10 Letter of Recommendation Templates (Steps to Writing + Best Tips)

Table of contents

Your colleague, a friend, or a junior may request you to write a letter of recommendation for them. Although this may feel like a big responsibility, it really isn't that complicated if you know the nitty-gritty of recommendation letters. But if you don't, you can refer to a recommendation letter template to make your job easier.

A letter of recommendation is a formal document where the writer addresses an individual's capabilities, character traits, suitability, qualifications, and overall quality for a particular position. And a letter of recommendation template is a modifiable sample document that already has some details in place which can be used as a reference.

And whether you want to learn how to write a letter or want to refer to a letter of recommendation template, you are at the right place because this article can provide both. So, keep reading to learn how to write a letter of recommendation.

Table Of Contents

Benefits of using a letter of recommendation template

Following are the major benefits of using a letter of recommendation template.

  • With a letter of recommendation template, you'll need minimal effort to write an efficient letter compared to writing from scratch.
  • With the reference at hand, it saves you a lot of your precious time, and you'll be done with it quicker.
  • Using a professional letter of recommendation template can make you look more professional, as it ensures that you end up with something of high quality.

Types of letter of recommendation templates

Following are several types of letter of recommendation templates you can use for references.

1. Letter of recommendation template for student

March 13, 20xx

To whom it may concern,

I am delighted to write this recommendation letter for Sasha Wilson, who wishes to apply to the English undergraduate course at your esteemed institution at [institution name] to continue her studies.

Sasha has attended my English courses and served as a leader in the English and Arts fields at [school name] for the past 2 years. Sasha is a bright and attentive young lady who showcases the potential necessary to be successful in the long term in the academic field, and I believe that she will have an excellent future ahead.

Sasha is very polite, hard-working, honest, and reliable. She has good social skills and always participates in extracurricular activities. And considering her overall credentials, intellectual and academic performance, and creativity, Sasha is undoubtedly an exceptional candidate for an

English undergraduate course in [institution name]. Please feel free to reach out for any further inquiries.


Brian Jones,

Abc department

Xyz school 648 Street,

SomeTown, 77016

City/state/country- 8878

(000) 555‑9199

[email protected]

2. Letter of recommendation template for graduate school

April 06, 20xx

To whom it may concern,

It is with great pleasure that I am writing this letter recommending Raina Williams for your applied Ph.D. course in Management program at [institution/ University name]. I am an associate professor at [your institution name], and I highly recommend her.

I first met Raina when she was a student. She has contributed to our program and organizational strategies by leading a gamut of research studies. She has shown a particularly good understanding of the issues and showcases good problem-solving skills.

Despite participating in extracurricular activities, Raina has maintained an impressive GPA and delivers every assignment on time. In fact, on several occasions, she stayed after hours to help her acquaintances take care of other administrative tasks. I strongly believe that her passion for the field, hard-working nature, and strong desire to learn will make her a great addition to any program, and I hope you will strongly consider accepting her to your program.

In case if the university wants me to elaborate on any details concerning my engagement with her, please don't hesitate to get in contact with me.


Dr. Marina Roberts,

Management Department

Abc institution 345 Street,

SomeTown, 12345

City/state/country- 4321

(000) 555‑9199

[email protected]

3. Letter of recommendation template for scholarship

May 10, 20xx

Jacob Norman

History Teacher,

XZY High School 345 Street,

SomeTown, 12345

City/state/country- 4321

To the Abc Scholarship Committee,

I write this letter in support of Calvin Brown for the Abc Scholarship. Calvin is an excellent student who has demonstrated great effort and development throughout the year I have taught him. He has always brought focused energy to the class and showcases a combination of positivity and belief that he can always improve, which is essential in the learning process, but so rare in a high school student.

I have closely witnessed Calvin's academic process, and I truly believe that he is a deserving candidate for the scholarship. He has distinguished himself as an incredible young writer, and the history paper on the Spanish Renaissance; he wrote recently was one of his most impressive pieces.

And as I am aware of his educational goals, I cannot think of anyone more deserving of the scholarship since this may help ease the path of challenges when funding college tuition. So if I can provide any additional information in support of this deserving student, you may reach me at [email protected] and/or (000)555‑9199.


Jacob Norman

4. Letter of recommendation template for college

November 24, 20xx

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am submitting this letter in support of Kathrine Jones' application for admission to the class of 20xx at Abc University. Kathrine is a wonderful individual and promising student to whom I've had the pleasure of teaching Math during her senior years.

Kathrine is a mature young lady who is determined to accomplish many great things in her lifetime, all through her talent and hard work. She has amazing people skills and finds joy in helping others, and can make anyone feel comfortable around herself. Academically, Kathrine has excelled in every field of her education and has also taken on multiple extracurricular activities. Kathrine has become proficient at juggling multiple workloads; in addition to being an honor student, Kathrine volunteered at Abc Elementary School, talking with kids and even tutoring them in multiple subjects.

