What is AI-Generated Content? | Pros, Cons, and Free Checker

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AI-generated content is a friend, not a foe – but that doesn’t mean it is without flaws.

It is a technology shaping the world, job roles, and how businesses conduct themselves online. In 2028, the Gerative AI market is expected to reach $51.8 billion. Therefore, you can't escape it.

Whether you are a marketer, business owner, or writer, understanding generative AI, the pros and cons of AI, and how best to use it for content creation will give you a competitive edge.

In this blog, we will discuss all of these points and more.

Table Of Contents

What is AI-generated content?

AI-generated content involves using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing techniques through AI content tools to create long-form content such as blogs, articles, landing pages, and marketing collaterals, as well as short-form content such as ad copy, product descriptions, social media captions, and more.

AI content generators learn from existing datasets to produce grammatically correct and coherent text-based output. These are created by providing prompts as inputs.

It has revolutionized content marketing by providing quick and cost-effective solutions for businesses. This technology streamlines content production processes by enabling automation. However, while AI tools like ChatGPT have gained popularity, they are just one facet of the broader AI content landscape, which includes various AI writing tools catering to different content creation needs.

How does AI-generated content work?

AI content operates through a user-provided prompt. It can be in a text format, or voice commands with the relevant topic and keywords. Once a prompt is given, the AI system scours the internet or existing datasets, gathering information from various sources like articles and forum discussions.

Its foundation lies in robust natural language processing (NLP) techniques. This involves training machine learning algorithms from diverse sources, honing the AI writer's understanding of language intricacies like grammar, syntax, and word usage. AI content generators can predict and generate content that aligns with the input's style and tone.

While AI content generation tools are becoming mainstream in modern business, it's crucial to recognize their efficiency while acknowledging their divergence from human-generated content.

That’s why we are breaking down the pros and cons of AI in this blog. To understand how it impacts the marketing world.

Pros of AI-generated content

The primary purpose of AI content creation tools is to equip humans with tools that enhance productivity. Therefore, when you learn how to write along with them, you unlock vast potential for your skills and business.

The key to doing this well is establishing a collaborative relationship between human creativity and AI's capabilities, where AI amplifies human expression.

Here are the pros of AI:

1. AI content generation elevates productivity and saves time

Enhancing productivity and streamlining operations has always been the main selling point of AI. AI tools give back 12.5 hours per week to marketing teams. This means it gives almost 25-26 additional hours in a year. These are valuable hours that teams can use for more useful tasks.

AI has transformed from a concept to a cornerstone in business, reshaping content creation with precision and efficiency. Today, AI's scope spans wide – from generating content and ideas to simplifying complex technical tasks, it can do it all.

AI content generation tools can:

  • Draft compelling social media posts and ad copy
  • Write a blog post outline
  • Craft articles
  • Generate landing pages
  • Guide webinar promotion and distribution
  • Curate sales enablement content
  • Create SEO-optimised content

This adaptability accelerates content output that would’ve otherwise taken hours and days. It helps businesses streamline workflows by automating labor-intensive tasks like researching, drafting, and proofing.

The result? Reduced labor costs and optimized operations.

Looking for AI tools that can enhance your productivity? Read our blog about the 10 creation tools for productivity!

2. AI-powered skill enhancement for elevating writers and marketers

Integrating content generators into the writing and content marketing process doesn't just mark a trend – it's also boosting skills.

Writers and marketers have varying strengths and weaknesses. However, with the help of AI content creation tools, they can hone their strengths while using AI's help to overcome their weakness.

Maybe a writer is great with storytelling for brands, but they don’t enjoy the research process. Or they are good with blog writing, but their blog introduction isn't engaging enough.

Or maybe they aren’t good at self-editing to create concise articles.

Whatever the case, AI can be a writer’s partner in creating content.

Want to learn how to write a blog with better introductions using AI? Read our blog to learn more.

3. AI helps you overcome writer’s block and streamlines the content creation process

Writer's block leaves writers grappling with the frustration of a blank page. No one expects this; however, it happens all too often.

In the content creation industry, producing effective content consistently is the currency of success. Therefore overcoming this hurdle of writer's block is mandatory.

