How to write a blog post fast? (while maintaining quality)

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Writing a blog post is like baking a cake— it feels time-consuming while you're at it, but eventually, the outcome benefits in the long term. As a business owner, you want to grow your business, and blog posts are one of the best ways to attract more customers. But how can you write blog posts fast while maintaining quality?

You may think of writing a blog post as a solitary, slow, and painstaking activity. That's mostly true. It is an activity that requires a lot of focus, concentration, and time. However, it doesn't have to be slow. And you don't have to do it all by yourself (Really!).

In fact, there are several hacks you can use to speed up the writing process and make it more enjoyable at the same time. This blog post will walk you through the entire process of how to write a blog post faster while also maintaining quality (or even improving it).

The best part is these techniques will save you a ton of time and effort - allowing you to focus on other things that matter.

Table of Contents

5 tips for writing a blog post faster

Let’s say if you have a full-time job, are an entrepreneur, or have other external commitments, you might not have the luxury of carving out several hours of your day to write blog posts. So, what can you do to write a blog post faster? Here are a few tips to help you write a blog post fast:

Tip 1: Schedule the task

Scheduling the tasks is the first and most important thing. From finding topics to scheduling the publish date, it will help you keep track of everything you need to do. Be realistic about how much time you can dedicate to creating new posts. You don’t want to set a goal to write three blog posts per week if you know you don’t have the time to finish even one per month.

Tip 2: Find your sweet blogging spot

Find your sweet spot to write a blog post! For example, if you know you’re a morning person, schedule your blogging tasks for the mornings and if you’re a night owl, schedule for the evenings. Some people prefer to write at specific times during the week or month.

Well, whatever works best for you is the best option. Find a time when you’re relaxed and focused without distractions, and get going!

Tip 3: Find the right research tools

Struggling to find the right information for your next blog post? Try a couple of these research tools or platforms:

BuzzSumo - allows you to type in a keyword, URL, or even a domain name to see which articles are performing best on social media. You can also test it out with a competitor’s URL.

Quora - is a great way to find out what your readers want to know. You can search for topics related to your blog and see what questions people are asking.

Reddit - can help you find both general and niche-specific topics as it has thousands of different communities where people discuss a wide variety of topics.

Chatsonic (A ChatGPT alternative) - ChatSonic can help you research and write a blog post quickly and efficiently. ChatSonic has a comprehensive database of up-to-date information on current events, so you can easily research topics that are relevant to your blog. Additionally, ChatSonic has AI-powered text quick generation capabilities, so you can quickly generate unique content and create art from text. ChatSonic can also assist with code writing and natural language understanding, so it's an all-in-one solution for your blog writing needs.

Tip 4: Create an outline to save time and efforts

If you struggle to find ideas to write blog posts, try to create an outline for the blog first. This is an extremely useful technique that can help you write blog posts faster. You can generate outlines for your topic in one click using the AI article generator.

Tip 5: Use an AI writing tool

AI writing tools are a great way to write a blog post faster. Once you have the topics in place, you can generate these content pieces within seconds. For instance you take 3 days to come up with one blog post for ~1500 words, Writesonic can help you come up with one in just 60-90 seconds. We are talking this fast here!

This is an amazing way to make your blog posts that much more efficient!

How to Write a Blog Post Fast: The Ultimate Guide for 2022

Believe it or not, writing speed is a skill that can be practiced and improved over time. And if you get to the point where you can write twice as fast as the average person, your writing will actually be twice as good!

Here's a step-by-step guide to how to write engaging blog posts faster with resourceful tips and tools that can help you get started improving your writing skills & speed.

Step 1 - Start with a content planner

Plan out your content in advance. Brainstorm as many ideas for your blog as you can and organize them in your content calendar based on priority publishing dates. You can generate topics faster and easily by just adding key terms to the Writesonic topic idea generator.

AI Article Ideas Generator - How to write faster
AI Article Ideas Generator

Or generate these topics in bulk! (Didn’t we tell you this blog is all about creating faster?)

AI Bulk Content Upload - How to write faster
AI Bulk Content Upload
Once your brainstorming session is over, and every idea has been written down go back through the list and delete all duplicates or those that can be grouped with another post.

Step 2 - Research

The second step of the blog writing process is to do detailed research. This means you need to head out and find the most up-to-date, relevant information on your chosen topic. This phase is one of the most critical parts of the article writing process because it will give you plenty of ideas to work with.

