How To Write Product Descriptions That Sell (Tips + Templates)

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Guess what?

The secret to skyrocketing your sales isn't just your fantastic product but actually... the words you use to describe it to the end users.

To be precise, it's all about the words. ✍️💡

Words that describe your products in a way that makes them scream, “I need this product, and I need it right now!”

That’s what product descriptions do.

Check this: 87% of consumers say that product descriptions are extremely important when making a buying decision.

20% of purchase failures result from missing or vague product information.

That’s how important a product description is.

If you are an ecommerce store, remember, “Optimizing your product descriptions is the lowest investment improvement you can make for the highest ROI.”

A product description is more than just a list of features and specifications. It's a powerful marketing tool to persuade your potential customers to hit the ‘buy now’ button. Moreover, it helps you stand out and persuade potential customers to buy from you.

Here comes the question: how do you write a product description that sells?

Don’t worry! This blog post covers product descriptions, their importance, and how to write product descriptions that can boost your eCommerce store sales. So, let’s get started.

Table Of Contents

What is a product description?

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a well-crafted product description? Priceless!

A product description is a text describing your products or services’ features, benefits, and value propositions. It describes your product, what it does, and why it's worth buying.

A product description is usually displayed on your product pages, along with images, videos, ratings, reviews, and other information that helps visitors to make a purchase decision. A well-crafted product description answers the following questions:

  • What is the product? (name, category, type, etc.)
  • What are the main features and specifications of the product? (size, weight, color, type of material, etc.)
  • What are the benefits and advantages of using the product? (how it solves a problem, fulfills a need, or satisfies a desire)
  • How is the product different from other similar products in the market? (unique selling proposition and value proposition)
  • How can the customer use the product? (instructions, tips, suggestions, or examples)
  • Who is the product for? (target audience, buyer persona, or ideal customer)

In short, a product description is not just a mere assembly of words and technical jargon. It’s an opportunity! An opportunity for you to beam your product's value straight into your potential buyers' hearts and the irresistible urge to hit that 'Buy Now' button.

Why are product descriptions important?

Have you ever come across a product online, read its description, and felt an irresistible urge to hit that 'Add to Cart' button?

That’s the power of a compelling product description — it turns window shoppers into customers and customers into raving fans! 🙌

Here are the top 5 benefits of having a detailed product description.

1. Boosts conversion rates

The most important benefit of a well-crafted product description is its power to transform browsers into buyers. It captivates the readers and acts as a magnet for the 'Buy Now' button.

Example: If you're selling a smartwatch, a product description like, "Empower your lifestyle with 24/7 health tracking, customized workout advice, and instant notifications - all from your wrist. Stay connected, stay healthy" can create a vivid picture of the product benefits, turning mere browsers into confirmed buyers.

2. Enhance SEO rankings

Search engines like Google love unique, keyword-rich content. By using relevant (but not stuffed) keywords in your product description, you can climb the SEO rankings, capturing the hearts of more customers. Higher rankings mean more visibility, more traffic, and, ultimately, more sales!

Example: When a prospective buyer types in 'vegan leather shoes,' your product description for a product such as "Cruelty-free, comfort-driven vegan leather shoes to match your sustainable lifestyle" can potentially pop up as the first option on their search results!

3. Gain a competitive edge

A captivating product description is your secret weapon in the fierce digital battlefield. It showcases your unique selling proposition, offers value to the customers, and helps your product stand out from the rest. It's more than just a detail; it's your brand's voice!

Example: The 'Nike Air Jordan' isn't just a "men's shoe" - it's a "timeless classic combining comfort and style for sports enthusiasts." That's the power of a punchy product description - it positions your product to stand out! 🌟

4. Reduces return rates

A detailed product description leaves no room for uncertainty or unanswered questions. When customers know exactly what to expect from your product, they're less likely to be disappointed and seek a return. This reduces return rates and improves customer satisfaction.

Have a look at these 7 proven strategies to reduce cart abandonment. Also, explore 5 shopping bots that can help you transform the customer experience and reduce return rates.

