What are GPTs? | Comprehensive Guide To Exploring OpenAI’s Custom ChatGPT

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The landscape of artificial intelligence is constantly evolving, and it all began with the launch of ChatGPT. This marked a significant shift in how humans interact with technology, as ChatGPT was the first conversational AI to offer personalized interactions. It paved the way for more advanced iterations, ultimately leading to the introduction of OpenAI's GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers), a monumental leap forward.

In this blog, we will explore what GPTs are, how they are changing the world of technology, and how you can leverage them!

Table Of Contents

What are GPTs?

Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) are like personalized ChatGPT bots that users can customize for specific domains or tasks.

They serve as personalized ChatGPT-like bots that users can customize for specific tasks or domains. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Personalization: GPTs can be tailored to individual requirements, allowing users to create custom AI solutions for their unique needs.
  2. Training Process: These models undergo pre-training on vast datasets, enabling them to understand language patterns and generate coherent text based on user inputs.
  3. Versatility: GPTs find applications across various scenarios, from casual conversations to intricate support interactions.

Let's consider a scenario where you have a travel website called "ExploreVentures" that provides information on unique travel experiences. A user named Sarah visits your site seeking recommendations for a weekend getaway. She types into your chatbot:

"I'm looking for a cozy weekend escape near the mountains."

Your custom GPT, designed to understand travel preferences and destinations, responds promptly with a personalized suggestion:

"Hi, Sarah! How about a charming weekend retreat in the picturesque town of Evergreen Valley? Nestled amidst the serene mountains, you can enjoy scenic hikes, explore local artisan shops, and unwind in cozy cabins. Check out our 'Mountain Magic' package for a delightful experience. Would you like more details or assistance with anything else?"

This was a simple use case of how a GPT trained on your resources and prompts can help users understand their preferences.

The flexibility of GPTs makes them valuable for users seeking customized AI solutions that match their unique requirements and contexts.

What is the difference between ChatGPT, GPT, and GPTs?

The AI world is constantly evolving; by that, we mean evolving every day. There are so many new terms you must keep up with, and there is a common confusion between the terminologies.

ChatGPT, GPT, and GPTs - what’s the difference between these terms? We break it down for you.


ChatGPT is a service offered by OpenAI that allows users to converse with AI-generated responses, gain insights, and automate tasks. This was the first wave of technological boom that came from OpenAI where users could basically talk to a free AI chatbot about anything. For example, you can ask ChatGPT to solve math problems for you, create a blog outline, or even help you out with coding.

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)

GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is the broader category that encompasses various models like GPT-3 and GPT-4. GPT models are pre-trained on large datasets and can generate human-like text. GPT-3, for example, is a powerful language model capable of a wide range of natural language processing tasks.

GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers)

GPTs refer to the customized versions of ChatGPT that users can create for specific use cases. They allow users to create tailored versions of ChatGPT for specific purposes. GPTs can be customized without coding, making them versatile for various tasks at work or in daily life.

Advantages of GPTs

GPTs offer several advantages that make them a powerful tool in the field of AI:

Personalization without coding

GPTs empower individuals without coding experience to build customized AI chatbots tailored to their specific needs and interests. This accessibility democratizes AI customization and enables a wider range of users to leverage the benefits of advanced AI technologies.

Cognitive flexibility

GPTs exhibit cognitive flexibility, allowing them to adapt to diverse domains and tasks. Whether assisting with language learning, content creation, data analysis, or task automation, GPTs can be trained and fine-tuned to deliver accurate and contextually relevant responses.

Integration options

GPTs can be seamlessly integrated into existing systems and workflows through APIs and plugins. This enables developers to harness the power of GPTs while leveraging external data sources or services, enhancing the capabilities and functionalities of their applications.

Shareability and collaboration

GPTs can be shared with others, whether publicly, privately, or within an organization (although the viewer needs a ChatGPT Plus subscription as well). The upcoming GPT Store will provide a platform for creators to share and monetize their GPT models while fostering a collaborative ecosystem of AI innovation.