Researching your competitors' blogs can also help you understand what type of content they are publishing, what format they use, and how often they post. That said, researching can be time-consuming. But it doesn't have to be!

To make the process easier, get crystal clear on the who, what, and why of your topic. Next, go to Google and find out what else is out there about this topic. Then, create a folder for all the resources related to this blog post. This may include links to other articles, quotes, statistics, and anything else that will help you write an awesome piece of content. And finally, write down some questions that you still have about the topic.

Step 3 - Create an SEO strategy

A comprehensive SEO strategy would include an analysis done before publishing the blog post about what are some relevant keywords that could be used during its publication process through:

  • Titles - Keywords should always be included within your article's titles.
  • LSI keyword phrases - Related terms or alternate phrasing may also pertain to each topic, so these too must not go unnoticed.
  • Meta tags - Another way you can optimize this blog post through SEO is by using appropriate meta titles and descriptions that tell web spiders what each page on your site is about before they visit it (a process called "spidering").

You can include some of those exact keywords in your article title, headings, subheadings, and throughout the text itself for Google to read and show it to the users searching on those keywords.

To speed up your keyword search and search terms for content, you can use the Surfer integration with Writesonic or directly use the powerful Article Writer 4.0 that helps with keyword research and seo-optimized article upto 2000 words in under a minute.

Step 4 - Deciding the type of blog

Before you go on writing, consider what type of blog post you want to create.

For instance, how-to blog posts tend to perform very well in search engine results pages (SERPs) because many people search for instructions on how to do something.
Here is a list of some common blog post formats you can select from:

  • The How-to Post - A classic, evergreen format. The how-to post is a classic format that can apply to a wide variety of topics. It walks the reader through an actionable process step by step.
  • The List Post - Easy to read and popular. The list post is exactly what it sounds like: a numbered or bulleted list, typically with an introduction and conclusion.
  • The Expert Roundup - Increases credibility. This post features quotes from experts on a single topic or question.
  • The Interview - Spotlight someone. The interview post is similar to the expert roundup but involves a single person rather than multiple quotes from different people.
  • The information bomb - Focuses on relevance. As a result, they are an excellent way to address any questions your customer may have about your product or business.
  • The Advice posts - Stays evergreen. Advice blog posts that target your specific audience are evergreen content posts.
  • The Giveaways - grow top of the funnel. Giving away a product in exchange for an email address is one way to attract new customers.

Step 5 - Outline

Once you have a fair idea of what to write about, the next step is to create a detailed outline for the blog post. Create an outline of the ideas to manage and structure your content so that it flows properly. You can try using Writesonic’s outline generator to speed up the process. Have a look at how it works.

AI Article Outlines Generator - How to write faster
AI Article Outlines Generator

Next, when your outline is complete, transfer each point into a word document and expand these sentences with any additional details that may come up as you write. This outline will act as the structure for your post.

The important thing is that you have an outline so that you have a road map for where you want to go with your post.

To create an outline, you can start by writing a one-sentence summary of each section in the order you intend to write them.

Step 6 - The First Draft

A blog post is a work of art, and like any other work of art, it should be revised many times keeping your content marketing goals in mind. But the first step is simply to start writing and let your ideas flow without trying to make them perfect. Remember, the first draft is usually a mess. You need to cut and carve an angel from a block of marble, like a sculptor.

Have an idea or topic and want to put it into words? Try Writesonic’s Article Writer 4.0 to generate a blog post.

Writesonic AI Article Writer 4.0

If you're stuck thinking about what to write, try reading through other people's blog posts for inspiration or looking at the most popular posts on Medium from the last few months.

To speed up the process, use Article Writer 4.0 to come up with the first draft. Then, edit it according to the brand tone and voice.

Step 7 - Editing

After you've written your blog post, you can start editing it. Editing is the process of improving content and correcting errors. To speed up your editing process, you can:

  • Reserve a room or coffee shop for at least 30 minutes and go through the entire post.
  • Change the font for your draft to something not so easy on the eyes (Comic Sans will do). This will help you read every word of your copy instead of gliding over it.
  • Read it aloud, slowly. This will help you figure out typos and awkward phrasing.
  • Use a paraphrasing tool to edit and avoid plagiarism.
  • Turn off your internet connection, if possible, so that you're not distracted by social media or emails.
  • Edit on your computer, not on your phone or tablet.
  • Read your writing out loud to yourself.
  • Cut the fluff words, filler words, and negative words from your writing.
  • Ask for help from a friend to gain a fresh perspective.
  • Fix a time frame. Give yourself around 45-60 minutes for the editing task.
  • And, the best, use Writesonic’s Sonic editor. Here’s a glimpse of how it works.
Use Writesonic’s Sonic Editor. No more wasting time in copying and pasting to another sheet or editor. Simply generate an article using Article Writer 4.0 and take it to Sonic editor for editing.

