The Ultimate Showdown: Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots

Table of contents

First impressions matter…

Sounds cliche, but isn’t that the truth?

Especially when it comes to customer experience and engagement, a good first interaction ensures that your prospect converts and stays with you longer.

But how to create such memorable experiences? It's pretty simple, actually...let some chatbots help you...

In a world of waiting on endless hold music, provide your visitors with an immediate and accurate chat experience when they visit your online platform by integrating smart AI chatbots!

But with chatbots coming in diverse forms how do you decide which one is right for your business?

Read on to witness the ultimate showdown between Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots

Table Of Contents

What are traditional chatbots?

A blast from the past, rule-based chatbots, often referred to as traditional chatbots, laid the groundwork for the early days of chatbot interactions.

These simple chatterboxes are engineered to follow pre-established rules and engage with users by adhering to a predetermined script.

Unlike their advanced counterparts, their understanding of natural language is limited, restricting their functionality to specific tasks.

How do traditional chatbots work?

Conventional chatbots, or rule-based chatbots, function by adhering to a predetermined set of guidelines and replies. These chatbots employ a decision-tree framework or a diagram-like system to direct user interactions.

When a user submits a question or a message, the chatbot sifts through its repository of rules to identify the most suitable response.

In simple terms, rule-based chatbots utilize pattern recognition to pinpoint keywords or phrases in user inputs. Upon finding a match, the chatbot delivers a pre-defined response linked to that keyword or phrase.

In some instances, the chatbot may request additional information or follow a scripted conversational path to gather necessary details before offering a response.

Traditional chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Traditional chatbots

Pros of rule-based chatbots

Rule-based chatbots have been around for quite some time, and despite various technological advances, they still hold their ground in various applications. Here are their key advantages:

  1. Uncomplicated Design - Easy to develop and maintain, they operate based on pre-determined rules and decision trees.
  2. Full Control - Businesses can ensure consistent and accurate information, eliminating concerns about unexpected or inappropriate responses.
  3. Consistent Performance - They deliver reliable and precise responses within their defined parameters.
  4. Cost-Effective Development - Ideal for small and medium-sized businesses seeking a budget-friendly chatbot solution.
  5. Seamless Integration - Effortlessly connects with existing business systems, optimizing customer service processes.
  6. Privacy and Security Assurance - Lesser dependence on vast datasets and external data sources ensures data security.

Cons of rule-based chatbots

Although numerous businesses have widely utilized rule-based chatbots, acknowledging their shortcomings and challenges is essential.

When compared to sophisticated AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, rule-based chatbots might not perform as well in certain aspects. Let's examine the downsides of rule-based chatbots and discuss why companies might think about switching to AI-driven solutions.

  1. Limited flexibility - They struggle to understand user inputs outside their programmed parameters, leading to a negative user experience.
  2. Complex conversations - Handling intricate or multi-layered dialogues is difficult, often resulting in irrelevant or incomplete responses.
  3. Lack of personalization - They are unable to offer user-specific interactions, making conversations feel impersonal.
  4. Time-consuming updates - Continuous maintenance and updates consume time and resources, impacting their effectiveness.
  5. Incapacity to learn - Unlike AI-powered chatbots, they cannot learn from user interactions and improve their responses.

Examples of rule-based chatbots: How brands harness the power of rule-based chatbots

Rule-based chatbots have paved the way for creative customer engagement across diverse industries. Let's explore some inspiring real-world examples of brands successfully employing rule-based chatbots.

Domino's Pizza's Digital Order Taker, Dom

Back in 2014, Domino's Pizza developed a rule-based chatbot to simplify pizza ordering and elevate customer service quality. Named "Dom," this chatbot streamlines the ordering process, delivery tracking, and provides answers to FAQs, demonstrating how rule-based chatbots can efficiently manage tasks and deliver a smooth customer experience.