Example: Say you're selling a party dress; mention details like the exact material, fit, and who it’s perfect for. This way, customers know exactly what they're getting, making "return" a word that's rarely heard!👗

5. Establishes trust and credibility

High-quality product descriptions that accurately depict your products give customers confidence to buy from you. They also demonstrate your business's commitment to transparency and customer service, which in turn builds trust and credibility.

Example: If you're selling organic skincare, highlight your paraben-free ingredients and cruelty-free manufacturing process. Customers will appreciate and trust your transparency. 🤝

8 tips on how to write a product description that sells

What if you could double your e-commerce sales with just the power of words! Seems like a far-fetched dream?

Don’t worry! Here are 8 tips for writing compelling product descriptions and some of the best product description examples.

1. Speak the language of your audience

Getting your product descriptions right starts with understanding one crucial element - your audience.

Figure out who they are, what they desire, and how your product can slip seamlessly into their lives. Are they tech-savvy youngsters, luxurious fashionistas, or eco-conscious warriors? Are they high-tech start-ups, luxury brand retailers, or eco-conscious enterprises?

Once you have these insights, you can tailor-make your product descriptions to resonate with them exclusively. Check out these product description examples.

Example #1: If you're selling a high-end watch, your audience might appreciate the sophistication and status it brings: "Exude elegance with our luxury timepiece, an emblem of your refined taste.”

Example #2: For a Youthful, Fashion-forward Audience: "Step out in style with our vibrant, Instagram-ready summer dresses that are all the rage this season!"

Pro tip: You can use tools like surveys, feedback forms, reviews, or customer interviews to learn more about your audience and their preferences.

2. Shift the spotlight: Turn features into benefits

Listing technical specifications without context can come across as bland to some users. Present these details in a way that shows the direct benefit to your customer

Remember, businesses don't just purchase a product; they acquire advancements for their own enterprise. So, turn your product features into irresistible benefits.

Example #1: "Our noise-canceling headphones don't just block out external noise; they transport you into a world where it’s just you and your music."

Example #2: For instance, "Our perfume comes with unique notes of vanilla and blackcurrant" can be turned into, "Our exotic perfume, with rich accents of vanilla and blackcurrant, subtly weaves a seductive aura around you."

Pro tip: Try Writesonic’s Feature to Benefit feature to instantly turn your features into irresistible benefits.

3. Use a consistent tone

Maintaining a consistent tone throughout your product description shapes your brand personality. Whether you’re quirky, formal, chill, or something else, stick with it. Let your tone reflect it.

Your tone is your brand's voice. Consistency here helps breed familiarity and trust with your audience. Check out this guide on types of tone in writing.

Example #1: If your brand is quirky and fun-loving, a product description like "Our dynamic, bubblegum-pink headsets are for those unafraid to make heads turn with their sound and style!" should do the trick.

Example #2: A craft beer brand might use a casual, fun tone: "Get ready to rock your taste buds with our hop-tastic beer!"

Pro tip: Try Writesonic’s brand voice feature to generate content that aligns with your brand voice. Learn more about brand voice and explore various brand voice examples.

4. Use power words

Power words are your secret sauce to stir emotions and push for actions. They boost engagement and conversions like nothing else. Words like 'Amazing,’ 'Reliable', and 'Incredible' give an energy boost to your product descriptions.

Think of power words as the seasoning in your product description dish. They amplify the emotional impact, provoking an instant reaction.

Example #1: Turn a dull "Our coffee is high-quality" into a captivating "Experience our Luxurious hand-picked Arabica coffee that perfectly kickstarts your day with a rich, smooth blend."

Example #2: "Experience luxurious comfort with our plush, ergonomically designed office chairs."

Pro tip: Not sure which power words to use? Ask Chatsonic - the best ChatGPT alternative in the market.

5. Make it super easy to scan

In today's fast-paced digital world, decision-makers scan more than they read.

Breaking up your product description into quick, scannable, bite-sized pieces helps keep the attention of speed-reading, multi-tasking online shoppers. Use bullet points and headers, and keep paragraphs short and sweet.