What are the applications of creating GPTs?

The applications of GPTs are diverse and can be tailored to various domains and tasks. Here are some examples of how GPTs can be utilized:

  1. Language learning: GPTs can serve as language tutors or conversation partners, providing learners with interactive and contextually relevant language practice. Here is an example of a Language Mentor GPT.
  2. Content creation: GPTs can assist in generating blog posts, articles, social media content, and other forms of written content, helping writers brainstorm ideas, improve tone and style, and enhance grammar. Here is an example with the Hemmingway Editor GPT.
  3. SEO optimization: You can use GPTs to be your assistants in navigating the landscape of search engines to improve your content and rankings constantly. Here is an example of an SEO GPT created by Writersonic!
  4. Data analysis: GPTs can be trained to analyze and visualize data, offering insights and recommendations for data-driven decision-making. Here is an example with Data Analytica.
  5. Task automation: GPTs can automate repetitive tasks, such as document formatting, scheduling, or email management, streamlining workflows and increasing productivity. Here is an Invoice Generator GPT.
  6. Coder: GPTs can also be created to help you specifically with programming. It can also suggest better code and help you learn a new coding language. Here is an example with Coder/Programmer GPT.

These are just a few examples, and the potential applications of GPTs are vast, limited only by users' imagination and specific needs.

We've made an extensive list of the best GPTs for you!

How are companies using GPTs?

Companies are using GPTs to create tailored versions of their products and features. This makes their products more accessible in the form of custom GPTs.

Here are some examples of companies doing it right.

  1. Writesonic: Writesonic has a host of content marketing tools. We used tools and our expertise in the domain to create SEO GPT that help users experience the capabilities of our SEO tools.
  2. Canva: Canva GPT is like an extended arm of Canva’s design capabilities. You can use the tool to create presentations, logos, etc.
  3. DocMaker: Doc Maker GPT uses the capabilities of Doc Maker to create reports, newsletters, format documents, and much more!
  4. Kraftful: Kraftful GPT helps product enthusiasts to have their own personal product coach to streamline product thinking, create launch plans and more.

What do people get wrong about GPTs?

When GPTs released, a lot of users wondered what really is the point of GPTs.

Tweet about GPTs

Is it just ChatGPT with a specified name? Is it just a customized version of ChatGPT with predefined prompts? If yes, what’s the point?

All the points above are exactly the point of GPTs.

GPTs are specific. And that’s their biggest strength. Sure, you can prompt ChatGPT to respond, but then you have to know the right prompts and understand how to obtain the output you want and feed the data you expect from it.

What you had to do earlier:

  • Understand the right prompt to use or find a prompt from OpenAI experts to help you
  • Create custom instructions to ensure your answers presume certain characters, like writing like a copywriter
Custom Instruction on ChatGPT
Custom Instruction on ChatGPT

Custom GPTs solves the ChatGPT problems and gives you specific use cases

Custom GPTs are already structured prompts. These are created using the right prompts by experts to provide the output you would expect. For example, Writesonic’s SEO GPT is backed by SEO tools with all the right prompts to ensure users have a true SEO assistant.


I use one of the starter questions defined by the GPT.


As you can see, obtaining the same result normally through ChatGPT would take me several prompts without being backed by any SEO tool. But with SEO GPT, I can trust the data it gives me. This is the magic of custom GPTs.

Try SEO GPT - your personal SEO assistant!

How to access GPTs?

To access a GPT or create one, you will need a ChatGPT Plus subscription. The subscription starts at $20 per month.

In this subscription plan, OpenAI offers access to the latest and most capable language model, GPT-4 Turbo, and additional features like DALL·E 3 for image generation, web browsing, and the Code Interpreter.

However, if you do not have this subscription and see someone sharing an interesting GPT, you cannot access it unless it is integrated into another website.

How to create GPTs with OpenAI’s GPT Builder?