Examples of rule-based chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Examples of rule-based chatbots

Marriott's ChatBotlr: The Virtual Concierge

Marriott International designed the ChatBotlr, a rule-based chatbot acting as a virtual hotel concierge. Accessible via Facebook Messenger, Slack, and WeChat, ChatBotlr assists guests with room bookings, local recommendations, and hotel amenity queries. This chatbot embodies the powerful impact of rule-based solutions in the hospitality sector.

Examples of rule-based chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Examples of rule-based chatbots

Sephora's Reservation Assistant: Beauty Appointment Guru

Cosmetics giant Sephora crafted the Reservation Assistant, a rule-based chatbot simplifying in-store appointment bookings. This digital beauty guru navigates users through the reservation process by collecting information on location, services, and appointment timings. The Reservation Assistant highlights the efficiency of rule-based chatbots in streamlining bookings and enhancing customer convenience.

Examples of rule-based chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Examples of rule-based chatbots

EMMA - Government Bot for Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security utilizes a chatbot named EMMA to address questions related to the department's various services. Remarkably, EMMA can function effectively in English and Spanish, and it is estimated to manage approximately one million interactions every month.

Examples of rule-based chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Examples of rule-based chatbots

What are AI chatbots?

Imagine conversing with a computer program that could understand and respond just like a human - that’s exactly what an AI chatbot is!

These ingenious tools use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to master the art of conversation, redefining how businesses and individuals interact.

AI chatbots excel at engaging users through text or voice interfaces, like messaging apps or virtual assistants, easily taking on customer support, sales, marketing, and even entertainment roles.

What sets them apart from their traditional rule-based counterparts is their dynamic response generation based on context and conversational subtleties.

How do AI chatbots work?

AI chatbots are transforming how businesses interact with their customers by providing instant, accurate, and personalized responses to user queries. But how do these AI chatbots actually work behind the scenes?

AI chatbots leverage NLP (Natural Language Processing), which allows them to comprehend and interpret human language in a meaningful and context-sensitive manner. They use machine learning to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and refine their responses based on user interactions.

AI chatbots determine the user's intent and extract relevant information (e.g., dates or product names) from their query to deliver accurate responses. They employ advanced algorithms and knowledge databases to select appropriate response templates or generate unique responses based on the context.

Chatbots powered by AI can connect to external platforms like CRMs or e-commerce systems to offer personalized information by accessing user-specific data points.

AI chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
AI chatbots
Read our blog to know more about how does ChatGPT work

Pros of AI chatbots

By mastering natural language and mimicking human-like conversations, AI chatbots are transforming customer service and operational efficiency. Let's explore some of the core benefits of embracing AI chatbots:

  1. Increased efficiency: AI chatbots multitask, handle multiple requests, and automate repetitive tasks, saving time and optimizing resources.
  2. Personalization: They use customer data to offer tailored experiences, fostering brand loyalty.
  3. Data analysis: AI chatbots collect customer insights, helping businesses fine-tune strategies and identify opportunities.
  4. Multilingual communication: They help understand and respond in multiple languages, engaging diverse customers effectively.
  5. Easy integration: AI Chatbots seamlessly blend with existing applications and systems for a user-friendly solution.

Cons of AI Chatbots: A Reality Check

AI chatbots have undeniably shown great potential, and their adoption by businesses is on the rise. However, it's crucial to be aware of their limitations to make well-informed decisions for your organization. Here are some:

  1. Inaccurate responses: AI-powered chatbots can sometimes misinterpret user inquiries or provide incorrect information due to imperfect algorithms, causing user frustration.
  2. No emotional intelligence: AI chatbots lack genuine emotional understanding, making personalized and compassionate support challenging.
  3. Data privacy and security challenges: Their training raises concerns over user privacy and compliance with data protection regulations.
  4. Resource-intensive development: Creating an effective AI chatbot requires significant time and resources for training and ongoing maintenance.
  5. Potential bias and discrimination: AI chatbots can reflect biases from datasets, resulting in biased or discriminatory interactions.