Example #1:

Enterprise-Grade Security

Seamless API Integration

Real-time Data Analytics

24/7 Dedicated Support

Example #2:

100% Organic Cotton

Ethically Sourced

Super Soft & Comfortable Fit

Machine Washable

Pro tip: Break up text into smaller sentences and succinct paragraphs. Utilize white space, bullet points, different fonts, and colors to guide the reader’s eye down the page. In the high-speed realm of B2B, a streamlined, skimmable product description can be a game-changer in decision-making.

6. Leverage the power of storytelling

Facts tell, but stories sell. Weave a narrative around your product that draws potential B2B buyers into the world your product manifests. Storytelling can help you produce emotionally engaging product descriptions.

Use storytelling to paint vivid scenarios demonstrating the impact of your product or service on businesses like theirs.

Example #1: "Every sip of our single-origin Colombian coffee tells a story - of lush green hills, dedicated farmers, and an unwavering commitment to quality."

Example #2: "Experience our 'Global Medley' Market Research Package, meticulously curated from 100 various industries globally, letting you harness the power of data diversity."

Pro tip: Use Writesonic’s Story generator to create a hook, conflict, resolution, and call-to-action to craft stories that can engage your audience and skyrocket your sales.

7. Optimize with keywords

Include relevant SEO keywords in your product description. It helps search engines understand your product and rank you higher. This facilitates higher visibility in the B2B space, steering your potential business clients right onto your path.

Remember, the higher you are on SERPs, the more eyeballs catch you! So, don’t forget to optimize your product descriptions with the relevant keywords.

Example #1: "Get overnight relief from dry skin with our Aloe Vera-infused night cream."

Example #2: "Relish the rich flavor and health benefits of our Certified Organic, Cold-Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil."

Pro tip: Identify and use the right keywords potential customers will use to find a product like yours. Consider using Chatsonic for keyword research. Moreover, you can also check out the best ChatGPT prompts for SEO and ChatGPT prompts for marketing.

8. Show off the social proof

The power of peer validation in the B2B space cannot be underestimated.

Weaving in testimonials, case studies or endorsements from satisfied business partners in your product descriptions can dispel doubts and motivate potential B2B clients to commit.

Testimonials, endorsements, case studies - your satisfied B2B clients are your best advocates!

Example #1: "Don't just rely on our claims; our 'Business Pro' Software Suite has received stellar reviews from over 100 businesses reporting improved efficiency and revenue growth."

Example #2: "Join our expanding network of over 1,000 satisfied business partners who have excelled by leveraging our superior logistics solution."

Pro tip: Use real reviews and testimonials from your partners. Highlight any press coverage, awards, or endorsements you've received. This enhances trust and credibility. Remember, nothing sells a product better to a business than the proof of its success with other businesses!

Remember, killer product descriptions demand careful crafting and polishing.

With these strategies, you're well on your way to creating product descriptions that sell products and build a brand story!

How to write product descriptions using AI - Writesonic?

Crafting top-notch product descriptions that woo B2B clients might seem like a Herculean task. But don’t worry! Writesonic is the best AI-powered companion for crafting product descriptions that are not just words but bridges connecting your product to its ideal customer.

Here’s how you can use Product Description Generator to create irresistibly engaging product descriptions:

Step 1: Log in to your Writesonic account and go to the dashboard.

How to write a product description using AI - Writesonic? - How To Write a Product Description
How to write a product description using AI - Writesonic?

Step 2: Select the product description generator. This will redirect you to the product description generator page.

How to write a product description using AI - Writesonic? - How To Write a Product Description
How to write a product description using AI - Writesonic?

Step 3: Enter all the details, such as the product name, characteristics, tone of voice, keywords, language, word limit, and more.

How to write a product description using AI - Writesonic? - How To Write a Product Description
How to write a product description using AI - Writesonic?

Step 4: Finally, hit ‘Generate.’ Voila! You have a well-crafted product description.

