The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

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The sound of AI in b2b marketing leaves a bitter-sweet taste in the mouth of most marketers. Excitement for some, panic for most.

AI does a satisfactory job of modifying and improving B2B marketing processes, yet, most people fear it can make them lose relevance. They also fear it can rob them of their careers or bury their content beneath a sea of similarity.

Surprisingly, these fears haven't stopped 61.4% of marketers from using AI. And according to a report by AI Marketing Benchmark Report 2023, most of these marketers use AI for automation and to improve their B2B demand generation strategies. While for others, it's in the area of using chatbots to answer inquiries. Either way, it's undeniable that the world is shifting towards using machine learning in marketing.

This article seeks to point out the role of AI in B2B marketing. We'll also point out real-life use cases of AI in B2B marketing, and above all, we'll see if AI is worth the hype.

Keep reading to find out.

Table Of Contents

AI In B2B Marketing, A Match Made In Heaven?

AI in B2B marketing - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
AI in B2B marketing 

As you already know, marketing to a B2B audience is generally more difficult than marketing to a B2C audience. Unlike a B2C audience, a B2B audience is more impatient and doesn't care for fluff or flimsy copy packed with emotion-evoking words. They usually need technical details that tell them all they need to know about the importance of a product before they buy. Referrals and networking work for a B2B audience but are not as magical as it does for a B2C audience.

Because of these, B2B marketing can be difficult to navigate.

This is where AI steals the show.

In its simplest term, AI B2B marketing or B2B AI strategy combines the skill of AI and human marketing.

B2B companies can use Artificial Intelligence to predict demand patterns, study market trends, and make well-targeted marketing decisions. With AI, they can segment prospects, create brand awareness, and nurture prospects until they become customers.

Check out the top 7 B2B AI tools that can help you skyrocket your business.

By incorporating generative ai B2B companies can 10x their growth. Have a look at the best generative AI tools that can help you scale your business.

Below are other outstanding ways to use AI to transform your B2B marketing.

Benefits of AI in B2B Marketing

1. Improves Branding And Brand Consistency

Branding is crucial in shaping customer perceptions and fostering trust among partners. With AI in B2B marketing, you can get better results from your branding efforts and maintain brand consistency across all platforms.

Also, you can use AI to uncover valuable insights about your client's preferences, pain points, and needs. These actionable insights allow you to refine your branding strategy and create specific content to meet the demands of your customers and improve customer satisfaction.

2. Eliminates Human Error And Guesswork

Because of the advanced algorithms and machine learning features in an AI, it eliminates human error and guesswork. It processes vast data to make accurate predictions and reduces the possibility of human mistakes.

Also, AI systems automate tasks and end error variations that come with human involvement. For instance, AI algorithms can score leads based on various data points. This helps B2B marketers to focus on high-potential prospects. It also minimizes guesswork in lead qualification.

3. Drives Sales And Business Growth

In B2B marketing, AI drives sales for companies through lead generation and prospecting. BI helps B2B marketers create detailed buyer personas by analyzing customers buying patterns. This will, in turn, aid them in streamlining marketing efforts and sales pitches.

AI also aids in sales forecasts. It enables marketers to make informed inventory management and production planning decisions. It also helps businesses to avoid stockouts and accommodate demand changes. Not only this, it helps increase customer loyalty.

4. Process Automation

You can use AI for marketing automation to drop repetitive and time-consuming tasks. Also, AI-powered marketing automation tools help to organize workflows. It does this by ensuring jobs are well assigned with the required resources.

Also, AI marketing automation specifies the best time to send emails and social media posts. This feature helps B2B marketers to send messages and posts when prospects are available to engage.

5. Improves Lead Generation and Scoring

In B2B marketing, AI helps with lead generation. It does this by identifying customer patterns and trends that humans miss. It can pay attention to the finest details. With this feature, it tells you what makes your target audience tick and what puts them off. It also suggests the most effective marketing channels to use.

Above all, B2B marketers can use AI to access several datasets to determine the most promising leads among their prospects. You can feed your AI marketing tool with data gathered from various sources. These sources include website interactions, social media engagement, and sales history. It segments these data into different categories to provide helpful marketing insights. These categories include engagement levels, purchasing power, stage in the buyer journey, etc.

6. Enhances Buyer Experiences

AI in B2B marketing provides insights that you can use to offer personalized promotions and discounts to your customers. This way, you only provide your target audiences with products/services they'd love to use. Deliver personalized experiences, entice your customers, and increase your conversion rate.