Traditional Chatbots vs AI Chatbots

Navigating the chatbot realm, one must distinguish between the classic traditional chatbots and their more advanced AI-driven counterparts to make informed decisions for business integration.

Here’s a brief comparison between Traditional Chatbots and AI Chatbots

Comprehending user input: Traditional chatbots lean on specific keywords and preset responses, while AI chatbots harness the power of natural language processing and machine learning to craft human-like replies.

Adaptability: Traditional chatbots are restricted by their pre-defined limitations, whereas AI chatbots learn from user interactions and adapt, delivering tailored responses over time.

Conversation flow: Traditional chatbots follow a fixed, linear dialogue, while AI chatbots participate in dynamic, flowing, and engaging interactions with users.

Handling complex queries: Traditional chatbots fumble when faced with intricate or vague inquiries, but AI chatbots rise to the challenge, delivering an enhanced user experience.

Personalization: Traditional chatbots give generic answers that may leave users cold, while AI chatbots customize their responses to each user, providing a warm and personalized connection.

Evolving with time: Traditional chatbots depend on manual updates for enhancements, while AI chatbots absorb lessons from user interactions, refining their performance and growing more effective.

Explore different types of chatbots and see which one is best for your business.

Examples of AI chatbots: Innovative success stories of brands implementing AI chatbots

Now that we understand the concept of AI chatbots clearly, how about we examine some groundbreaking instances of brands that have effectively integrated AI chatbots into their operations?!

Sephora's Beauty Connoisseur

Sephora, the prominent beauty retailer, developed its Facebook Messenger chatbot to provide customized beauty product suggestions. Through a series of questions about customer preferences and requirements, the chatbot offers tailored makeup and skincare recommendations, delivering a more personalized shopping journey and heightened customer engagement.

Examples of AI chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Examples of AI chatbots

Bank of America's Virtual Banking Buddy: Erica

Bank of America's virtual assistant, Erica, is designed to support customers with various banking tasks. Erica offers information on account balances, handles transfers, pays bills, and shares financial insights. By utilizing AI chatbots like Erica, banks provide round-the-clock support and more efficient customer service.

Examples of AI chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Examples of AI chatbots

KLM's Sky-High Support: BlueBot

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines employs its AI chatbot, BlueBot (BB), to guide customers with flight bookings, reservation management, and general inquiries. BB delivers real-time information and addresses questions about specific flights, baggage restrictions, and other travel information. Airlines like KLM are improving customer experiences and simplifying booking processes with chatbot technology.

Examples of AI chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Examples of AI chatbots

H&M's Virtual Style Advisor

H&M, the global fashion retailer, utilizes an AI chatbot on the Kik messaging platform to offer personalized styling tips. The chatbot gathers users' fashion preferences and crafts outfit suggestions tailored to their tastes. This inventive approach enhances H&M's customer engagement and delivers a more customized shopping experience.

Examples of AI chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Examples of AI chatbots

What are ChatGPT-trained custom AI chatbots?

ChatGPT-trained custom AI chatbots represent a cutting-edge development in chatbot technology, employing natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning to deliver highly conversational and tailored interactions.

These AI-powered chatbots differ from traditional ones, as they generate context-aware and precise responses based on user input rather than relying on predefined answers.

Built on OpenAI's ChatGPT model, these custom chatbots excel at understanding and responding to user input in a way that feels more natural and engaging.

They can be tailored for specific business purposes using relevant industry data and integrating with various business systems. This enables them to automate tasks like customer support, sales, and marketing while providing personalized and accurate responses. Learn more about how to use chatbots in marketing.

How do ChatGPT-trained chatbots work?

ChatGPT-trained chatbots offer engaging and natural conversational experiences by leveraging cutting-edge machine learning techniques.

Powered by the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model, ChatGPT chatbots are designed to comprehend and respond to natural language. They undergo comprehensive training using large datasets, allowing them to generate meaningful responses based on the context of a conversation.