How to write a product description using AI - Writesonic? - How To Write a Product Description
How to write a product description using AI - Writesonic?

You can also make further improvements once you insert the generated description in the Sonic Editor. It's an AI-powered editor. In Sonic Editor, you can use 80+ mind-blowing AI templates to level up your writing process. Moreover, it allows you to check plagiarism, add images, and do many more things.

Ready to generate captivating product descriptions and boost your revenue using the free AI writer?

Check out the top 8 AI writing tools that can help you level up your content game and skyrocket your sales.

Pro tip: If you’re an online store looking to generate ecommerce product descriptions in bulk, try the ‘Bulk Generate’ feature. Learn more about how to generate content in bulk.

Moreover, if you’re looking for an ecommerce product description template customized to your business needs, contact our support team. Writesonic can help you create a customized product description generator for your business that can help you generate product descriptions aligning with your brand with a click.
If you are a B2B owner, check out these 7 B2B AI tools to grow your business in 2023.

3 best product description examples

Crafting product descriptions that strike the perfect balance between informative and persuasive can be a fine art. To inspire you and spark your creativity, let's look at three sterling examples of product descriptions done right. These brands have mastered the balance, capturing attention and compelling action with just a few well-chosen words.

1. Hermes

Product Description Example - How to write a product description
Product Description Example

What makes it great:

Hermès is renowned for luxury and sophistication, and their approach to describing the H24 Herbes Vives Eau de Parfum follows suit, but with just as compelling simplicity.

Hermes Paris keeps it simple yet effective, showcasing how even a high-end perfume can be described in straightforward terms that everyone understands and appreciates.

Key elements:

Clear, concise language: There's no fluff here. Every word is chosen to conjure an image or convey a specific feeling associated with the fragrance, making it easy for the customer to imagine the scent.

Focus on experience: Rather than bogging down the reader with jargon or overly technical descriptions of the scent notes, Hermès focuses on the experience of wearing the fragrance. They talk about the freshness, vitality, and the modern man's essence.

Emotion and imagery: Even with simpler language, they effectively use emotional appeal and imagery. It helps make the product stand out and appeal to the reader's desire for uniqueness and character.

Why it works:

This product description from Hermès Paris works because it speaks directly to the customer's aspirations. It makes the fragrance sound appealing as a scent and an essential accessory to the modern man's lifestyle. By keeping the language simple yet vivid, Hermès ensures that the product is both accessible and desirable, proving that sometimes, less really is more.

2. Casper

Product Description Example - How to write a product description
Product Description Example

What makes this description compelling:

Casper, a brand that has reinvented sleep comfort with its innovative products, presents The Humidity Fighting Duvet with an undeniably effective approach. Using clear, persuasive language, they manage to elevate a seemingly mundane item like a duvet into a must-have sleep accessory.

Key elements:

Straightforward descriptors: Casper utilizes direct and easy-to-understand language, ensuring that every customer, regardless of their familiarity with bedding technology, can grasp the benefits.

Benefits-focused: This description focuses on the product's core advantage - its unique ability to combat humidity for a more comfortable sleep. It emphasizes how this feature directly impacts the user's well-being.

Engaging and relatable: By highlighting a common problem (discomfort due to humidity), Casper makes the product relevant and appealing to a broad audience, encouraging them to imagine a more comfortable sleep experience.

Why it’s effective:

Casper's product description for the Humidity Fighting Duvet is a hit because it directly addresses a common concern with a straightforward solution. It refrains from overcomplicating the message, making it widely accessible and immediately understandable. By focusing on the tangible benefits that resonate with anyone’s desire for a good night's sleep, Casper successfully communicates the value of this duvet, making it a compelling choice for customers. This shows the power of clarity and relatability in product descriptions.

3. Revlon

Product Description Example - How to write a product description
Product Description Example

What makes this description shine:

Revlon, a beacon in the beauty industry, introduces the Illuminance™ Serum Tint with a straightforward yet captivating narrative. This description artfully communicates the essence of the product - a harmonious blend of skincare and makeup, aimed at enhancing natural beauty with minimal effort.