An AI content generator offers various tools and techniques to spark creativity and accelerate content development by:

  • Creating detailed outlines to help you write blogs
  • Providing critical points tailored to each topic
  • Collating research insights so that you don't have to
  • Generating topic ideas to start the content-writing process
  • Creating the first draft of a blog post to give a foundation to write
Chatsonic is an AI content generator that can help you create content of all formats.

In the example below, we asked Chatsonic, the AI generative tool of Writesonic, to develop ideas for content trends in 2023.

Chatsonic prompt
Chatsonic prompt

And within seconds, we had a list of ideas that could be easily incorporated into upcoming blogs relevant to this topic.

Chatsonic response
Chatsonic response

Yes, it's just that simple to use an AI tool!

4. AI helps with research

AI's emergence as a research ally makes it an indispensable tool to streamline the traditionally laborious process.

While AI might not independently conduct intricate research studies, it summarizes and analyzes existing data. This is useful, especially while creating long-form content.

Additionally, it offers the convenience of feeding AI with customer interviews, qualitative studies, and research materials to distill these intricate pieces into concise key takeaways and executive statements.

This transformation frees up valuable time and reveals insights from complex data you might have overlooked!

However, while discussing the pros and cons of AI, it is essential to note that the writers must derive the data's accuracy and completeness.

Here is a simple example of using AI in research from our AI content generation tool, Chatsonic.

Chatsonic example
Chatsonic example 
Read how different AI tools can help you with research in our blog which addresses tools like ChatGPT for research

5. Brainstorming with AI content generator

AI isn't just a tool; it's an AI writing assistant and creative partner for modern content creators. It plays a crucial role in brainstorming due to its vast capabilities to access content from anywhere on the internet.

AI's role in brainstorming goes beyond generating ideas. It helps explore different perspectives, breaks creative barriers, and fosters innovative viewpoints.

It also helps you brainstorm content elements such as:

This collaboration between human creativity and AI's analytical prowess results in original and compelling content that captures attention and engages audiences.

6. AI can create multi-lingual content

Content creation must go beyond language barriers to succeed in global businesses. An AI writing assistant equips content creators with the ability to navigate linguistic diversity as it can be trained in multiple languages.

In the context of global outreach, AI's multilingual capabilities offer more than just translation. It can adapt content to capture the nuances and idiosyncrasies of different languages. This enhances engagement and fosters a more profound connection with international audiences.

As businesses venture into new territories, AI ensures the message remains clear and impactful across linguistic boundaries.

Writesonic can help you create content in over 24+ languages - enabling you to foster genuine connections with customers across the globe.

Writesonic can produce content in 24+ languages
Read more about what are multilingual chatbots and how you can use them to help your business scale globally.

7. AI content writing tools help enhance SEO and content optimization

AI writing tools don't just help you create content; they help you optimize it as well for more visibility across search engines.

An AI content creation tool can:

  • Analyze keywords to improve organic traffic
  • Suggest meta tags and meta descriptions to relevant search engine rankings
  • Predict trends to produce timely, engaging content that resonates with the target audience.
  • Fine-tune content to search intents to improve search engine rankings

An AI writer can also assist in content gap analysis. By identifying information shortages, creators can fill gaps, enrich the user experience, and boost website authority.

8.  AI tools make content generation cost-effective

AI content creation tools are cost-efficient solutions for content creation. Here is how it helps you save costs:

  • Creates content at a rapid pace, making the content creation process more efficient
  • Creates more content in less amount of time which would reduce the per-hour charges as opposed to working with human writers
  • Automates tasks that would otherwise need multiple tools
  • Saves costs on multiple SEO, grammar checking, and paraphrasing tools
  • Scales the content creation process without scaling the number of writers
  • Reduces the number of revisions at lesser prices and time
  • Creates multilingual content without hiring more people

Although, while evaluating the pros and cons of AI-generated content, it is essential to note that while these tools help save costs, the intention is not to produce content without the intervention of a writer.

Content writers and experts must always be a part of this process.