I am very pleased that Kathrine approached me to write this letter, as I believe in her potential to reach greater heights. If Kathrine is accepted into your Xyz program, there's no doubt in my mind that she will excel in this field. The confidence and overall personality she has developed over her high school career are phenomenal, and I look forward to seeing that continue in college, so please contact me if you wish to further discuss Kathrine's acceptance into your college.

Best Regards,

Erik Mackenzie

Math Teacher

Xyz High School 345 Street,

SomeTown, 12345

City/state/country- 4321

(000) 555‑9199

[email protected]

5. Letter of recommendation template for internship

Julie Collen

123 Main Street

Anytown, State12345


[email protected]

June 21, 20xx

Evelyn Green

Director, Human Resources

Abc Firm, 123 Business Rd.

Business City 54321

Dear Ms. Green,

I understand that Susan Smyles is applying for the summer internship at Abc Firm. I have known Susan as my student in the undergraduate pre-law seminar at Xyz college, and I have had an opportunity to witness her creativity as a diligent student. She has a flare for legal research and has achieved the highest grades in this course.

I often challenge my students with tasks for tackling fresh and off-centric legal topics, collaborating with fellow classmates, and relying on legal databases to get a handle on the content. And Susan demonstrated expert-level skills and a facility with group work that is rare among undergraduates. Therefore, I believe Kathrine is fit to be part of the summer internship, which can further challenge and help nurture her skills.

I offer my unqualified endorsement as I do not doubt she will succeed in your summer program. So, please do not hesitate to contact me if there are any other details that I can provide.


Julie Collen

6. Letter of recommendation template for a coworker

June 28, 20xx

Jane Sanders,

Marketing Officer

Xyz Company

Somewhere Road

Some place, 00014

Dear Ms. Sanders,

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Nicolas Kendrick, who is a great team player. We've benefited from his creative problem-solving skills, organized work ethic, and willingness to go to any lengths to make the customer's vision into reality.

Nicolas is directly responsible for increasing client retention, and his charming reputation and commitment to the tasks helped us bring in some large new clients. I'm sure you are aware of the recent billboards everyone is talking about; that was his project achievement.

He is the type to generously contribute his excellent management skills and expert-level [second expertise] knowledge. Thus, I believe him to be the most fitting among the candidates, and if I were given a chance, I'd like to work with him again. If it can help you further, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.


Rachel Green

7. Letter of recommendation template for a professor

July 27, 20xx

Mathew Darren,

Principal of The Xyz Institution


[email protected]

Dear Ms. Collin Sawyer,

It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Brian Dott, a highly valued teaching member of our staff for 7 years. Mr. Brian joined our faculty as a history teacher at The Xyz Institution and was always reliable and organized.

Brian is a truly gifted educator who first worked on his syllabus to find the right teaching methods for each class at the start of the year. His teaching methods were engaging and fun, and after his admission, his classes improved in history. One time Brian organized an event prompting teams of students to write and reenact dialogues between influential historical figures. Students loved the idea and quickly grasped a lot about various times in our history.

As a faculty staff member, Mr. Brian was pleasant and cooperative and had a delightful sense of humor. He has contributed much to the staff, both professionally and socially. It has been a pleasure to have worked with Mr. Brian, and I am pleased to recommend him without reservation for any position requiring commitment, hard work, initiative, loyalty, and dedication.

Feel free to reach me should you have any further questions.


Mathew Darren

8. Letter of recommendation template for job

August 06, 20xx

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to recommend Mary Jane, who strives to assume the sous chef position at your esteemed restaurant. She has worked directly under me for the past three years, and I can say that Mary is reliable and extremely hard-working.

Mary has showcased a creative and inventive mind during her apprenticeship under me. She brings a sophisticated work ethic to the kitchen I've rarely seen in my 18 years of experience. Her passion for the culinary arts is exemplified in her eagerness to learn and retain knowledge.

My business at the small diner has grown, and we've kept a steady work routine throughout that day, whether it's dinner or lunchtime. This generally meant long and stressful hours with little to no time for breaks, and Mary thrived wonderfully in this environment. From the time I hired Mary, who was a 22-year-old straight out of culinary school, I never once saw her complain or show up late.

As you know, the restaurant industry can get a hostile environment with extreme time sensitivity that produces a stressful atmosphere. However, Mary's demeanor remained the same. She was calm and positive throughout her shift. If you can have her, Mary Jane will be an invaluable addition, and I look forward to her progression as a chef under your expert guidance. Thank you for your valuable time, and should you have any further questions, feel free to reach me.

Best regards,

Talia Swarovski

Head Chef and Owner

Abc Diner, Some Main Street

Someplace, 12343


9. Letter of recommendation template for a friend

September 27, 20xx

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this to recommend Isabella Prince, who wishes to join your esteemed company as a professional receptionist. She was hired as my stand-in part-timer 3 years ago at the bookshop ABC.