Step 8 - Formatting

There's a lot more than just writing a great blog post.

You also have to make sure the blog format is reader-friendly and visually appealing. If you want your writings to be taken seriously, it's essential to make sure they look professional from start to finish.

So, after writing, comes formatting!

Formatting a blog is not as easy as it might seem. It takes time, patience, and a systematic approach to get it done right. First, decide on the style of your blog post template. This includes choosing fonts, creating headlines, and deciding on the color palette to use.

Appealing visuals add up to the reader's better experiences. With AI art generator it becomes very easy to create visually appealing images as you have to consider how well your text and images go together with each other. Are they both attractive? Do they complement each other well? And thirdly, you have to create a great layout that will make your readers happy.

To format your blog quickly, refer to this ultimate guide on blog formatting.

Step 9 - Proofread and hit publish

Proofreading your blog post before publishing is so important because it ensures that the content you put out on the web is perfect.

It includes everything from correcting spelling mistakes and grammar to making sure your post is easily readable and making sure you have a good flow throughout your article.

And the interesting part is, you will be amazed by how many errors you can find in a single article when you really dig deep into the text!

The best way to speed up the process is by using tools like Copyscape, which will help make your job easier. And once you’re satisfied with the results, hit the 'Publish' button on your screen! If not, go back and edit some more. To make it more accessible, Writesonic has integrated the doc-style Sonic Editor with Copyscape to help you with plagiarism-free and error-free content.

Get ready to generate a blog post in seconds – instantly!

There are moments when you can put your ideas into words in no time.

But there are also times when you struggle to come up with the first sentence, right?

So, if you want to magically generate a high-quality blog post, here’s something for you - Meet the Instant Article Writer!

Till now we talked about Article Writer 4.0 which has a 3 steps process, i.e., keyword research, outline, and then a complete article.

But with our newest addition to the Writesonic’s family, you can generate a 1500-word blog post in a faster way. Sounds exciting, isn’t it?

Well, Writesonic’s Instant article writer is the only AI writing assistant that can help you come up with 1500-word blog posts or articles literally in no time, and fewer steps. Just in the matter of seconds! Let’s see how…

How to generate a blog post in seconds with Instant article writer:

Step 1: Go to the dashboard and select “Article and Blogs” from the top slider menu.

Step 2: You can see all the article writing tools there. Choose “Instant Article Writer.”

Step 3: Enter the title of the blog post.

Instant article writer
Instant article writer

Step 4: Hit “Generate”.

Instant article writer
Instant article writer

It took about 30-40 seconds to generate this article with the Instant article writer by just adding in your topic.

Want a video tutorial? Check out this video.

Instant Article Writer

Tips for using Instant Article Writer

  • Do keyword research to come up with a topic that can help you rank better. Also, make sure that the title is specific.
  • If you are struggling to find ideas, go to “AI Article Ideas Generator” to come up with ideas for the title.
  • If you want to save more time and come up with high-quality articles, select “Good” quality. It only takes 15-20 seconds to generate, plus you also get an image and connect it with a WordPress site to publish in a click.
  • Click on the sonic editor to edit and format the article. Polish your article here and make it ready to publish.

Now you might be wondering what the difference between Instant Article Writer and Article Writer 4.0 is.

Instant Article Writer can help you to save time by generating an article quickly. It automatically picks up the relevant title, intro, and outline and comes up with an article in no time.

Article Writer 4.0 is perfect when you need more customization and a thorough SEO-optimization in your blog post or article.

So what are you waiting for? Generate a blog post super quick using our newest addition to the family. Sign-up for a free trial now and claim 2500 words right away!

Pragati Gupta

Pragati Gupta is a Content Marketer @Writesonic, specializing in AI, SEO, and strategic B2B writing. Leveraging the power of Generative AI, she produces high-impact content that drives superior ROI.

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