Writesonic will help you further save more costs by providing the best in industry pricing plans. At just $16 per month, you can use our content creation tools with unlimited words. You can try out the free trial and explore the product yourself!
Writesonic pricing for unlimited plan
Writesonic pricing for an unlimited plan

9. Reduces the risk of grammatical errors

AI plays a pivotal role in crafting error-free content. An AI content generator scans text to eliminate grammatical errors and ensures the content is error-free with linguistic precision. This not only ensures grammatical finesse but also maintains the integrity of the message.

A typo or poorly written content can undermine the quality of your content. Use AI prompts to help you create to overcome such issues. 

You can use this as a prompt to create error-free content:
Please correct and improve the grammar and overall quality of the following sentence while applying other writing hygiene and best practices to enhance it further.

Sentence: {sentence}

Error-free AI content on Chatsonic
Error-free AI content on Chatsonic

AI's attention to detail extends to style and tone consistency, enhancing the overall reading experience and reinforcing brand identity.

Here is a prompt example:
Please revise the sentence to make it more engaging while maintaining its suitability for a B2B audience. The revised sentence should capture the attention of B2B professionals and effectively convey the intended message in a compelling manner: {Content}

Change of tone with Chatsonic
Change of tone with Chatsonic

10. Creates bulk content

AI's ability to rapidly generate bulk content significantly enhances content creation efficiency. Where human writers might create a single piece, AI generates multiple, maintaining quality while amplifying output. This transformation redefines content creation, aligning AI-generated content with the insatiable demands of digital audiences.

AI's bulk content creation extends beyond quantity; it also adapts content for different platforms and formats, ensuring optimization for specific contexts such as social media snippets, product descriptions, and long-form articles.

Bulk content generated with Writesonic
Bulk content generated with Writesonic

11. AI eliminates the burden of repetitive tasks

As content writers, you want to harness your creativity and skills into meaningful tasks and not spend time doing repetitive tasks. An AI content generator can help you outsource such tasks.

AI takes on such content assembly tasks and enables more efficient utilization of human creative energy, resulting in a harmonious collaboration between human creativity and AI efficiency.

AI's role in eliminating repetition extends to content curation and research, sifting through vast information to extract relevant insights that enrich content creation. It can also help you create product descriptions that are the same but different.

In the example below, we asked Chatsonic to create a product description for a blue sweater.

Product descriptions on Chatsonic
Product descriptions on Chatsonic

Now, we asked it to create similar descriptions for more colors.

Product descriptions on Chatsonic
Product descriptions on Chatsonic

Within seconds, you now have a series of descriptions instead of trying to describe the same object in multiple ways.

12. AI tools give you a competitive advantage

AI enhances content creation's competitive edge through multilingual capabilities. This helps businesses transcend cultural boundaries and resonate with diverse audiences. AI's multilingual capabilities can provide a strategic advantage that aligns with the demands of a global digital landscape.

Additionally, with the help of AI's predictive capabilities, you can keep up with market trends and consumer preferences, which are critical in today's fast-paced business world. This technology streamlines content creation and makes it more strategic, enabling you to maintain relevance and effectiveness in a constantly changing environment.

13. Helps gain organic traffic

Creating engaging content is crucial for attracting organic traffic to your website. AI writing can inspire creativity and help you generate content that captures attention and encourages sharing. Additionally, AI in sales enablement content can help you empower the sales team and curate relevant content that brings in the right audience and helps conversion rates.

Here is how AI content creation tools help:

  • Create engaging content that makes readers spend time on your site and interact
  • Reduce bounce rate by making the content interesting
  • Both these help signal search engines that your content is valuable and increase search engine rankings
  • Provide insights on audience engagement patterns to refine content strategy
  • Produce data that show marketing trends and consumer preferences to create content on popular topics
  • Scale content efforts and create helpful content for search engine optimization that brings more organic traffic
  • Build an industry-specific, meaningful content engine that helps position your site as authoritative
  • It shows you what works in your content efforts to build a loyal following

14. Streamlines editing and proofreading

When it comes to creating content, attention to detail is critical. With the help of an AI content generator, you can have an additional layer of scrutiny that picks up on any grammar or style errors that human editors may have missed. This ensures that your content meets high standards and shines with a polished finish.

By teaming up with AI, humans can focus on the bigger picture, while AI tools take on some editing tasks and ensure that each word has a clear and impactful message. This collaborative approach combines precision and creativity to produce exceptional content.