Also, using AI-powered voice assistants and visual search in B2B brands allow customers to easily find products. You can use these AI features on your website to make buying more convenient and stress-free for your customers.

Besides, you can use AI-driven dynamic pricing systems to adjust your product prices. This allows you to create a price list based on demand, competitor pricing, and other factors. Also, this will help you ensure your buyers get the best deal. AI can simplify your checkout process by setting up an auto-filling payment option. This will fasten the checkout process and reduce cart abandonment.

7. Optimizes Website Performance

Your company can use AI to improve website speed, user navigation, and responsiveness. In SEO, AI helps B2B brands improve page load time and other factors impacting rankings.

Also, AI aids in crafting engaging and optimized content. It can assess a website's content for keywords, quality, and readability. And you can use the results of these findings to create compelling, SEO-friendly content.

8. Improves Customer service and Engagement

The use of AI in B2B marketing provides 24/7 customer support to your customers. While humans can pull this off using shifts, they may be less effective than the workaholic AI chatbots.

These AI virtual assistant tools engage and address customer inquiries in real-time. These customer interactions can also take place outside regular business hours. This will, in turn, earn some much-needed loyalty and dependability points for your business.

9. Facilitates Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing for B2B brands focuses on establishing a strong online presence full of potential and past clients. This network should lead to sales while fostering meaningful relationships. Now, AI helps B2B brands achieve this by creating content tailored to specific individuals.

Additionally, AI enhances social media listening and monitoring by analyzing social media conversations. With this, AI tools can track brand mentions and sentiment and identify emerging trends or potential issues. This allows B2B brands to stay ahead of the curve, address concerns, and capitalize on opportunities in the market.

Practical Ways B2B Marketers Can Use AI

In marketing, AI offers practical solutions to boost efficiency in the B2B space. Here are some practical ways to use AI as a B2B marketer.

Practical Ways B2B Marketers Can Use AI - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Practical Ways B2B Marketers Can Use AI

1. Content Generation

Content Generation - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Content Generation

About 82% of Marketers agree that AI or ML software-generated content is as good– or even better than human-written content.

Most B2B brands and marketers use tools like Writesonic to create engaging and relevant content. These tools help make your content ideas more vivid, diverse, and aligned with your brand voice. Given the right prompts, AI can generate eye-catching headlines for your marketing copies. You can use AI to generate written content, images, videos, audio content, etc.

Content Creation AI Tools For B2b Marketing

Writesonic - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Writesonic is the best AI writer that you can use to generate high-quality content that your B2B customers would love. It's an all-around platform that caters to all your content needs. You can use Wrisonic to create content from images, email copies, articles, landing pages, and social media content. The amazing part of this all-in-one solution is its usability and ease of navigation.

Writesonic offers the following content creation features:

Blog and article writing: Writesonic Article Writer 5.0 helps marketers to create well-written and personalized content. It also allows you to create search-engine-optimized articles that can rank on search engines. No doubt why it is one of the best AI writing tools.

Paraphrasing tool: Writesonic's paraphrasing tool helps to rewrite the content while keeping the original context intact. Moreover, it is one of the most advanced paraphrasing tools that ensure the paraphrased content is of high quality and 100% plagiarism free.

Image generation (Photosonic): Writesonic offers an AI art generator - Photosonic, that helps to create content that stands out. All you have to do is to instruct it on what to generate, and it will come up with an image. It can generate a face, paintings, photos, fantasy art, and any other image you specified in the prompt.

Brand voice: - With the brand voice feature, you can generate content aligning with your brand tone. Quickly create blogs, product descriptions, and more aligned with your brand and build a brand identity that your customers will love.

Social Media content generation: Imagine always making new social media posts and never running out of content ideas - with Writesonic, it's possible! From LinkedIn posts to Twitter tweets, it can help you create posts that can get huge traction and improve your social media presence.

Chatsonic: Chatsonic by Writesonic is an AI-powered chatbot, also known as the best ChatGPT alternative. From generating factual content and creating captivating images to understanding voice commands and acting as your personal assistant, Chatsonic can help you with all.

Ad Copy generation: Writesonic offers a Facebook Ad generator AI and a Google Ad generator AI. These two AI features help B2B marketers generate high-quality and attention-grabbing copies. It also helps B2B brands generate high-conversion ads for their businesses.

