internal processes: AI chatbots aren’t just for customer service; they can also assist with scheduling meetings, managing employee inquiries, and other routine tasks, increasing internal teams' overall productivity.

This level of automation reduces employee burnout and allows your team to focus on higher-value work. For example, logistics teams can use chatbots to answer repetitive questions about shipments, allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks.

Driving sales: Chatbots can guide customers through the sales funnel, answer product questions, and even process orders, enhancing the shopping experience and boosting sales. In fact, studies have shown that chatbot users are 67% more likely to make a purchase compared to those who don’t interact with bots.

For example, chatbots can recommend products, offer discount codes, and address common questions at the checkout stage, reducing cart abandonment.

Also read: 20 Benefits of Integrating Chatbots in Your Business

Build your own AI chatbot with Botsonic today!

Build your own AI chatbot with Botsonic!
Build your own AI chatbot with Botsonic!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level with AI chatbots?

Chatbots are transforming various industries worldwide, making operations smoother and improving customer satisfaction. And for that, it’s essential to have a powerful, all-in-one chatbot that can handle it all.

With Botsonic, you can effortlessly build an AI chatbot tailored specifically to your business needs.

Here’s what you get:

  • No coding required; a simple drag-and-drop builder
  • Seamless integration with WhatsApp, websites, SMS, and more
  • Advanced AI that learns and improves, delivering accurate, personalized responses
  • 24/7 customer support to keep your chatbot running smoothly

And yes, we’ve even considered the needs of diverse customers by offering multilingual support so you can effortlessly cater to a global audience.

Botsonic goes beyond just answering questions. It’s about transforming your customer interactions and making your business more efficient. Transforming your customer service with a chatbot has never been easier.

Start your journey with smarter customer interactions with Botsonic now.

Saloni Kohli

Saloni Kohli, Content Writing @ Writesonic. A content marketing expert with a passion for storytelling and a flair for crafting engaging SEO-driven content. Turning ideas into impactful strategies.

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