In essence, AI writing brings creativity and a commitment to quality. This combination ensures that your content isn't just attention-grabbing – it's attention-grabbing for all the right reasons.

In the example below, we asked Chatsonic to edit the content that could have been written better. Here is the output!

Chatsonic example
Chatsonic example

Cons of AI-generated content:

AI is great, and we can use all the superlative terms to describe its capabilities. However, the tool is only as valuable as how you use it, which is among the reasons for the drawbacks of AI.

There is room for errors and improvement when AI content creation tools are not used well, and the content is not created with the right intention and due process.

Let’s discuss some of the cons of AI:

1. AI cannot replicate human emotions

While AI has undeniably brought efficiency to content creation, it falls short of capturing the essence of human emotion.  The nuanced connection capabilities of humans evoke emotional engagement and personalization that AI struggles to replicate. The emotional connection readers gravitate toward is often the result of the human touch, an element that AI can't fully emulate. This human touch extends beyond mere data and encompasses the storytelling finesse consistently ranked high in content quality.

Moreover, AI's inability to consistently satisfy audience search intent poses a challenge. While AI can lay the groundwork for content, it can't guarantee the depth and uniqueness that resonates with readers. While AI content generators provide a starting point, the final product requires the finesse of human editing, re-writing, and personalization to stand out and connect with the audience truly.

2. AI needs human assistance

AI-generated content is not complete enough to publish on its own 96% of the time.

The potential of AI content generators is in enhancing productivity rather than replacing human creativity. Human intervention plays a crucial role in refining and enhancing the generated content. The expertise of a skilled writer can bridge the gap between AI-generated text and engaging high-quality content.

Human oversight is essential in curbing the inconsistency and inaccuracy inherent in AI content. As AI writing and editing tools cannot comprehend context and nuances fully, expert writers can proofread, edit, and ensure the accuracy of the content. Therefore, you should use it as a foundation and infuse it with human creativity. Through this process, businesses can maximize the benefits of AI while upholding content quality.

3. Lack of E.A.T

The challenge of AI-generated content extends to its compatibility with Google's quality rater guidelines. The significance of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) in content evaluation raises concerns about AI's ability to meet these criteria. It can potentially lack the credentials and human touch to establish readers' trust and credibility.

Google's evolving stance on such content emphasizes the importance of original, high-quality content that aligns with E-A-T principles. Despite AI's progress, the value of human expertise and a nuanced understanding of context cannot be replicated. This limitation highlights the need for businesses to prioritize human-generated content to ensure compliance with Google's guidelines and create trustworthy, authoritative content.

4. Risk of misinformed content

The disclaimer within ChatGPT itself serves as a reminder of AI's occasional fallibility. AI-generated content may not always be completely accurate, necessitating human oversight. While AI writing tools offer valuable research capabilities, they occasionally make mistakes, emphasizing the necessity of human involvement in ensuring content accuracy.

They also pose the risk of misinformation. Reliance solely on AI may lead to inaccurate information without proper fact-checking and editing. This underscores the importance of human fact-checking and editing to ensure the integrity of the content and prevent the dissemination of false or misleading information.

5. Risk of plagiarism

When it comes to using AI to create content, maintaining originality and avoiding plagiarism can be a real challenge. AI tools often reword what's already out there, meaning your content can feel less than authentic. Additionally, since these tools rely so heavily on algorithms and data analysis, there's always the risk of unintentional plagiarism. To ensure your content is accurate, original, and plagiarism-free, you must be diligent about fact-checking and editing.

6. Needs extensive prompt engineering.

To craft AI content that mirrors brand values and tone, effective, prompt engineering is vital in AI content generators. AI tools often lack clear instructions, adding complexity. Balancing precision and creative freedom when forming prompts is critical; overly specific limits diversity, while vagueness yields irrelevant responses. Maintaining neutrality to avoid biases ensures inclusivity.

Engineers grapple with challenges such as contextually aware prompts, intricate queries, and specific output formats. Navigating these, providing creative guidance, and upholding language nuances and consistency defines the AI content creation process. This demands both linguistic finesse and technical expertise, all refined through iterations.