Product Descriptions: This helps B2B marketers generate product descriptions that are well-detailed and unique. It also makes the product descriptions search engine optimized so your customers can find them on Google. Learn more about how to write product descriptions that sell.  

Create landing page copies: This helps B2B marketers generate website copy and landing pages that convert in seconds. It enables you to create a ready-to-use, professional-looking landing page with code. It also uses a converting landing page headline generator to help B2B marketers attract their target audience. All you need to do is add your product/service features to the tool. After that, it generates a converting website copy with clickable CTAs you can translate into 25 other languages.

Email Copy Generator: B2B marketers can use Writesonic's email generator to craft compelling, personalized email newsletters. It generates eye-catchy and captivating subject lines that boost your click-through rates. Not only this, it helps you create email copies in 25 languages.


Writesonic offers different plans. It offers a free trial where you enjoy 10k premium words. Next is the unlimited plan. The unlimited plan starts at $16/month. Afterward comes the business plan. You can get this plan at $12.67/month. You will select between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in the business plan option.

Gizzmo.Ai - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Gizzmo is an AI-powered Amazon affiliate content creation solution. It simplifies and makes the process of creating high-quality affiliate content simple. Gizzmo generates SEO-friendly articles for WordPress. It has features like on-page SEO and keyword integration. It also offers affiliate monetization, automated schema building, etc.


Pricing is usage-based and starts from $1/ one time for new users. It also offers other offers like BUILDER–$ 29.99/month, PRO– $49.99/month, EXPERT–$ 84.99/month, ELITE– $149.99/month.

FaceApp - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

FaceApp is an AI photo and video editing tool with great filters and effects. The application is smartphone friendly and works great for social media communicators.


It has a free version but also offers a monthly subscription fee of $3 and a lifetime license of $39.99

Kreado AI
Kreado AI - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Kreado AI

Kreado AI is a video creation tool powered by ai. It provides various images to help B2B marketers create different looks and scenarios. Additionally, you can use kreadoAI to convert your texts into human-like AI voices. It also allows you to do this in 140 languages with different selectable voices. Also, the platform enables users to mimic human gestures. This allows B2B marketers to create realistic video content and cut down the cost of video production.


It offers a free version, a basic plan that costs $24 per month, and a pro plan that costs $240 per month.

Marketing Mega Prompts
Mega marketing prompts - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Mega marketing prompts

Marketing Mega-Prompts for ChatGPT is an AI tool for solopreneurs. It helps them to effortlessly generate captivating content for landing pages. It offers personalized and quality ideas to improve content creation and boost marketing efforts.


It offers a one-time payment of $49

BrandScript Generator
Brandscript generator - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Brandscript generator

This is an AI story-generation tool for businesses. The AI StoryBrand BrandScript Generator helps you to write about your brand engagingly. It's a straightforward method of creating compelling brand stories. All you need to do is to feed it a brief description of your company, and it will use its AI powers to create a comprehensive StoryBrand BrandScript.



Taption - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Taption is an AI-powered translator. It can automatically make transcripts and create subtitles in over 40 languages. It can also convert audio to videos and create video transcripts, which you can export into pdf, txt, and other formats.


You can get it at $12 per month.

2. Merging Online & Offline Customer Data

To gain a holistic view of your customers, you must gather and explore data from online and offline sources. This will point out areas with loopholes that need more of your attention. It will also help you to understand customers better for effective targeting.

You can use AI to extract data from websites and social media pages. You can also gather data from your email lists and other online channels. You can also use AI to analyze data gathered from comment cards, physical feedback forms, and suggestion boxes. This will give you access to information on customer preferences, pain points and opinions.

Customer Data Platforms AI Tools For B2b Marketing

1. Bloomreach
Bloomreach - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Bloomreach is an AI-powered tool that allows you to enrich your customer experience. It does this by helping you to capture, organize, and manage your customer data. Also, it provides customer insights to better understand the needs and interests of your customers.


Its pricing is customized to the number of customers you serve.  

2. Tealium
Tealium - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

With Tealium, you can integrate data from online and offline. With this data, it carries out user segmentation. It also provides insights to support your audience and content management. It generally allows its users to predict customer behavior using ML-driven insights.


It offers customized pricing.