I could instantly recognize her as a delightful addition, and we immediately became friends. On one rare occasion, I had the opportunity to work alongside Isabella and witness her cheerful, open-minded, caring, and optimistic personality. She is friendly with all the clientele– young and adult alike. And she goes out of her way to help people find their needs.

Isabella has good judgment and shows great determination whenever a difficult task is assigned to her. She is a capable, strong-minded individual who will be an asset to any job or organization she joins. Based on our experience, I will recommend her without hesitation.

Please contact me if you have any other questions.


Sarrah Black


[email protected]

10. Letter of recommendation template for employee

October 03, 20xx

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to recommend Emma Collins. She has worked with us at Xyz company as a Sales Manager and reported to me in my position as VP of Sales.

As an employee, Emma was always reliable, resourceful, and quick on her feet.

I've always put a high focus on excellent team management and problem-solving qualities among my team members, and Emma never failed to deliver it. For example, to deliver the best of their performance, she motivated her team members with fun competitions, which she also employed as coaching methods for more junior employees.

Emma Collins is a pleasure to work with, and I wouldn't hesitate to hire her again.

Should you have any more questions about her, please reach me at 666-777-5555.


Silvester Gray

VP of Sales, Xyz company

[Your signature]

Steps involved in writing a letter of recommendation

Follow these steps to ensure that the recommendation looks more professional, personalized, and relevant.

  1. There are no complicated rules; just follow the standard format of a professional letter. For example, write your professional details in the top left corner followed by "To whom it may concern" or salutation with Mr., Mrs., or Ms, respectively.
  2. Begin the letter on a positive note and with enthusiasm to pique the hiring manager's interest to further read about why you are excited about the recommendation.
  3. Outline the letter properly. Let the first paragraph of the letter be your purpose for writing this recommendation, followed by your relationship and the period you have known the candidate.
  4. When discussing the candidate's achievements and qualities, be as professionally detailed as possible.
  5. If the candidate wants to change their career path, then explain positively why they are best for the job.
  6. Mention specific details about the candidate, such as how they can contribute to the company and how they work in day-to-day operations. You can add one or two anecdotes to make your claims more credible.
  7. In the conclusion of the letter, offer to provide more information about the candidate. If necessary, add your email address and phone number in the signature of the letter.
  8. Conclude with a professional closing phrase such as 'Sincerely' or 'Best regards.' If it's a hard copy, sign the document underneath your typed name.
  9. Lastly, proofread for any grammatical mistakes, spelling, and formatting errors. Or you can try this very cool AI writer to end up with a flawless recommendation letter.

Things to consider when writing a letter of recommendation

Following are a few things that you should consider when writing the letter, even while referring to the letter of recommendation template.

1. Use a simple structure

When writing a letter of recommendation, make sure to keep the structure simple, just as explained in the article before. The recipient of the letter is likely to read dozens if not hundreds of letters, and keeping the structure simple and concise will help them easily navigate through.

However, if the person requests an email instead of a hard copy or any other document format for the recommendation letter, you can take assistance from an email writer for a concise and professional letter of recommendation template.

2. Focus on one or two qualities

Rather than cluttering the letter with several qualities, pick one or two qualities that make the candidate appear a good fit for the position. Then support the statements with anecdotes in which the candidate demonstrated those qualities.

3. Quantify the strengths

If you can quantify the candidate's strengths or rank them with other applicants, colleagues, or students, it will add a lot of weight to the letter. For example, "He has the best problem-solving skills of any person I've worked with during my 8 years at the company," or any else that makes them stand out.

4. Review the resume

Before even writing or referring to a letter of recommendation template, gather as much information about the candidate as possible. Reviewing their resume can give you an idea about their strengths, achievements, and best qualities to highlight in the letter.

5. Use active voice

An active voice will make the letter look more professional and powerful. It'll make the letter sound clear and sentences concise, and you'll be able to express your thoughts in fewer words appearing more sophisticated.

How to use ChatGPT to write a recommendation letter?

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot used for text generation, which automates tedious tasks. Similarly, Chatsonic is another advanced AI chatbot and the best ChatGPT alternative in the market.

Where ChatGPT only uses 2021 data, meaning its output is limited, Chatsonic creates great content using images and voice search, as well as real-time data as it is integrated with Google Search. All it requires you to do is enter the command in the chat box, and it does the work for you.


Writing a recommendation letter can be simple if you know the person, employee, or student well enough. If not, you can refer to their resume to get an idea about their strengths, achievements, and best qualities for you to highlight in the letter.

However, writing a recommendation letter can still feel like a huge responsibility since it can affect the employer's decision to hire the candidate. So if you feel you are not up for the job, refer to the right letter of recommendation template.

Another quick way to draft a professional and insightful recommendation letter is using an advanced AI chatbot: Chatsonic. Its advanced features can make your work easier, so sign up now and get your writing started.

Manvi Agarwal

Manvi, content lead at Writesonic, is a true visionary when crafting content. Her product-led approach, infused with interactive user-oriented strategy and SEO tactics, delivers maximum ROI

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