7. Risk of dependency on technology

The reliance on AI content introduces a degree of vulnerability. The quality and reliability of such content hinge on the technology's performance, introducing an element of uncertainty.

Overdependence on AI may result in a disconnect from human creativity and judgment, potentially diminishing the unique perspectives that human writers bring to content creation.

8. Limited contextual understanding

Most AI content generators have limited contextual understanding. The inability to comprehend nuanced language and cultural references poses challenges in producing contextually relevant content. Without a complete grasp of context, AI content may lack depth, coherence, and relevancy, compromising its ability to effectively convey messages and engage audiences.

The limitations of AI in comprehending nuances and context make human involvement crucial in crafting resonating content. Human writers can infuse emotion, subjective viewpoints, and cultural awareness into content, producing a more impactful and relatable message.

You can infuse more emotion, tone and unique voice into your content through AI content as well. Here are the different types of tone and how you can use them!

9. Can cause ethical concerns and bias

AI-generated content can also have ethical implications. AI's lack of conscience and historical context can lead to biased content. Recognizing this, efforts are being made to ensure AI content creation is inclusive and free from harmful biases. Collaborations between human creators and AI technology are essential to balance efficiency and ethical content creation.

Ethical concerns also extend to privacy and intellectual property rights, particularly AI's use of user-generated data for training. The challenge is navigating privacy laws and ensuring the responsible use of content generator tools. Thus, the interplay between AI technology and human oversight is vital to maintain ethical content-creation practices.

10. Low-quality, spammy content can devalue your website in SERP

While AI-generated content offers efficiency, it grapples with inconsistent quality. To maintain search engine rankings, it's essential to prioritize helpful and engaging content that avoids manipulation or spam tactics.

Google's evolving approach to AI content underscores the need for content that aligns with user intent and provides genuine value. Combining AI's efficiency with human review and refinement can help mitigate the risk of low-quality content and its potential impact on search engine rankings.

11. Ownership Concerns

Using user-generated data to train AI models raises concerns about consent and privacy rights, and the release of AI tools like ChatGPT and image generation tools intensifies the need for updated privacy laws and regulations. As the legal landscape develops, businesses must prioritize ethical content creation practices.

12. AI cannot generate your tone, but...

While AI tools offer efficiency, they struggle to capture a specific voice and tone crucial to brand identity. Human intervention ensures that content resonates with the target audience and maintains credibility.

AI platforms like Writesonic are introducing brand voice features that allow businesses to infuse their unique tone into AI-generated content to address this limitation. While AI can provide a foundation, human creativity, and expertise remain essential for refining content and aligning it with brand values.

Writesonic can help you retain your brand voice consistently across all AI content with our Brand Voice tool. Understand it better here

Writesonic can help you figure out your brand voice. Let’s help you navigate through this problem in the later sections of this blog.

13. Risk of poor content quality

Google's guidelines emphasize the significance of human review and editing in ensuring authoritative, informative, and high-quality content. As tools like ChatGPT become more popular, detecting AI content is increasingly crucial. Using this content directly without proper review can lead to potential consequences such as low-quality content, plagiarism, and search engine issues.

How to detect AI-generated content?

Detecting AI content is increasingly crucial as tools like ChatGPT gain popularity.

Why is it essential to check AI content?

Low-quality content and trouble with search engines:

Imagine collaborating with a new freelancer who utilizes ChatGPT or any other AI writer to draft a blog post for organic traffic. But the content delivered is of low quality. While Google doesn't inherently penalize AI content in SERPs, it does penalize content that appears unhelpful, spammy, or robotic. As Google's detection of these signals improves, specialized tools can help identify such content, especially when traffic impact is a concern.

Spread of misinformation:

This rise in AI writing has implications for various domains. For instance, journalism and online publishing amplify the potential for misinformation and fake news as AI can swiftly generate convincing narratives. Similarly, in marketing and advertising, the risk of creating content that appears automated and lacks authenticity threatens to undermine customer trust and engagement.

Free Checker from Writesonic
Free Checker from Writesonic

Overcome the cons by making it humans and AI instead of humans vs. AI

1. Google doesn't penalize AI-generated content, so train your team to use it the right way

Google's advice on using AI writing tools
Google's guidelines on AI content

Incorporating AI into the content creation process can enhance the capabilities of human writers. Rather than viewing AI as a threat, a collaborative partnership between humans and AI can yield remarkable results.