3. Segment
Segment - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Segment is one of the most popular customer data platforms. It provides businesses with the data they need to stay ahead and make favorable decisions. It allows companies to collect, unify, and integrate customer data into different systems. This, in turn, helps them understand their customers and create a better user experience in real time.


It offers a free version and two paid versions: one for $120 per month, and the other is customized pricing based on the customer data it handles.

4. Adobe Experience
Adobe Experience - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Adobe Experience

Adobe Real-Time is a customer data platform app built. It helps B2B companies bring together customer data to create reliable profiles. It offers real-time B2B and B2C profile analysis. And it can be instantly activated and personalized for customers in every chain.


It offers custom prices for its different B2B, B2C and B2P packages.

5. Treasure Data
Adobe Experience - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Adobe Experience

Treasure customer data platform allows B2B marketers to know everything they need about each customer. It provides detailed insight and unified data across the enterprise marketing channels. It unifies online and offline customer data and organizes actionable customer profiles. Treasure Data CDP is great for B2B companies that want to discover customers that want to buy and know the best way to convert them.


It offers customized pricing.

3. Virtual Assistants

AI-powered virtual assistants or chatbots perform customer personalization and recommendations for B2B marketers. Chatbots recommend products for customers based on their past purchases and browsing history. This allows businesses to improve customer experience.

Next, it's great in content and event distribution and promotion. Thanks to Chatbots, all your content can be smoothly distributed to interested prospects. This will help you keep them informed of your product updates.

Likewise, it helps in event promotion and management. Chatbots are excellent at promoting B2B conferences, events, and webinars. It can also handle registration and notify attendees of any updates or changes. It also works as an appointment scheduler. It can check calendar availability. And can automatically book and confirm appointments between clients and sales agents.

Virtual Assistant AI Tools For B2b Marketing

1. Botsonic
Botsonic - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

This is Writesonic's AI chatbot solution that helps B2B marketers to design a customized chatbot in seconds. With Botsonic, you'll create an AI-powered chatbot and add an AI live chat to your website to respond to your customer's inquiries in a human-like tone. Thanks to GPT-4, Botsonic can understand your customer sentiments and respond accordingly. Thereby making your customers feel understood and valued.

2. Meya AI
Meya AI - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Meya AI

Meya AI chatbot has natural language processing (NLP) features. This helps B2B companies simplify operations and enhance customer engagement. Also, it provides a human-like engagement. And can accurately understand and respond to inquiries to ensure great customer support. Meya easily interacts with most communication channels, like Facebook Messenger, internet chat, etc.


It offers three pricing plans: a developer plan at $99 monthly, a pro plan at $999 monthly, and a partner plan at $3,000 monthly.

3. Imperson
Imperson - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

This chatbot stands out because of its ability to handle several inquiries simultaneously. Imperson chatbot reduces the stress of customer support reps and enhances customer experience. Users can customize this chatbot's language and functionality to suit their needs.


Imperson offers different pricing options based on a user’s needs.

4. ProProfs
ProProfs - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

ProProfs Chatbot is an affordable and adaptable chatbot. It's one of the best-performing AI chatbot solutions for Android users. ProProfs automates conversations while delivering a human-like experience. The platform can assist with optimized lead generation and customer service.


It offers a monthly plan of $29.99, which would cost you $19.99 if you opt to pay annually.

5. Tidio
Tidio - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Tidio is a virtual assistant AI that helps automate B2B business processes and repetitive tasks. Its boosts the productivity of customer service teams and increase sales. It also improves overall customer experiences. Tidio allows you to create a chatbot for your website, ecommerce store, Facebook profile, or Instagram.


It offers three monthly pricing packs, the starter pack at $32.5, the team packs at $65.83, and the scale pack at $332.50 per month.

4. Email Campaigns

About 63% of marketers use AI solutions for email marketing, which they use to produce compelling email copies.

Email headlines and copies are crucial to a successful email campaign. Because of this, B2B marketers use AI-based email marketing tools to personalize email copy and increase conversion.

Additionally, you can use AI in B2B sales to restructure your email campaign. You can do this by splitting your email marketing campaigns into sections for effective inbox delivery. This also allows you to follow up on your prospects at the different stages of their buyer's journey.

Email Marketing AI Tools For B2b Marketing

1. Mailscribe
Mailscribe - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Mailscribe is an AI email marketing platform that speeds up the email creation and dispatching process of emails. The ai powered platform provides advanced email marketing features. These features enhance email content and subject lines. It also offers a user-friendly interface and template-like designs to easily create professional emails.