Natural language processing (NLP) plays a vital role in ChatGPT chatbots, enabling them to analyze human language, extract meaning, and provide contextually relevant responses. Machine learning algorithms further enhance their performance, allowing them to adapt and improve over time.

In short, ChatGPT-trained chatbots combine GPT models, NLP, and machine learning to offer an interactive and natural conversational experience that excels beyond traditional chatbots.  

Learn more about conversational AI and explore 5 best conversational commerce tools that can help you enhance customer experience.

Pros of ChatGPT-trained chatbots

ChatGPT-trained chatbots provide numerous benefits that enhance customer service and user experience, revolutionizing the way businesses and customers interact with technology. We have listed some of them:

  1. Better Customer Service: By understanding user inputs and generating relevant responses, ChatGPT chatbots offer a more efficient and personalized customer support experience.
  2. Enhanced Personalization: They adapt to individual users, providing tailored responses that create a unique and engaging experience.
  3. Cost Savings: Automating customer service tasks with ChatGPT chatbots reduces labor costs and improves efficiency, enabling staff to focus on complex issues.
  4. Seamless Integration: These chatbots can be integrated across various channels, offering a consistent experience for customers on multiple platforms.
  5. Simultaneous Conversations: ChatGPT chatbots can handle multiple customer interactions at once, reducing wait times and increasing satisfaction.
  6. Human-like Interaction: By generating natural conversations, ChatGPT chatbots make interactions with technology more enjoyable and engaging.
Learn more about problems AI chatbot solves.

Cons of ChatGPT-trained chatbots: The other side of the ChatGPT coin

Despite the buzz surrounding ChatGPT chatbots, it's crucial to recognize their limitations before jumping on the bandwagon. Let’s look at them in detail:

  1. Struggling with intricate or niche topics: ChatGPT chatbots might falter when tackling complex or industry-specific subjects, limiting their applicability in scenarios where precise, expert-level knowledge is required.
  2. Susceptibility to misinformation: While ChatGPT chatbots can generate context-based responses, they occasionally deliver misleading or inaccurate information, posing issues for businesses needing dependable answers.
  3. Sensitivity to subtle language cues: ChatGPT chatbots may miss nuances like sarcasm, humor, or cultural hints, leading to misinterpretations or inappropriate replies.

AI Chatbots vs ChatGPT-Trained Chatbots

Now, let’s go through a brief comparison between AI chatbots and ChatGPT-based custom AI Chatbots:

Targeted Focus vs Wide-ranging Discussions

AI Chatbots are created to serve a particular business, automating functions and handling customer inquiries specific to that business. ChatGPT-based chatbots are engineered for broad conversations, encompassing a vast array of subjects, not customized for a particular business.

Regulated Environment vs Unrestrained Conversations:

AI Chatbots are entirely managed by the business with predetermined replies, conversational flows, and integrations. ChatGPT-based chatbots are capable of producing responses based on context but without full control over the conversation's direction.

Customized for Business vs Extensive Database:

AI Chatbots are developed and trained on a smaller, focused dataset pertinent to the business and its clientele. ChatGPT-based chatbots are educated using a massive dataset containing billions of records and having the capacity to search the web for information.

Personalization and Sales Connections:

AI Chatbots offer personalized suggestions, direct customers towards deals, and integrate with sales conversion paths. ChatGPT-based chatbots concentrate on generating text and universal conversation, not designed to guide users toward specific actions or offers.

Now, let's jump to a detailed differentiation between traditional chatbots and ChatGPT-trained chatbots...  

Traditional Chatbots vs ChatGPT-trained Chatbots

Rule-based chatbots are more suitable for specific, controlled tasks with lower costs and resource demands. ChatGPT-driven chatbots excel in offering more context-aware, natural, and personalized interactions. Here’s this comparison in detail:

User Input Interpretation

Conventional chatbots depend on preset responses and identify keywords to generate appropriate answers. ChatGPT-driven chatbots employ natural language processing (NLP) to comprehend the context and subtle aspects of a user's input.