Creating a GPT is a straightforward process that does not require coding skills. OpenAI's GPT Builder within ChatGPT provides a user-friendly interface to customize your custom GPT.

Here are the steps:

  1. Login to OpenAI’s ChatGPT
  2. Click on Explore and Create a Custom GPT
Create custom GPT
Create custom GPT

How to determine the purpose of the GPT?

The purpose of your GPT could be anything!

Think of a task you’d like to automate without having to enter a prompt every single time. Or think of some resources that you have, like product guides. And you want a GPT that answers all the questions for your product using those guides.

Any of these can be your purpose.

Here is a simple example.

I want to create a GPT that helps me write meta descriptions every time I want to publish a blog, and this has become my purpose!

Create custom GPT
Create custom GPT

Determine the GPT you want to create and explain it to the GPT Builder to customize it

Now that I know what kind of GPT I want to create, I will work with the GPT Builder to create one similarly and customize it.

  1. Choose a name for your GPT
Create custom GPT
Create custom GPT

2. Next, explain your GPT.

Create custom GPT
Create custom GPT

3. Provide the desired conditions for an optimal output.

Create custom GPT
Create custom GPT

When you engage in an interactive conversation with the GPT Builder, you can define the purpose and capabilities of your GPT. This tool provides instructions and extended knowledge and allows you to configure settings to tailor the GPT to your specific requirements.

4. Once you're satisfied with the GPT you created, save the GPT.

Create custom GPT
Create custom GPT

5. Now, you can choose to keep it private or share it publicly.

6. You can edit the GPT anytime to optimize it further based on your requirements.

The GPT Builder allows you to define prompts, upload additional data for contextual understanding, enable custom capabilities, and connect GPTs to third-party applications. The entire process is intuitive and accessible, and it empowers individuals without coding experience to create their own personalized GPT models.

If you want to understand the process in detail, read our blog on creating a custom GPT.

How to test a GPT model?

To test a GPT model, click on the GPT link and experiment with the tool.

Create custom GPT
Create custom GPT

You can get a headstart using the pre-defined starter questions and then ask your own questions to further understand how well it suits your purpose.

How to create GPTs for free?

While custom GPTs became an option on ChatGPT through the subscription plan -- did you know that you can actually create a GPT bot without it?

Botsonic, an AI chatbot platform can help you create your own chatbot for free. So, you don't need a subscription to explore the platform, create a bot, and share it with others.

Here's how you do it.

  1. Sign up to Botsonic
  2. Click on Create a GPT Bot

Once you start creating your bot, you can talk to the GPT bot builder to create a bot exactly how you like it


Here is an example of my conversation with the GPT bot builder, and you can see how seamless it is to create my custom GPT.

It recommended a name.

Understood the description.

And also generated an image already applied to the preview of my bot.

Additionally, the top menu has options for further customizations to add more sources, advanced settings, integration with apps, analytics for the conversations users will have with the bot, and multiple options to share the bot.


This is how my final bot will look. And every detail, including the starter questions, name, and image, is editable as well.

Want to explore Botsonic's GPT Bot Builder further? Sign up to create your custom GPT for free!

How to use GPTs with plugins?

In addition to the built-in capabilities of GPTs, developers can enhance their GPT models by connecting them to plugins. GPT plugins enable the integration of external data sources or services, expanding the functionalities and applications of GPTs.

For example, plugins can connect GPTs to databases, incorporate email automation, or enable e-commerce functionalities. By leveraging plugins, developers can customize their GPT models to suit specific requirements and seamlessly integrate them into existing systems and workflows.