It offers a free subscription for single emails and $5 per email for multiple emails.

2. Mailchimp
Mailchimp - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

This is an email and marketing automation platform for growing B2B businesses. It was initially known for its automated email templates. But, over the years, its features have expanded to other marketing services. Some include shoppable landing pages, social postings, digital ads, etc.


It offers four monthly pricing plans: a free basics plan, a starter plan at $9.99, an essentials plan at $14.99, and a premium plan at $299.

3. Campaigner
Campaigner - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Campaigner is an email marketing platform that uses AI. It carries out email automation, advanced testing, and content personalization. It offers features like A/B split testing and intelligent API integration. It also helps B2B marketers to accurately segment their customers and create a responsive email design.


It offers three monthly pricing plans: a starter plan at $59/ mo, an essential plan at $179/ mo and an advanced plan at $649/ mo.

4. Brevo
Brevo - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

This is an email marketing platform for B2B businesses. It incorporates AI automation into your email marketing processes to help you focus on important tasks. Brevo also offers SMS marketing, and live chat, among other features.


It offers a free subscription and three paid monthly plans. The paid plans include the starter plan at $25, the business plan at $65, and the BrevoPlus plan at a customized price.

5. ConvertKit
ConvertKit - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

This is an AI-powered email marketing platform. It helps B2B companies intelligently streamline their email creation and editing process. It uses smart algorithms to ensure high deliverability and branding consistency. It also creates engaging email headline suggestions that increase your email. Its AI capabilities extend to landing pages and form creation.


It offers a free subscription package, a Creator plan at $9/month, and the CreatorPro plan at $25/month.

5. Boost SEO

You can use AI to improve your search engine ranking page and connect with your potential customers before your competitors. 33% of B2B brands focus on SEO as their main source of organic traffic.

AI can boost SEO and rankings because it understands how search engines work and the factors influencing rankings. It can crawl through top-performing content, analyze it, and suggest the keywords you can add to your content to rank it high on the SERPs. This helps you to increase your visibility and your chance of reaching potential clients.

Also, AI-powered SEO tools simplify backlink building. It does this by probing backlink profiles and websites to evaluate the credibility of linked websites. This way, it identifies great link sources and low-authority ones.

Search Engine Optimization AI Tools For B2b Marketing

1. Surfer SEO
Surfer SEO - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is an AI-powered SEO tool. B2B Marketers use it to create and amend SEO-friendly content. It also provides SEO recommendations to help you rank faster. Those recommendations include keyword difficulty, traffic volume, backlinks, anchor texts, etc. Surfer SEO analyzes your content against on-page SEO ranking factors as you write. It then tells you the changes you need to make to improve your chances of ranking.


It offers four paid monthly pricing plans. An essential plan that starts at $69, an advanced plan at $149, a max plan at $249, and an enterprise plan with custom pricing.

2. Alli AI
Alli AI - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Alli AI

AlliAI is an AI-driven SEO platform that assists customers in improving, automating, deploying, and scaling SEO in real time. With this tool, B2B companies can save on expenses and not hire technical SEO experts. This is because Alli AI automates operations like meta tag development, link descriptions, and image alt.


It offers four paid pricing plans; a consultant plan at $249 per month, an agency plan at $499 per month, and an enterprise plan at $999 per month.

3. Semrush
Semrush - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Semrush is an SEO tool that helps B2B businesses rank on Google. It allows B2B marketers to conduct keyword research and gap analysis. It also enables users to optimize on-page and local SEO and build links. It has over 70 AI offerings, such as a writing assistant, rephrasing tool, blog idea generation, etc.


It offers three monthly paid prices; a pro plan for $129 per month, a guru plan for $249 per month, and a business plan for $499 per month.

4. Keywords Everywhere
Keywords Everywhere - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Keywords Everywhere

This is an SEO research tool that shortens the time it takes for B2B marketers and SEO specialists to carry out keyword research. It allows you to access keyword metrics directly on Google and download them in Excel, PDF, or CSV. It has a Chrome and a Firefox browser add-on. This shows its users the monthly search volume, CPC, competition data, and other necessary keyword analytics.


It offers four paid pricing plans; a bronze plan for $1.25/month, a silver plan for $4/month, a gold plan for $20/month, and a platinum plan for $80/month.

6. Lead Identification and Lead Generation

Without lead identification, brands will spend their time and money marketing to people who need their products.