Adaptive Responses

Conventional chatbots offer limited scope in response flexibility; their replies are confined to what's already programmed. ChatGPT-driven chatbots create responses according to the conversation's context, enabling more natural and human-like exchanges.

Learning Abilities

Conventional chatbots generally don't adapt based on user input or refine their replies over time. ChatGPT-driven chatbots use machine learning algorithms to benefit from user interactions and improve their replies.


Conventional chatbots provide restricted personalization in their answers, often appearing generic and lacking a personal touch. ChatGPT-driven chatbots deliver more customized and individualized experiences, considering the user's situation and preferences.

Examples of ChatGPT-trained custom AI chatbots

The advancements in ChatGPT technology have led to numerous companies adopting AI-driven chatbots to enhance customer service, marketing, and sales.

  1. Fashion E-Commerce Retailer – Customized Shopping Assistance

A fashion e-commerce business can utilize a ChatGPT-powered AI chatbot to offer tailored shopping experiences. The chatbot understands customers' style preferences, colors, and budget, then recommends products accordingly. This personalization saves time and boosts customer satisfaction.

2. Tech Support Company – Efficient Problem Solving

A tech support firm can integrate a ChatGPT-trained AI chatbot for customer support. The chatbot can help users troubleshoot and resolve technical issues based on context, providing precise solutions. This approach reduces waiting times and improves customer satisfaction.

3. Financial Services Firm – AI-Driven Financial Consultation

A financial services company could implement a ChatGPT-trained chatbot as an AI financial advisor. The chatbot will assess clients' financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment preferences, followed by delivering tailored financial planning advice. This personalized guidance will enhance decision-making and foster trust.

4. Travel Agency – Personalized Trip Organization

A travel agency can employ a ChatGPT-powered chatbot to aid customers in planning vacations. This chatbot will gather their travel preferences, budget, and desired destinations, post that it can create a unique itinerary for each client.

Traditional chatbots vs AI chatbots vs ChatGPT-trained chatbots: Which chatbot is best for your business?

Traditional chatbots vs AI chatbots vs ChatGPT-trained chatbots - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Traditional chatbots vs AI chatbots vs ChatGPT-trained chatbots

From the above comparison, isn't it clear that ChatGPT-powered AI chatbots are the real winners here?!

Now the question is, in this vast sea of ChatGPT-trained chatbots, which one to choose. Well, we have a solution for you.

Meet Botsonic...

Botsonic: A no-code, custom AI chatbot builder for websites

The innovative no-code AI chatbot builder, Botsonic, developed by Writesonic, is revolutionizing the realm of customer interaction and involvement!

It is now possible to swiftly generate highly-intelligent, interactive AI conversations for your website's users without requiring any coding skills.

This cutting-edge chatbot, similar to ChatGPT, allows individuals to harness the capabilities of GPT-4 and natural language processing to develop tailored AI chatbots suited for a wide range of applications, all without any technical know-how.

Simply put, ANYONE can build an AI chatbot to incorporate into their website using just embeddable code. Training chatgpt using your own data has never been easier!

Here's what all Botsonic has to offer:

Train ChatGPT on custom data

Botsonic comprehends and retains the data you supply in an extensive manner, enabling it to assist your clientele in addressing their concerns with the utmost human-like approach.

To train ChatGPT on your data, you can input your information into Botsonic using two distinct methods:


Upload your own data to Botsonic, like your company's guidelines, refund procedures, terms & conditions, etc., in formats such as PDF, PPT, PPTX, DOC, and DOCX to ensure the AI is familiar with your knowledge base.

Train ChatGPT on custom data - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Train ChatGPT on custom data


Copy and paste the website link to upload information related to business. Botsonic extracts the information from the URL and learns from it.

Customize as per your brand

Create a unified and unforgettable brand experience by refining every aspect of your AI chatbot with Botsonic to gel with your visual brand identity.