Limitations of GPTs

While GPTs offer significant advantages, it's important to acknowledge their limitations:

  1. Lack of real-world understanding: GPTs generate text based on patterns learned from training data, but they lack true comprehension and real-world understanding. They may produce contextually incorrect or nonsensical responses in certain situations.
  2. Potential for bias and misinformation: GPTs can inadvertently perpetuate biases or generate inaccurate information if the training data contains biased or misleading content. To mitigate these risks, care must be taken to ensure the quality and diversity of training data.
  3. Dependency on training data: GPTs heavily rely on the quality and quantity of training data. Insufficient or biased training data may limit the performance and effectiveness of GPT models.
  4. Ethical considerations: As with any AI technology, ethical considerations must be considered when creating and deploying GPT models. Ensuring privacy, data protection, and adherence to ethical guidelines is crucial to prevent misuse or harm.
  5. Needs ChatGPT Plus subscription: You cannot create a GPT on OpenAI without ChatGPT Plus subscription. Although this is an exclusive feature for enterprise users and subscribers, if you have created a GPT, only others with similar access can use it. To create custom GPTs for free, try Botsonic's GPT Bot Builder
  6. Complex integrations: Integrating your GPTs is not a simple task. You have to generate your OpenAI key and use an OpenAI assistant to integrate it into your website or any other app. So the use of GPTs without it is limited to ChatGPT only.
  7. Lack of analytics: The custom GPTs created on the OpenAI platform do not directly give you analytics. You cannot learn from the conversations or collect leads. It is a chatbot that you created for others to explore. You must integrate it with other apps if you want it to do more.

Users and developers need to be aware of these limitations and apply best practices to maximize the benefits of GPTs while minimizing potential risks.

Upcoming GPT store/GPTs marketplace

OpenAI has recently announced the launch of the GPT Store, an online marketplace where developers and creators can share their GPT models with the world and potentially earn money.

The GPT Store platform will allow verified creators to showcase their GPT models, making them easily searchable and enabling them to gain more visibility and popularity. The platform will also include leaderboards that rank the models based on their popularity and usefulness, encouraging collaboration and innovation within the AI community.

This new marketplace will expand the possibilities of GPT applications and create more opportunities for developers to monetize their creations.

Go ahead and create your own custom GPTs!

GPTs are a groundbreaking advancement in AI that allows for creating customizable and versatile chatbots capable of generating human-like text in response to prompts. This technology can potentially change how we consume information and learn.

By harnessing the power of GPTs, individuals, and developers can access a wide range of applications across various domains. While GPTs have limitations, they offer immense potential for enhancing productivity, creativity, and problem-solving.

Botsonic can help you overcome these limitations by creating a GPT bot tailored to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access GPTs?

To access GPTs, users need a ChatGPT Plus subscription, which provides access to the latest language models, including GPT-4 Turbo and additional features. You can also create and access GPTs using Botsonic’s GPT bot builder.

What are GPTs used for?

GPTs are used for multiple reasons, from enhancing customer support and automating content creation to tailoring conversations to specific needs like creating thumbnail images. With the ability to understand context and generate coherent text, GPTs have become a cornerstone in transforming how businesses interact with users in a natural language manner.

How to build your own GPT?

Building your own GPT involves utilizing tools provided by OpenAI and similar platforms. OpenAI's ChatGPT offers a user-friendly environment for creating custom GPTs without coding. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to ChatGPT.
  2. Navigate to the Explore section.
  3. Click on "Create a GPT."
  4. Input your instructions in the message box.

You can also create a GPT bot using Botsonic’s GPT builder!

Can I create a GPT without a ChatGPT Plus subscription?

No, a ChatGPT Plus subscription is required to create GPTs using the GPT Builder within ChatGPT.

Are GPTs private?

GPTs can be configured as public, private, or accessible, providing flexibility regarding privacy and sharing options.

Can GPTs generate images?

While GPTs are primarily designed to generate text, the latest versions of GPT models, such as GPT-4, have introduced capabilities for processing image inputs alongside text outputs.

What is the GPT Store?

The GPT Store is an upcoming marketplace where creators can share their GPT models publicly, potentially monetize their creations, and foster collaboration within the AI community.

Preethi Anchan

Content writer and seasoned marketer @Writesonic. I specialize in storytelling with long-form product-led content, converting the language of machines into the language of people.

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