Manually, B2B marketers carry out lead generation through referrals, sales calls, social media networking, etc. But now, AI-powered CRM tools help with lead capturing, magnetization, qualification, and segmentation.

Furthermore, AI provides external data and information into the profiles of your generated leads. This helps marketers better understand them and create tailored marketing initiatives.

Also, AI tools help analyze previous leads' behavioral and buying patterns. With this data, they can predict the likelihood of each lead becoming a customer. This ability is called predictive analysis. This works using logistic regression and neural networks to find customer behavioral patterns.

Above all, AI automates these tasks and reduces the time and resources spent manually.

Lead Generation AI Tools For B2b Marketing

1. Meet Alfred
Meet Alfred - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Meet Alfred

This lead generation AI tool is designed to enhance LinkedIn, Twitter and email marketing and lead generation. It offers lead generation features like multi-channel campaign management and social media scheduling. It also helps generate leads from events, groups, posts, etc. It works as a lead generation tool, social media managing tool, and LinkedIn virtual assistant.


It offers three pricing plans, including a personal plan at $59 per month, a business plan at $89 per month, and an enterprise plan at $399 per month:

2. Overloop
Overloop - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Overloop is used to find email addresses or create a lead database from a user's LinkedIn contacts. With this tool, you can automate LinkedIn outreach and gather insights from profile visits. It can also track your requests, messages, replies and email and manage these conversations in one place.


It offers a paid subscription of $99 per month and custom pricing for its agency plan.

3. Sales Robot
Sales Robot - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing
Sales Robot

Sales robot is a lead generation tool that uses AI. It curates a list of prospects and reaches out to them using human-like auto-messages. It also qualifies prospects and accelerates your sales pipeline. It was built to make sales less painful for B2B marketers and their customers.


It offers three monthly plans

1. The do-it-yourself plan at $99

2. The we'll-do-it-for-you plan at $397

3. The we'll-do-it-all-for-you plan at $497

4. Cleverly
Cleverly - The Role Of AI In Revolutionizing B2B Marketing

Cleverly is a sales automation and lead generation platform that uses AI. It helps B2B marketers generate more leads and close more deals with less effort. It integrates with various CRM tools and gathers data about potential leads and their interests. It then uses the generated data to create personalized messaging. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of a positive response.


It offers three pricing options for its LinkedIn outreach service. They include a silver plan for $397/month, a gold plan for $497, and a platinum plan for $697.

Challenges of AI in B2B Marketing

Even with all the above pros and practical ways that AI can improve B2B marketing, AI still has perceived limitations. According to research by Neil Patel, almost 40% of 1000 marketers are skeptical about using machine learning.

A real-life example of the adverse effect of AI in B2B marketing played out in April 2023. That month was a slow draw for B2B businesses seeking PR and media exposure through journalist connecting services.

This is because the coordinators of these services started using AI checker software to identify AI-generated responses. Unfortunately, this software was disqualifying original human-generated responses. It also hurt the customer retention and performance of B2B digital marketing experts like Kevin Miller.

Below are some other challenges of using AI in B2B marketing.

1. Low Data Quality And Quantity

Data collation and analysis are one of AI's strongest abilities. Yet people still think these algorithms don't have enough data quality and quantity.

Most AI powered tools for B2B marketing need a large amount of data to learn human behavior and make accurate predictions. So it becomes a problem when these tools don't have enough inflow of real-life data to make accurate projections.

Unfortunately, there's no way to know the amount of data needed for an AI tool to give an accurate prediction. This is because accurate predictions depend on the size and complexity of the algorithm in question. It also depends on its acceptable error margins, input diversity, and other technical factors.

The good news is that AI companies have set their tools to make accurate predictions with the smallest amount of data. For instance, Writesonic's AI Article 3.0 Writer automatically knows the number of words to write after you've selected the number of published articles it should reference when carrying out research.

2. Integration With Existing Systems

Most AI tools base their marketing campaigns on easy integration with other tools. Yet, time and time again, we've discovered that this isn't usually the case.

For instance, if your AI content generation tool doesn't integrate with your email marketing platform, you might need to manually copy and paste your images and copy from the former to the latter. This would be time-consuming.

One way to solve this is by subscribing to a workflow automation tool. This ensures the seamless integration and movement of data between multiple tools. Part of the limitations of AI, in this case, is that it'll cost you more money to do this.