Google's algorithm values it when AI-generated content meets user intent and maintains high quality. It only penalizes the content when the quality is subpar.

Therefore, focusing on maintaining substance and value in the content is essential to ensure the best results. Google penalizes subpar content, regardless of its origin.

Providing proper training to the team to use AI effectively is crucial. With the help of AI, writers can generate ideas, conduct research, and even create long-form content while freeing up time to delve deeper into their research and craft more compelling narratives. This mutually beneficial relationship allows AI to enhance human potential, resulting in impactful content that resonates with audiences.

2. Integrate AI into the Workflow

Harnessing the power of AI content generators can streamline content creation, significantly reducing content generation time and enabling content creators to work more efficiently. Integrating AI content generators directly into workflows, such as browser extensions or content platforms, can significantly reduce content generation time. AI is a creative partner, offering content outlines, grammar checks, keyword research, and SEO optimization options.

However, a comprehensive approach that includes training and onboarding is necessary to utilize AI's capabilities fully. With this approach, teams can produce high-quality content at an unprecedented pace, giving them a competitive edge.

Use tools that let you create unlimited words because your creativity doesn't need a barrier – Read our blog on unlimited AI writer tools to know more!

3. Track Your Outcomes

To measure the performance of AI-powered content creation effectively, it is crucial to evaluate both the time saved per content asset and the success of the resulting content. Furthermore, analyzing the impact of rising search rankings and successful ad variants can provide valuable insights into AI's contribution.

In order to gain a competitive edge, it is essential to stay adaptable and learn from early experiences. Continuous refinement and optimization are necessary to align with objectives and enhance productivity and audience engagement. By embracing the role of a pioneer in AI-driven content creation and staying attuned to AI outcomes, businesses can navigate the dynamic terrain of content creation and stay ahead of the curve.

4. Make the transition to only human to human + AI

By leveraging human creativity and AI-powered technology, companies can save time, improve productivity, and increase audience engagement. The ideal approach is to strike a balance between human and AI contributions. While AI can automate specific tasks, human writers bring their unique perspectives and storytelling abilities to the table.

When working together, they create a robust content ecosystem that can adapt to the ever-changing demands of technology and human expression.

5. Reassure writers that AI is not meant to replace them

Statistics on fear of AI replacing humans 

Amid the integration of AI into content creation, it's vital to dispel concerns and reassure writers that AI is not intended to replace writers and their invaluable contributions. AI is not a threat but a powerful ally that amplifies human creativity. Writers possess a unique ability to infuse content with emotions, context, and empathy that AI, for all its capabilities, cannot replicate. The marriage of human creativity with AI efficiency leads to extraordinary outcomes.

A writer's expertise and authentic voice remain the cornerstone of impactful storytelling, while AI handles repetitive tasks, accelerates research, and enhances content optimization. By relieving writers of mundane chores, AI enables them to focus on what truly matters – crafting compelling narratives, forging connections, and resonating deeply with audiences. It's a symbiotic relationship where writers and AI collaborate harmoniously, ushering in a new era of content creation that thrives on human ingenuity and technological prowess.

How Writesonic helps you overcome the cons of AI content

To integrate AI into your content team, you must learn how to use the right tools. Writesonic is a user-friendly AI content generation platform with features that will enhance your team’s experience with AI.

Provides relevant data in real-time

Writesonic helps you create content that is accurate and up-to-date. It is inbuilt with the ability to include real-time data from search engines. You don’t have to rely on additional extensions and APIs.

Real-time data on Chatsonic

You don’t have to look for prompts

Looking for prompts, saving endless posts about them, and trying the create the right content can undermine your experience with AI writing. It is supposed to make your life easier, not add complications.

That’s why Chatsonic has a prompt library with many templates that you can use without challenges or extensive engineering.

Prompt library on Chatsonic

Allows you to add emotion and context (brand voice)

Your brand voice is your essence; we don’t want you to lose that with AI-generated content. Here is the process to add your voice using our AI writing tool.

Select the brand voice feature from the Writesonic homepage, and click Get Started.