To transform your ChatGPT chatbot into an exceptional and memorable brand representative, Botsonic delivers these amazing customization features:

Name your chatbot: You can give your AI chatbot your business name under the “Company Name” field in the customization section.

Choose specific brand colors: From the chatbot color option, you can select brand-specific colors to tailor Botsonic. In addition to that, you can also copy-paste the color code.

Craft a catchy tagline: Next, you can write an attention-grabbing tagline for your chatbot that can engage users to take action (for example: up for a quick chat?)

Add a personalized welcome message: Add a friendly welcome message to greet your website, visitors.

Flaunt your visual identity: Upload brand logo and chatbot picture to be displayed on your widget.

Choose your favorite icon: Go to the button style option and explore various buttons available that suits your website.

Add contact information: Input your email address so visitors can effortlessly connect with you for further assistance.

Suggest queries: Share example queries to better assist your website visitors. We recommend showcasing the most commonly asked questions in this section.

Train ChatGPT on custom data - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Train ChatGPT on custom data

Integrate with a simple, no-code setup

Effortlessly establish your very own ChatGPT AI chatbot with Botsonic, which generates:

  1. An easy-to-embed code - Accessible even with a free trial.
  2. A dedicated API Key - Exclusively available for premium plan subscribers.

With Botsonic, create and launch your AI chatbot with absolute ease, regardless of your technical expertise.

Train ChatGPT on custom data - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
Train ChatGPT on custom data

4 steps to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot

Setting up Botsonic is incredibly simple and quick! Here's a four-step process to build a custom AI ChatGPT chatbot within minutes:

Step 1: Discover Botsonic on Writesonic

Botsonic is a part of Writesonic, accessible via the Writesonic dashboard. If you haven't created a Writesonic account yet, sign up for FREE now.

From your Writesonic dashboard, navigate to Botsonic, or alternatively, use the search bar to find it.

How to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
How to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot

Step 2: Upload your knowledge repository

Upload your documents and web links in the "Data Upload" section. Botsonic supports multiple files and links, comprehending and incorporating all of them.

How to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
How to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot

Step 3: Personalize and customize

To craft a truly individualized AI chatbot, input your brand name, colors, logo, chatbot image, and icon style.

Enhance user experience by adding a warm welcome message and query suggestions to guide your visitors. Click "Update" once you've added those personal touches.

How to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
How to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot

Step 4: Seamlessly integrate with your website

Botsonic generates a unique embeddable code or API key for you to easily copy and paste into your website's code. For more information, you can check our Botsonic help doc for on how and where to embed your script or API key.

How to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot - Traditional Chatbots vs. AI Chatbots vs. ChatGPT-Trained Custom AI Chatbots
How to set up and integrate Botsonic's custom AI chatbot

And just like that, you've created your ChatGPT-powered chatbot in four straightforward steps!

Embrace the benefits of a no-code AI chatbot builder, streamlining the process while saving you valuable time and effort. Discover the future of website interactions with Botsonic.

Transform customer engagement with the power of ChatGPT-trained chatbots

The chatbot landscape has evolved significantly over the years, and businesses now have various options for deploying chatbots to boost customer experience and streamline operations.

From traditional rule-based chatbots to AI chatbots and cutting-edge ChatGPT-trained custom AI chatbots, each type offers its unique advantages and drawbacks, depending on the intended application.

While traditional chatbots excel in controlled, specific scenarios, AI chatbots surpass them in terms of natural conversational ability and personalization. ChatGPT-trained custom AI chatbots represent the pinnacle of chatbot technology, boasting superior contextual understanding and advanced machine learning capabilities, which sets them apart in delivering engaging and satisfying user experiences.

By leveraging the power of no-code AI chatbot builders like Botsonic, businesses can effortlessly integrate ChatGPT-trained custom AI chatbots into their websites, providing real-time customer support, personalized service, and increased operational efficiency. Embrace the future of customer interaction with chatbot technology, and revolutionize the way your business engages with its audience.

Shrutika Joshi

Senior Content & Growth Marketer @ Writesonic

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