Key Elements:

Clear, benefit-driven language: The description uses concise language to focus on the product benefits - hydration, glow, and sheer coverage, making it instantly appealing to the reader.

Relatable and aspirational: By addressing common skin concerns and desires (a a soft, satin finish), Revlon makes the Serum Tint relatable. At the same time, it positions the product as the solution, creating an aspirational desire.

Accessibility: Without diving into heavy jargon or technical details, the product features are presented in an easy-to-understand manner. This ensures the message is accessible to a broad audience, from makeup begginers to enthusiasts.

Why it’s effective:

Revlon’s description of the Illuminance™ Serum Tint is a winner because it delivers a clear, enticing message that resonates with consumers looking for dual-purpose beauty products. It successfully marries the appeal of a skincare product with the aesthetic benefit of makeup, positioning it as a versatile, must-have item in a beauty routine. By emphasizing ease of use and the promise of natural, healthy-looking skin, Revlon speaks directly to the desires of modern consumers, making the Serum Tint a standout choice. This product description exemplifies how to effectively use straightforward language and focused benefits to captivate and convince potential buyers.

A simple ecommerce product description template

Use this detailed product description template as your guideline to craft compelling descriptions that keep your clients engaged and curious.

Here's a straightforward and efficient template that’ll make writing compelling ecommerce product descriptions easy, ensuring your offerings stand out and engage your potential buyers. You can personalize it to your brand's tone and style.

Ecommerce Product Description Template:

1. Hook Line: Start with an engaging opening sentence that captures attention. Think about what makes your product unique or how it makes life better or simpler for the user.

Example: "Transform your mornings into a blissful start with our artisan coffee brewer."

2. Key Features: Bullet-point the top 3-5 features of your product. Focus on the benefits each feature brings to the user rather than just listing technical specs.


  • "Innovative brewing technology – enjoy a perfect cup in just 2 minutes."
  • "Compact design – fits perfectly in any kitchen size."
  • "Eco-friendly – made from 100% recyclable materials."

3. Emotional Connect: Write a sentence or two that connects the product to the user's desires, needs, or emotions. Show them how your product fits into their life or solves a specific problem.

Example: "Imagine the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling your home, turning each morning into a mini-retreat."

4. Social Proof/Testimonials: Include a short customer testimonial or any awards or recognition your product has received. This builds trust and credibility.

Example: "Don't just take our word for it – our coffee brewer was voted #1 by HomeBrew Lovers Magazine for its unmatched quality and convenience.

5. Call to Action (CTA): End with a compelling CTA that encourages the customer to take the next step, be it to buy, learn more, or contact you for more details. Check for some amazing call-to-action examples here.

Example: "Ready to upgrade your morning routine? Add to cart now and start enjoying the perfect cup."

Remember: This template can act as your starting point. Feel free to adjust and tweak it to match your brand’s voice and the unique qualities of your product. The goal is to make each product shine in its own light, telling its story in a way that resonates with and excites your customers.

Utilizing this simple template will streamline the process of writing product descriptions. It will ensure consistency across your catalog while leaving enough flexibility to highlight what makes each product special.

Let your product descriptions be the bridge that connects your customers to their next best purchase.

Time to 10x your conversion rates with Writesonic

Harnessing the power of persuasive product descriptions can significantly influence your sales and customer engagement. From understanding your audience and highlighting benefits to maintaining a consistent tone and using power words, every aspect plays a pivotal role in compelling the potential customer to hit that 'buy now' button.

And with marketing AI tools like Writesonic, you can turn this seemingly daunting task into a breeze. So, let your words work their magic, amp up your product charm, and watch your sales soar! Writesonic - your partner in writing product descriptions that truly sell! 🚀

Time to turn those browsers into buyers and 'add to cart' into 'buy now'. Happy Selling!💰

Pragati Gupta

Pragati Gupta is a Content Marketer @Writesonic, specializing in AI, SEO, and strategic B2B writing. Leveraging the power of Generative AI, she produces high-impact content that drives superior ROI.

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