Thankfully, AI tools like Writesonic integrate with Zapier, a popular workflow automation tool. This integration allows B2B marketers to easily move all Writesonic-generated copies to any software platform or app that also integrates with Zapier.

3. Impersonal And Generic

Many people don't acknowledge the abilities of AI technology because of its impersonal and generic way of solving real-life problems. One good example is the interactions between chatbots and customers. Conversations with AI can feel dry and inhuman. And sometimes, because the tool doesn't understand the context of a problem, the conversation becomes futile and goes around in cycles.

Furthermore, an AI lacks emotional intelligence. This hinders its ability to understand and respond effectively to human emotions. It produces predictable and generic responses that may lack personalization. And this is because it operates on predefined algorithms and data patterns.

On the flip side, some brands use AI to assess how human their content sounds. In a commentary, Dan Robinson, Head of Marketing and eCommerce at Instantprint, the largest UK-based online printer, confessed to using AI to check the human element of their content.

In his words, "Interestingly enough, we're now using AI to assess and gauge the authenticity and "human" element of our content. It's quite ironic, but it allows us to ensure that our work strikes the right balance between AI-driven efficiency and genuine human touch".

6 B2b Companies That Are Acing Their Marketing Using AI

1. Envy Creative, a B2B video marketing agency, uses the following tools to enhance its marketing activities:

Writereon: to help draft video scripts, blog posts, social media captions, and other marketing copy.

Cohere: to create in-depth thought leadership content like guides and reports.

Canva: to quickly create social media assets, ads, and other visuals using AI image generation and templates.

Everypixel: to source high-quality stock video footage for affordable prices

2. Modern Life, a B2B insure tech startup, uses three ai tools to help with its marketing efforts: an ai browser used to get streamlined results to search queries. It is especially helpful for niched B2B companies.

GPT for Sheets and Docs: to create content consistent with a particular brand voice.

Superhuman: to analyze sent emails to learn a brand's voice and generate emails in that voice based on whichever prompt you give it.

3. UpMention, a B2B SEO agency, uses:

Fliki: to turn their most engaging blog articles into videos and easily share to Linkedin.

4. Breadnbeyond, a B2B explainer video brand, uses

Pipedrive: to streamline and optimize their sales processes. It also helps to organize their marketing activities.

5. Richardson Media Group, a B Corp Marketing Agency, uses:

Moz: for SEO purposes

ChatGPT: to come up with content ideas.

6. FtDigital, an SEO agency, uses:

SurferSEO: to boost SEO and rankings.

Ready to ace the marketing game?


The challenges of using AI in B2B marketing in 2023 are valid. However, over 60% of marketers still use AI, according to a survey carried out by Martech in June 2023.

So this shows that its positives far outwears its negatives. Therefore, using AI tools like Writesonic will enhance and automate your marketing activities. It will also save time and allow your team to focus more on the creative parts of marketing that'll make your brand stand out.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Will Artificial Intelligence Change The Future Of Marketing?

Artificial intelligence will revolutionize the future of marketing by enhancing data analysis and customer insights. It will also enhance hyper-personalized and targeted advertising campaigns. In addition to this, It will automate repetitive tasks to increase marketing efficiency.

How Can AI Be Used To Improve Business Strategy?

AI can improve business strategy by processing vast data quickly and accurately. It can also help B2B brands by providing valuable insights and trends for faster decision-making and improved business productivity. Machine learning algorithms can analyze market dynamics and customer behavior. It can also analyze competitor actions to help you identify and optimize growth opportunities.

Additionally, AI-powered predictive analytics can forecast future outcomes. This will, in turn, aid in risk assessment and guide proactive measures to stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic business landscape.

Why Is AI The Future Of Advertising?

AI is the future of advertising due to its vast data-analyzing abilities. These enable precise targeting and personalized content delivery, maximizing ad relevance and engagement. With AI-driven algorithms, brands can optimize campaigns in real time and identify trends that will improve their performance.

What Is One Example Of The Use Of AI In Marketing?

An example of the use of AI in digital marketing is content generation. AI can generate content like product descriptions, email marketing copy, social media posts, images, etc. This saves time and resources for marketers while maintaining brand consistency and relevancy.

Manvi Agarwal

Manvi, content lead at Writesonic, is a true visionary when crafting content. Her product-led approach, infused with interactive user-oriented strategy and SEO tactics, delivers maximum ROI

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