Writesonic's brand voice homepage

Choose the option you want to use to add your content. Here we have chosen to add a link. Now click on Analyze.

Add links for brand voice generation

Once the content is analyzed, Writesonic will tell you the tone of voice of the blog content. Provide it with a relevant name and Create Voice.

Brand voice example

Once you create the voice, it is saved in the library, and you can use the same tone for any article you write.

Brand voice

Create high-quality content

Writesonic cares about providing you with content that is consistently of high quality.

Here are some of the measures.

  1. Creates plagiarism-free content by learning from high-quality content. It is mentioned promptly in our help section as well.
Plagiarism-free content on Writesonic

It has multiple article content generators, each with benefits to help writers excel with AI writing.

Create content using Writesonic 

Click on Article Writer 5.0 and enter the blog's topic as needed.

Choosing a topic on Article Writer
Choosing a topic on Article Writer

The tool will provide options to select an article from search engine data for reference.

Selecting an article for Article Writer

Once you select the article, you can fill in additional details such as more information, keywords, and brand voice.

Article Writer

Once you click on Generate Article, you can confirm the final details.

Article Writer

And in minutes, you also have a new article with a preselected image.

Blog generated on Article Writer
Blog generated on Article Writer 

Overcome adding new tools to your tech stack with one tool that does it all

AI generation tools are great, but the influx of many tools can cause problems in your tech stack. You might end up with cost overheads, vendor management, and challenges of data management as well.

Therefore to streamline this process, Writesonic has a set of tools that serve various purposes. Articles writers, generative AI, AI chatbot, AI image generation, and more in just one tool.

Use Writesonic AI content detector to ensure originality and relevance in your content

Writesonic's AI content detector leverages advanced technologies and algorithms to detect the AI-generated content via models like ChatGPT, Bard, and more. This helps to ensure that the contnet you publish is authentic and relevant.

Writesonic AI content detector - AI generated content
Writesonic AI content detector 
If you are looking for more options, check out 7 best AI detectors that you can try out in 2023.

Stay ahead by using AI content the right way

Who says AI content creation tool has to be clunky and complicated? AI provides great opportunities for creators to grow and build businesses. The problem is not the tool but rather how a tool is used.

As with any technology, there will always be a period of tweaks to get it right. But, if you keep up with it, you will be on the right track. Pros and cons of AI will depend on the user, and at Writesonic, we always promote using AI-generated content the right way with the right tools.

We believe you will experience the best results when you make it humans and AI, not humans or AI. Start generating content right away!    

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI-generated content?

AI-generated content is text, imagery, audio, or other content types created using artificial intelligence algorithms and technologies. These algorithms can produce content that can mimic human-like creativity and generate diverse forms of media.

What can be generated by AI?

Generative AI can produce a wide range of content, including but not limited to text, images, audio clips, and synthetic data. It can create content for various purposes, such as writing articles, generating visual art, composing music, and more.

How can I generate AI content for free?

You can access AI content generation for free through Writesonic's trial options. Their free trial allows you to generate text of up to 10,000 words at no cost, allowing you to explore the product without requiring a credit card.

Is AI content beneficial for SEO?

The impact of AI content on SEO depends on its quality. When high-quality AI-generated content is carefully edited and refined, it can enhance user experiences and potentially contribute positively to SEO efforts.

Can I publish AI-generated content?

Copyright protection in many jurisdictions, including the United States, typically requires a human author. AI content might not qualify for copyright protection without significant human input or creative effort.

How can I identify AI-generated content?

Detecting AI content can be challenging, especially if it is well-refined. However, emerging tools and technologies like those provided by companies like OpenAI are designed to help identify such content.

Does AI content violate Google Search guidelines?

Using AI or automation appropriately is not against Google's guidelines. However, if AI content is primarily created to manipulate search rankings and violates spam policies, it could be considered a violation. However, your content will thrive on SERP if it meets the user’s search intent and is high quality.

As per the U.S. Copyright Office, AI-generated content, including images, writing, videos, or other forms, typically cannot be copyrighted, as copyright generally requires human authorship.

Preethi Anchan

Content writer and seasoned marketer @Writesonic. I specialize in storytelling with long-form product-led content, converting the language of machines into the language of people.

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